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after his wont

  • 1 ἔθω

    A to be accustomed, to be wont: [tense] pres. only in part., κακὰ πόλλ' ἕρδεσκεν ἔθων much ill he wrought after his wont, Il.9.540;

    οὓς παῖδες ἐριδμαίνωσιν ἔθοντες 16.260

    (in these passages some Gramm. expld. ἔθων as, = βλάπτων, φθείρων (and it was so used by Call.Fr. 108), and (in 16.260) ἐρεθίζων, cf. ἔθει· φθείρει, ἐρεθίζει, Hsch., ἐθρίς, ἴθρις): [tense] pf.

    εἴωθα Il.5.766

    , etc., [dialect] Ep. and [dialect] Ion.

    ἔωθα 8.408

    , etc., is used as [tense] pres.; [tense] plpf. εἰώθειν, [dialect] Ion. ἐώθεα, as [tense] impf.; part. εἰωθώς, [dialect] Ion. ἐωθώς, also in Archipp.48, Araros19; [dialect] Dor. [ per.] 3pl. [tense] pf.

    ἐθώκατι Hsch.

    : mostly c. inf., Il.5.766, Hdt.3.31, Th.1.99, etc.: impers., ὡς εἴωθε as is the custom, Ar.Ec. 282;

    ὥσπερ εἰώθει Plu.Sull.9

    , etc.: freq. abs. in part., of persons, accustomed, customary, usual,

    ἡνιόχῳ εἰωθότι Il.5.231

    ; ὑμῖν.. τοῖς εἰώθοσιν who are used [to hear me], S.Ph. 939; οὐκ ἐωθώς praeter morem, Hdt.1.111; of things,

    τὰ ἐωθότα νοήματα Id.3.80


    ἐν τῷ εἰ. τρόπῳ Pl.Ap. 27b

    , etc.: freq. in neut., παρὰ τὸ εἰ. contrary to custom, Th.4.17,55; τὰ εἰ. ordinary things, Ar.Ra.1, Th.2.51, etc.

    Greek-English dictionary (Αγγλικά Ελληνικά-λεξικό) > ἔθω

  • 2 pasar

    1 to pass.
    ¿me pasas la sal? would you pass me the salt?
    Pasaron dos horas Two hours went by.
    Yo paso a María I pass Mary (I overtake Mary)
    Un carro pasa A car goes by
    Me pasó una cuchara He=she passed me a spoon (She passed a spoon to me)
    Por fin pasé! I passed at last!
    2 to cross.
    pasar la calle to cross the road
    pasé el río a nado I swam across the river
    3 to go through.
    pasar un semáforo en rojo to go through a red light
    4 to pass, to go.
    pasó por mi lado he passed by my side
    el autobús pasa por mi casa the bus goes past o passes in front of my house
    el Manzanares pasa por Madrid the Manzanares goes o passes through Madrid
    he pasado por tu calle I went down your street
    pasar de… a… to go o pass from… to…
    pasar de largo to go by
    5 to go/come in.
    pasen por aquí, por favor come this way, please
    ¡pase! come in!
    6 to go.
    por ahí no pasa it won't go through there
    7 to go by.
    pasaron tres meses three months went by
    8 to go through, to experience.
    pasar frío/miedo to be cold/scared
    pasarlo bien to enjoy oneself, to have a good time
    pasarlo mal to have a hard time of it
    Pasé un gran susto I experienced a great scare.
    9 to show in (llevar adentro).
    el criado nos pasó al salón the butler showed us into the living room
    10 to show (Cine).
    11 to spend (time).
    pasó dos años en Roma he spent two years in Rome
    ¿dónde vas a pasar las vacaciones? where are you going on holiday?, where are you going to spend your holidays?
    Yo paso las horas cantando I pass the hours away singing (spend the time...)
    12 to pop in (ir un momento).
    pasaré por mi oficina/por tu casa I'll pop into my office/round to your place
    13 to happen.
    ¿qué pasa aquí? what's going on here?
    ¿qué pasa? what's the matter?
    ¿qué le pasa? what's wrong with him?, what's the matter with him?
    pase lo que pase whatever happens, come what may
    Algo pasó Something happened=came to pass.
    14 to be over.
    ya ha pasado lo peor the worst is over now
    pasó la Navidad Christmas is over
    Pasé muy feliz en la fiesta I was very happy at the party.
    15 to be all right, to be usable.
    puede pasar it'll do
    16 to go away.
    Pasó el mal tiempo the bad weather went away.
    17 to come in, to step in.
    El policía pasó The policeman came in.
    18 to happen to, to occur to.
    Me pasó algo cómico Something funny happened to me..
    19 to keep on, to keep, to carry on.
    Ella pasa bailando todo el tiempo She keeps on dancing all the time.
    20 to skip, to pass.
    Pase ese capítulo Skip that chapter,.
    21 to blow over, to blow itself out, to calm down.
    La tormenta pasó The storm blew over.
    * * *
    1 (ir) to pass, pass by, go
    2 (tiempo) to pass, go by
    ¡cómo pasa el tiempo! doesn't time fly!
    3 (entrar) to come in, go in
    pasa, está abierto come in, it's not locked
    4 (cesar) to pass, cease
    si no se te pasa el dolor, llámame if the pain doesn't go away, call me
    tranquila, que ya ha pasado todo don't worry, it's all over now
    5 (límite) to exceed (de, -)
    6 (ocurrir) to happen
    7 (sufrir) to suffer
    1 (trasladar) to move, transfer
    2 (comunicar, dar) to give
    3 (cruzar) to cross
    4 (alcanzar) to pass, reach
    pásame la sal, por favor pass me the salt, please
    5 (aventajar) to surpass, be better than
    6 (adelantar) to overtake
    7 (deslizar) to run
    8 (tolerar) to overlook
    esta vez te la paso, pero que no se repita I'll overlook it this time, but don't let it happen again
    9 (aprobar) to pass
    10 (proyectar) to show
    11 (tiempo - estar) to spend; (- disfrutar, padecer) to have
    1 (desertar) to pass over (a, to)
    2 (pudrirse) to go off
    3 (olvidarse) to forget
    4 (ir) to go by ( por, -), call in ( por, at)
    5 familiar (excederse) to overdo it; (ir demasiado lejos) to go too far (de, -)
    pasar de algo familiar not to be bothered about something
    pasa de todo he couldn't care less about anything, he doesn't give a damn about anything
    pasar de largo to go past
    pasar la página to turn the page
    pasar por to pass for
    pasar por alto to ignore
    pasar por encima de alguien to go over somebody's head
    pasarlo bien to have a good time
    ¿qué pasa? what's the matter?, what's wrong?
    pasar sin to do without
    pasarse de la raya to go too far, overstep the mark
    * * *
    2) pass
    3) come in, enter
    6) give
    7) undergo, suffer
    8) omit
    - pasar por alto
    - pasarlo bien
    - pasarlo mal
    - pasarse
    * * *
    Para las expresiones pasar lista, pasar de moda, pasar desapercibido, pasarse de rosca etc, ver la otra entrada
    1) (=ocurrir)
    a) [suceso] to happen

    ¿qué pasó? — what happened?

    ¿pasa algo? — is anything up?, is anything wrong?, is anything the matter?

    siempre pasa igual {o} lo mismo — it's always the same

    ¿qué pasa? — what's happening?, what's going on?, what's up?; [como saludo] how's things? *

    ¿qué pasa que no entra? — why doesn't she come in?

    ¿qué pasa contigo? — what's up with you?; [como saludo] * how's it going? *

    ¿qué ha pasado con ella? — what's become of her?

    [lo que] pasa es que... — well, you see..., the thing is that...

    pase lo que pase — whatever happens, come what may


    pasarle a algn: nunca me pasa nada — nothing ever happens to me

    siempre me pasa lo mismo, lo pierdo todo — it's always the same, I keep losing things

    tuvo un accidente, pero por suerte no le pasó nada — he had an accident, but fortunately he wasn't hurt

    esto te pasa por no hacerme caso — this is what comes of not listening to me, this wouldn't have happened (to you) if you'd listened to me

    ¿qué te pasa? — what's the matter?

    ¿qué le pasa a ese? — what's the matter with him?

    2) (=cambiar de lugar)
    a) [objeto]

    la foto fue pasando de mano en [mano] — the photo was passed around

    b) [persona] to go
    3) (=entrar)

    ¡pase! — come in!; [cediendo el paso] after you!

    no se puede pasar — you can't go through, you can't go in

    [hacer] pasar a algn — to show sb in

    4) (=transitar)

    ¿a qué hora pasa el cartero? — what time does the postman come?

    ya ha pasado el tren de las cinco(=sin hacer parada) the five o'clock train has already gone by; (=haciendo parada) the five o'clock train has already been and gone

    ¿ha pasado ya el camión de la basura? — have the dustmen been?

    pasar [de largo] — to go {o} pass by

    pasar [por], el autobús pasa por delante de nuestra casa — the bus goes past our house

    5) (=acercarse a)

    tengo que pasar [por] el banco — I've got to go to the bank

    pasaré por la tienda mañana — I'll go {o} pop into the shop tomorrow

    pasar a ({+ infin})
    6) (=cambiar de situación) to go

    pasar a [ser] — to become

    7) (=transcurrir) [tiempo] to pass, go by

    han pasado cuatro años — four years have passed {o} gone by

    el tiempo pasa deprisa — time passes {o} goes so quickly

    ¡cómo pasa el tiempo! — how time flies!

    8) (=acabar) [problema, situación] to be over; [efectos] to wear off
    9) (=aceptarse)

    puede pasar — it's passable, it's OK

    que me llames carroza, pase, pero fascista, no — you can call me an old fuddy-duddy if you like, but not a fascist

    a) (=atravesar, caber) to go through

    el río pasa por la ciudad — the river flows {o} goes through the city

    b) (=depender de) to depend on

    el futuro de la empresa pasa por este acuerdo — the company's future depends on {o} hangs on this agreement

    c) (=ser considerado) to pass as

    [hacerse] pasar por — to pass o.s. off as

    11) [otras formas preposicionales]
    pasar a ({+ infin}) (=empezar) pasar de (=exceder)

    no pasan de 60 los que lo tienen — those who have it do not number more than 60, fewer than 60 people have it

    yo de [ahí] no paso — that's as far as I'm prepared to go

    de [ésta] no pasa — this is the very last time

    de [hoy] no pasa que le escriba — I'll write to him this very day

    pasar sin

    tendrá que pasar sin coche — he'll have to get by {o} manage without a car

    12) (Naipes) to pass
    13) esp Esp
    * (=mostrarse indiferente)

    pasar [de] algo/algn, yo paso de política — I'm not into politics

    paso de ti, chaval — I couldn't care less about you, pal

    1) (=dar, entregar) [gen] to pass; [en una serie] to pass on

    ¿me pasas la sal, por favor? — could you pass (me) the salt, please?

    le pasó el sobre — he handed {o} passed her the envelope

    2) (=traspasar) [+ río, frontera] to cross; [+ límite] to go beyond
    3) (=llevar)
    4) (=hacer atravesar)
    5) (=colar) to strain
    6) (=introducir) [+ moneda falsa] to pass (off); [+ contrabando] to smuggle
    7) (=hacer deslizar)

    pasar la aspiradora por la alfombra — to vacuum the carpet, run the vacuum cleaner over the carpet

    8) (=deslizar) to slip

    le pasó el brazo por los hombros/la cintura — she slipped {o} put her arm around his shoulders/waist

    9) (=contagiar) to give
    10) (=volver) [+ página] to turn
    11) (=escribir)

    pasar algo a [limpio] — to make a neat {o} fair {o} clean copy of sth

    pasar algo a [máquina] — to type sth up

    12) (=tragar) (lit) to swallow; (fig) to bear, stand

    no puedo pasar esta pastilla — I can't swallow this pill, I can't get this pill down

    no puedo pasar a ese hombre — I can't bear {o} stand that man

    13) (=tolerar)
    14) (=aprobar) [+ examen] to pass
    15) (=proyectar) [+ película, programa] to show, screen
    16) (=poner en contacto)

    te paso con Pedro[al mismo teléfono] I'll put you on to Pedro; [a distinto teléfono] I'll put you through to Pedro

    17) (=realizar)

    pasa [consulta] {o} [visita] a unas 700 personas diarias — he sees 700 patients a day

    revista 3)
    18) (=superar)
    19) (Aut) to pass, overtake
    20) (=omitir)

    pasar algo por [alto] — to overlook sth

    21) [+ tiempo] to spend
    pasarlo ({+ adv})

    ¡que lo pases bien! — have a good time!, enjoy yourself!

    22) (=dejar atrás)

    hemos pasado el aniversario — the anniversary has passed, the anniversary is behind us

    ya hemos pasado lo peor — we're over the worst now, the worst is behind us now

    23) (=sufrir)
    24) Cono Sur * (=engañar) to cheat, swindle
    PASAR En expresiones temporales Se traduce por spend cuando pasar tiene un uso transitivo y queremos indicar un período de tiempo concreto, seguido de la actividad que en ese tiempo se desarrolla, o del lugar: Me pasé la tarde escribiendo cartas I spent the evening writing letters Ha pasado toda su vida en el campo He has spent his whole life in the country ► En cambio, cuando se describe la forma en que se pasa el tiempo mediante un adjetivo, se debe emplear en inglés la construcción have + (a) + ((adjetivo)) + ((sustantivo)): Pasamos una tarde entretenida We had a lovely afternoon Pasamos un rato estupendo jugando al squash We had a fantastic time playing squash la expresión pasar el rato se traduce por pass the time: No sé qué hacer para pasar el rato I don't know what to do to pass the time ► Cuando el uso es intransitivo, pasar se traduce por pass {o} go by. A medida que pasaba el tiempo se deprimía cada vez más As time passed o went by, he became more and more depressed Para otros usos y ejemplos ver la entrada
    * * *
    verbo intransitivo
    a) ( ir por un lugar) to come/go past

    no ha pasado ni un taxi — not one taxi has come/gone past

    ¿a qué hora pasa el lechero? — what time does the milkman come?

    pasar de largoto go right o straight past

    es un vuelo directo, no pasa por Miami — it's a direct flight, it doesn't go via Miami

    ¿este autobús pasa por el museo? — does this bus go past the museum?

    ¿el 45 pasa por aquí? — does the number 45 come this way?

    pasaba por aquí y... — I was just passing by o I was in the area and...

    ni me pasó por la imaginación — it didn't even occur to me, it didn't even cross my mind

    pasar POR algo: ¿podríamos pasar por el banco? can we stop off at the bank?; pase usted por caja please go over to the cashier; pasa un día por casa why don't you drop o come by the house sometime?; pasar A + INF: puede pasar a recogerlo mañana you can come and pick it up tomorrow; pasaremos a verlos — we'll call in o drop in and see them

    c) ( atravesar) to cross

    pasar de un lado a otroto go o cross from one side to the other

    d) (caber, entrar)
    a) (transmitirse, transferirse) corona/título to pass

    una tradición que pasa de padres a hijosa tradition that is handed o passed down from generation to generation

    b) ( comunicar)

    te paso con Javier — ( en el mismo teléfono) I'll hand o pass you over to Javier; ( en otro teléfono) I'll put you through to Javier

    pase, por favor — please, do come in

    que pase el siguiente! — next, please!

    no pasarán! — (fr hecha) they shall not pass!

    ¿puedo pasar al baño? — may I use the bathroom please?

    ¿quién quiere pasar al pizarrón? — (AmL) who's going to come up to the blackboard?

    a) (cambiar de estado, actividad, tema)

    pasó del quinto al séptimo lugarshe went o dropped from fifth to seventh place

    ahora pasa a tercera — (Auto) now change into third

    pasando a otra cosa... — anyway, to change the subject...

    pasamos a informar de otras noticias — now, the rest of the news

    b) (Educ) to pass

    ¿pasaste? — did you pass?

    pasar de cursoto get through o pass one's end-of-year exams

    no está perfecto, pero puede pasar — it's not perfect, but it'll do

    pasar DE algo: no pases de 100 don't go over 100; no pasó de un desacuerdo it was nothing more than a disagreement; está muy grave, no creo que pase de hoy he's very ill, I don't think he'll last another day; no pasa de los 30 he's not more than 30; no pasamos de nueve empleados — they're only nine of us working there/here

    pasa por tonto, pero no lo es — he might look stupid, but he isn't

    b) (Esp) ( implicar)
    7) ( transcurrir) tiempo to pass

    pasaban las horas y no llegabathe hours went by o passed and still he didn't come

    8) ( cesar) crisis/mal momento to be over; efecto to wear off; dolor to go away
    9) ( arreglárselas) to manage, get by

    sin electricidad podemos pasarwe can manage o get by without electricity

    10) ( suceder) to happen

    lo que pasa es que... — the thing o the problem is...

    pase lo que pase — whatever happens, come what may

    ¿qué pasó con lo del reloj? — what happened about the watch?

    ...y aquí no ha pasado nada —...and let's just forget the whole thing

    siempre pasa igual or lo mismo — it's always the same

    ¿pasa algo? — is something the matter?

    ¿qué pasa? — what's the matter?, what's up? (colloq)

    hola, Carlos! ¿qué pasa? — (fam) hi, Carlos! how's things o how's it going? (colloq)

    son cosas que pasan — these things happen; (+ me/te/le etc)

    ¿qué te pasa? — what's the matter with you?

    ¿qué te pasó en el ojo? — what happened to your eye?

    ¿qué le pasa a la tele? — what's wrong with the TV?

    por suerte a él no le pasó nada — fortunately, nothing happened to him

    pasar POR algopor crisis/mala racha to go through something

    a) (en naipes, juegos) to pass
    b) (fam) ( rechazando algo)

    ¿vas a tomar postre? - no, yo paso — are you going to have a dessert? - no, I think I'll give it a miss

    paso de salir, estoy muy cansada — I don't feel like going out, I'm very tired (colloq)

    que se las arreglen, yo paso — they can sort it out themselves, it's not my problem

    paso de él — (esp Esp) I don't give a damn o I couldn't care less what he does (colloq)

    pasar vt
    b) ( por la aduana -legalmente) to take through; (- ilegalmente) to smuggle
    2) (exhibir, mostrar) <película/anuncio> to show
    a) (cruzar, atravesar) < frontera> to cross; <pueblo/ciudad> to go through
    b) ( dejar atrás) <edificio/calle> to go past
    c) (adelantar, sobrepasar) to overtake

    pasar A algo — to overtake something, to get past something

    está altísimo, ya pasa a su padre — he's really tall, he's already overtaken his father

    4) <examen/prueba> to pass
    5) <página/hoja> to turn
    6) (fam) ( tolerar)

    a ese tipo no lo pasoI can't stand o take that guy (colloq)

    pasar por alto<falta/error> to overlook, forget about; tema/punto to leave out, omit

    tendré que pasar la cartaI'll have to write o copy the letter out again

    ¿me pasas esto a máquina? — could you type this for me?

    8) (entregar, hacer llegar)

    ¿me pasas el martillo? — can you pass me the hammer?

    9) <gripe/resfriado> to give

    me lo pasó a mí — he gave it to me, he passed it on to me

    a) < tiempo> to spend
    a) (sufrir, padecer) penalidades/desgracias to go through, to suffer

    pasé mucho miedo/frío — I was very frightened/cold


    pasarlo or pasarla bien — to have a good time

    ¿qué tal lo pasaste en la fiesta? — did you have a good time at the party?, did you enjoy the party?

    1) pasarse v pron
    2) ( cambiarse)

    nos pasamos, el banco está más arriba — we've gone too far, the bank isn't as far down as this

    b) (fam) ( excederse) to go too far
    c) (CS fam) ( lucirse)
    a) peras/tomates to go bad, get overripe; carne/pescado to go off, go bad; leche to go off, go sour
    b) (recocerse): arroz/pasta to get overcooked
    a) ( desaparecer) efecto to wear off; dolor to go away; (+ me/te/le etc)

    el año se ha pasado muy rápido — this year has gone very quickly; (+ me/te/le etc)

    6) (+ me/te/le etc)
    a) ( olvidarse)
    7) (enf) ( estar)

    se pasó el domingo durmiendo — he spent the whole of Sunday evening sleeping; ver tb pasar verbo transitivo III 1b y 2b

    8) (enf) (fam) (ir)

    ¿podrías pasarte por el mercado? — could you go down to the market?

    9) (refl)
    * * *
    = hand (over), pass, pass by, pass on, transfer, transmit, turn over + page, hand on, spend, transpire, pass out, turn over, slide over, pass along, get through, can't/couldn't be bothered, go + past, pass down, roll on, pass out, blow over, make + the cut, wear off, hand down.
    Ex. Eventually, teachers should be able to ' hand the chalk over to the students' and take a back seat.
    Ex. Examination reveals positions on the cards where the light passes through all the cards in a stack.
    Ex. The days of needing to change into carpet slippers before going to such an area have thankfully passed by.
    Ex. If ignored, the problems are only passed on to all the users of the catalog: the public, the reference department, the acquisitions department, and naturally the cataloging department.
    Ex. Scope notes, on the order hand, may be present in a thesaurus but are unlikely to be transferred to an index.
    Ex. The system permits the requester to specify up to five potential lending libraries, and the system transmits the requests to these libraries one at a time.
    Ex. Turn over the page and you will find suggested analyses against which you can check your solution.
    Ex. Some experts have expressed grave doubts about the durability of contemporary literary and artistic works on paper and hence the possibility of handing on works of culture to future generations.
    Ex. Any funeral scene in a story inevitably conjures in myself memories of my childhood spent as the son of an undertaker.
    Ex. The 2nd is the fact that most information seeking transpires with little help from librarians, who have consistently failed to establish themselves as primary information professionals.
    Ex. At the Closing Session Danish flags were suddenly produced and passed out among the crowd who began waving them enthusiastically.
    Ex. Then he picked up about 2 cm. of type from the right-hand end of the uppermost line (i.e. the last word or two of the last line) with the thumb and forefinger of his right hand, read it, and dropped the pieces of type one by one into their proper boxes, turning over the old house.
    Ex. He had greeted her courteously, as was his wont, and had inquired if she minded his smoking; she told him to go ahead and slid over an ashtray.
    Ex. If the head of reference services does not pass along the information to the staff the reference librarians, by being uninformed, will undoubtedly not make as good an impression on the important city managers.
    Ex. I think that the so-called average person often exhibits a great deal of heroism in getting through an ordinary day.
    Ex. Consider for example, a teacher who doesn't change his password (ever!) or can't be bothered to log out, all the firewalls and antivirus programs in the world will not protect a school's network.
    Ex. Unfortunately, its conclusions are completely pedestrian, rarely going past the fact that there were old people in England in the late Middle Ages.
    Ex. The knowledge that has been passed down from generation to generation by sentient beings on this planet for aeons and aeons is quite impossible to fully comprehend.
    Ex. But to make matters worse, and as the drought rolls on, it is very likely that it won't rain again until October or November.
    Ex. Put a set of premises into such a device and turn the crank, and it will readily pass out conclusion after conclusion.
    Ex. During the bulk of that time, your liberal leaders grandly sat, waiting for various things to blow over.
    Ex. Naturally, the recruiters whose people were not chosen for the job wanted feedback as to why their candidates did not make the cut.
    Ex. We're all familiar with the idea of novelty value and how it wears off with time.
    Ex. A hunting guide while still in his teens, he learned his woodcraft first hand, absorbing lore handed down to him from his father.
    * a medida que pasaba el tiempo = as time passed (by), as time went by.
    * a medida que pasa el tiempo = as time goes by, as time passes (by).
    * a medida que pasa + Expresión Temporal = as + Expresión Temporal + go by.
    * a medida que + pasar + el año = as the year + wear on.
    * a medida que + pasar + el día = as the day + wear on.
    * ayudar a pasar por = get + Nombre + through.
    * cada día que pasa = each passing day.
    * conforme + pasar + el año = as the year + wear on.
    * conforme + pasar + el día = as the day + wear on.
    * dejar pasar = pass up, forego [forgo], let through.
    * dejar pasar a Alguien = let + Alguien + by.
    * dejar pasar Algo = put + Nombre + behind.
    * dejar pasar una oportunidad = forego + opportunity, miss + opportunity, pass up + opportunity, miss + chance.
    * desde..., pasando por..., hasta... = from..., through..., to....
    * día que pasa = passing day.
    * esa época ya pasó hace tiempo = that time is long past.
    * haber pasado por aquí antes = have been down this road before.
    * hacer a Alguien pasar vergüenza = embarrass.
    * hacer que Alguien las pase canutas = give + Nombre + a run for + Posesivo + money.
    * hacérselas pasar canutas a Alguien = have + Nombre + jump through the hoops.
    * hacérselas pasarlas canutas a Alguien = push + Nombre + to the edge.
    * hacérselas pasar negras a Alguien = have + Nombre + jump through the hoops.
    * hacerse pasar por = masquerade as, impersonate.
    * las cosas no pasan así como así = everything happens for a reason (and a purpose).
    * las cosas no pasan así porque sí = everything happens for a reason (and a purpose).
    * las cosas sólo pasan una vez = lightning never strikes twice.
    * lo que tenga que pasar, que pase = que sera sera, what's meant to be, will be, whatever will be, will be.
    * lugar donde pasar el rato = hang out.
    * no dejar pasar = keep out.
    * no dejar pasar la oportunidad = ride + the wave.
    * no pasar mucho tiempo antes de que + Subjuntivo = be not long before + Indicativo.
    * pasando a = moving on to.
    * pasar a = go on to, move on to, proceed to, shunt into, switch over, switch to, step onto, spill over into.
    * pasar a Alguien lo mismo que a = suffer + the fate of.
    * pasar a Alguien lo que a = suffer + the fate of.
    * pasar a cosas más agradables = on a happier note.
    * pasar a la clandestinidad = go into + hiding.
    * pasar a la era de = move into + the age of.
    * pasar a la historia = history in the making, go down in + history.
    * pasar a la historia como = go down as, go down in + history as, go down in + the history books as, go down in + the annals of history as.
    * pasar a la página + Número = turn to + page + Número.
    * pasar a la posteridad = go down to + posterity.
    * pasar a la posteridad como = go down to + posterity as.
    * pasar Algo a Alguien = turn + Algo + over to + Alguien.
    * pasar algo inesperado = things + take a turn for the unexpected.
    * pasar algún tiempo en = have + a turn at.
    * pasar al olvido = blow over.
    * pasar a los anales de la historia = go down in + history.
    * pasar a los anales de la historia como = go down in + history as, go down in + the history books as, go down in + the annals of history as.
    * pasar al primer plano = take + centre stage.
    * pasar al siguiente año fiscal = roll over.
    * pasar al siguiente nivel = move it up + a gear, take it up + a gear, notch it up + a gear, take it up + a notch, crank it up + a notch, crank it up + a gear, move it up + a notch.
    * pasar a mejor vida = bite + the dust, give up + the ghost.
    * pasar año(s) antes de que = be year(s) before.
    * pasar a ocupar el puesto de Alguien = step into + the shoes of, stand in + Posesivo + shoes.
    * pasar aprietos = feel + the pinch.
    * pasar apuros = struggle, pass through + adversity, have + a thin time, be under strain, bear + hardship, be hard pressed, feel + the pinch, have + a hard time, the wolves + be + at the door, have + a tough time.
    * pasar apuros económicos = lead + a precarious existence.
    * pasar a ser = become, develop into.
    * pasar a ser el centro de atención = come into + focus, take + centre stage.
    * pasar a ser inconcebible = render + inconceivable.
    * pasar a toda velocidad = whiz.
    * pasar a una situación económica más confortable = improve + Posesivo + lot.
    * pasar a vida mejor = lay + Nombre + low.
    * pasar casi rozando = skim.
    * pasar como una bala = whiz.
    * pasar de = get beyond.
    * pasar de... a... = proceed from... to..., move from... to....
    * pasar de... a = switch from... to..., go from... to..., swing between... and..., grow from... into/to.
    * pasar de contrabando = smuggle.
    * pasar de generación en generación = pass down from + generation to generation.
    * pasar de largo = bypass [by-pass].
    * pasar de largo rápidamente = race + past.
    * pasar de moda = drop out of + vogue, go out of + fashion, go out of + favour, go out of + date, go out of + vogue, fall out of + vogue, go out of + style, pass away, obsolesce, drop out of + circulation.
    * pasar desapercibido = be unnoticeable, go + unnoticed, lie + unnoticed, remain + unnoticed, slip by + unnoticed, become + unnoticeable, go + unrecognised, be an invisible fly on the wall, go + unnoted, lie + forgotten, sneak under + the radar.
    * pasar de una persona a otra = pass around.
    * pasar de uno a otro = change back and forth.
    * pasar de un sitio a otro = travel.
    * pasar dificultades = struggle, be under strain, bear + hardship, have + a difficult time, experience + difficult times, pass through + difficult times, face + difficult times.
    * pasar el invierno = winter, overwinter.
    * pasar el mochuelo = pass + the bucket.
    * pasar el muerto = pass + the bucket.
    * pasar el platillo = pass + the bucket (around).
    * pasar el rato = hang out.
    * pasar el rato con = kick + it with.
    * pasar el rato con los amigos = hang out with + Posesivo + friends.
    * pasar el relevo a = hand + the reins over to.
    * pasar el testigo = pass (on) + the torch, pass (on) + the baton.
    * pasar el tiempo = pass + the time, hang around, spend + Posesivo + days, hang about, hang out.
    * pasar el tiempo libre = spend + Posesivo + leisure, spend + Posesivo + leisure time.
    * pasar + Expresión Temporal = elapse + Expresión Temporal, go by + Expresión Temporal.
    * pasar hambre = suffer from + hunger, go + hungry, starve.
    * pasar hojas = page (through), turn + pages, flip + pages.
    * pasar hojas hacia atrás = page + backward.
    * pasar hojas hacia delante = page + forward.
    * pasar inadvertidamente = slip, creep + past, sneak + past.
    * pasar inadvertido = be unnoticeable, escape + notice, go + unnoticed, lie + unnoticed, remain + unnoticed, slip by + unnoticed, become + unnoticeable, go + unrecognised, go + unnoted, sneak under + the radar.
    * pasar la antorcha = hand over + the torch.
    * pasar la luna de miel = honeymoon.
    * pasar la noche = spend + the night, stay overnight.
    * pasar la página = turn over + page.
    * pasar la pantalla = scroll.
    * pasar la pelota = pass + the buck.
    * pasar la prueba = pass + muster.
    * pasarlas canutas = jump through + hoops, have + a devil of a time, be to hell and back.
    * pasarlas negras = jump through + hoops, have + a devil of a time.
    * pasarlas putas = jump through + hoops, be to hell and back.
    * pasar las riendas del poder a = hand + the reins over to.
    * pasar las vacaciones = vacation.
    * pasar llevando = take through.
    * pasarlo a lo grande = have + a ball, have + a whale of a time.
    * pasarlo bien = have + fun, be a great time.
    * pasarlo bomba = be a great time, have + a whale of a time.
    * pasarlo canutas intentando Hacer Algo = have + a heck of a time + trying.
    * pasarlo en grande = have + a ball, have + a whale of a time.
    * pasarlo genial = have + a whale of a time.
    * pasarlo mal = have + a thin time, have + a difficult time, experience + difficult times, pass through + difficult times, face + difficult times.
    * pasarlo muy mal = have + a tough time, have + a hard time.
    * pasarlo pipa = have + a whale of a time.
    * pasar los días = spend + Posesivo + days.
    * pasar miseria = the wolves + be + at the door.
    * pasar mucho tiempo antes de que = be a long time before.
    * pasar + Nombre + a = turn + Nombre + over to.
    * pasar penurias = suffer from + deprivation.
    * pasar poco a poco = slide into.
    * pasar por = cross, pass through, reach down, step through, go by, go through, pass for, pass across, run + Nombre + through + Nombre, make + Posesivo + way through, run through.
    * pasar por alto = bypass [by-pass], gloss over, miss, obviate, overlook, short-circuit [shortcircuit], skip over, leapfrog, pass + Nombre/Pronombre + by, flout, close + the door on, skip.
    * pasar por alto la autoridad de Alguien = go over + Posesivo + head.
    * pasar por alto rápidamente = race + past.
    * pasar por aquí = come by.
    * pasar por delante de = make + Posesivo + way past.
    * pasar por el acoso de = run + the gauntlet of.
    * pasar por el infierno = be to hell and back.
    * pasar por el lado de = make + Posesivo + way past.
    * pasar por encima = pass over.
    * pasar por encima de la cabeza = go over + Posesivo + head.
    * pasar por la mitad de = cut through.
    * pasar por muchas dificultades = be to hell and back.
    * pasar por un período de = go through + a period of.
    * pasar por un proceso de = go through + a process of.
    * pasar privaciones = suffer from + deprivation.
    * pasar rápidamente = run through, sweep by, sweep, flash across.
    * pasar rápidamente a = snap to.
    * pasar rápidamente por encima de = sweep across, swing over.
    * pasar registros a disco = transfer + records + to disc.
    * pasar revista = review.
    * pasarse = come by, drop in, overshoot, step over + the edge, go + overboard, go + too far.
    * pasarse Algo por el culo = not give a shit.
    * pasarse Algo por el forro = flout.
    * pasarse Algo por la entrepierna = not give a shit.
    * pasarse con = act + fresh with.
    * pasar sed = go + thirsty.
    * pasarse de = overstep.
    * pasarse de + Adjetivo = be too + Adjetivo + by half.
    * pasarse de la raya = cross + the line.
    * pasarse del límite = overrun [over-run].
    * pasárselo bien = have + a good time, have + a great time.
    * pasárselo en grande = enjoy + every minute of, love + every minute of it.
    * pasárselo fabuloso = have + a good time, have + a great time, have + a whale of a time.
    * pasárselo la mar de bien = have + a whale of a time, have + a great time.
    * pasárselo pipa = have + a great time.
    * pasarse por = drop by, stop by, mosey.
    * pasar sin = get along without, forego [forgo], do without, live without.
    * pasar sin Alguien = spare + Nombre Personal.
    * pasar sin comodidades = rough it.
    * pasar sin ser visto = sneak + past, sneak through, sneak under + the radar, go + unnoticed.
    * pasar + Tiempo = spend + time, spend + Tiempo.
    * pasar tiempo haciendo Algo = do + stint at.
    * pasar una crisis = face + crisis.
    * pasar una prueba = endure + ordeal, pass + a test, stand up.
    * pasar una prueba de sobra = pass with + flying colours.
    * pasar una tarjeta por un lector electrónico = swipe.
    * pasar un buen rato = disport + Reflexivo.
    * pasar un cuestionario = administer + questionnaire, carry out + questionnaire.
    * pasar un rato = say + hi.
    * pasar zumbando = whiz.
    * pase lo que pase = come what may, come rain or shine, rain or shine, come hell or high water.
    * por pasar el rato = (just) for the fun of (doing) it, (just) for the hell of (doing) it.
    * ¿Qué pasa? = What's up?.
    * que pasaba = passing.
    * que pasa desapercibido = inconspicuous.
    * ¿qué pasa si... ? = what if... ?.
    * que pase lo que tenga que pasar = que sera sera, whatever will be, will be, what's meant to be, will be.
    * quien no malgasta no pasa necesidades = waste not, want not.
    * sin haber pasado por la calandria = uncalendered.
    * ¡tener + que pasar por encima de + Posesivo + cadáver! = over + Posesivo + dead body.
    * tiempo + pasar = time + march on.
    * todavía no ha pasado lo mejor = the best is yet to come.
    * tratar de pasar desapercibido = keep + a low profile, lie + low.
    * tratar de pasar inadvertido = keep + a low profile, lie + low.
    * ver lo que pasa = take it from there/here.
    * * *
    verbo intransitivo
    a) ( ir por un lugar) to come/go past

    no ha pasado ni un taxi — not one taxi has come/gone past

    ¿a qué hora pasa el lechero? — what time does the milkman come?

    pasar de largoto go right o straight past

    es un vuelo directo, no pasa por Miami — it's a direct flight, it doesn't go via Miami

    ¿este autobús pasa por el museo? — does this bus go past the museum?

    ¿el 45 pasa por aquí? — does the number 45 come this way?

    pasaba por aquí y... — I was just passing by o I was in the area and...

    ni me pasó por la imaginación — it didn't even occur to me, it didn't even cross my mind

    pasar POR algo: ¿podríamos pasar por el banco? can we stop off at the bank?; pase usted por caja please go over to the cashier; pasa un día por casa why don't you drop o come by the house sometime?; pasar A + INF: puede pasar a recogerlo mañana you can come and pick it up tomorrow; pasaremos a verlos — we'll call in o drop in and see them

    c) ( atravesar) to cross

    pasar de un lado a otroto go o cross from one side to the other

    d) (caber, entrar)
    a) (transmitirse, transferirse) corona/título to pass

    una tradición que pasa de padres a hijosa tradition that is handed o passed down from generation to generation

    b) ( comunicar)

    te paso con Javier — ( en el mismo teléfono) I'll hand o pass you over to Javier; ( en otro teléfono) I'll put you through to Javier

    pase, por favor — please, do come in

    que pase el siguiente! — next, please!

    no pasarán! — (fr hecha) they shall not pass!

    ¿puedo pasar al baño? — may I use the bathroom please?

    ¿quién quiere pasar al pizarrón? — (AmL) who's going to come up to the blackboard?

    a) (cambiar de estado, actividad, tema)

    pasó del quinto al séptimo lugarshe went o dropped from fifth to seventh place

    ahora pasa a tercera — (Auto) now change into third

    pasando a otra cosa... — anyway, to change the subject...

    pasamos a informar de otras noticias — now, the rest of the news

    b) (Educ) to pass

    ¿pasaste? — did you pass?

    pasar de cursoto get through o pass one's end-of-year exams

    no está perfecto, pero puede pasar — it's not perfect, but it'll do

    pasar DE algo: no pases de 100 don't go over 100; no pasó de un desacuerdo it was nothing more than a disagreement; está muy grave, no creo que pase de hoy he's very ill, I don't think he'll last another day; no pasa de los 30 he's not more than 30; no pasamos de nueve empleados — they're only nine of us working there/here

    pasa por tonto, pero no lo es — he might look stupid, but he isn't

    b) (Esp) ( implicar)
    7) ( transcurrir) tiempo to pass

    pasaban las horas y no llegabathe hours went by o passed and still he didn't come

    8) ( cesar) crisis/mal momento to be over; efecto to wear off; dolor to go away
    9) ( arreglárselas) to manage, get by

    sin electricidad podemos pasarwe can manage o get by without electricity

    10) ( suceder) to happen

    lo que pasa es que... — the thing o the problem is...

    pase lo que pase — whatever happens, come what may

    ¿qué pasó con lo del reloj? — what happened about the watch?

    ...y aquí no ha pasado nada —...and let's just forget the whole thing

    siempre pasa igual or lo mismo — it's always the same

    ¿pasa algo? — is something the matter?

    ¿qué pasa? — what's the matter?, what's up? (colloq)

    hola, Carlos! ¿qué pasa? — (fam) hi, Carlos! how's things o how's it going? (colloq)

    son cosas que pasan — these things happen; (+ me/te/le etc)

    ¿qué te pasa? — what's the matter with you?

    ¿qué te pasó en el ojo? — what happened to your eye?

    ¿qué le pasa a la tele? — what's wrong with the TV?

    por suerte a él no le pasó nada — fortunately, nothing happened to him

    pasar POR algopor crisis/mala racha to go through something

    a) (en naipes, juegos) to pass
    b) (fam) ( rechazando algo)

    ¿vas a tomar postre? - no, yo paso — are you going to have a dessert? - no, I think I'll give it a miss

    paso de salir, estoy muy cansada — I don't feel like going out, I'm very tired (colloq)

    que se las arreglen, yo paso — they can sort it out themselves, it's not my problem

    paso de él — (esp Esp) I don't give a damn o I couldn't care less what he does (colloq)

    pasar vt
    b) ( por la aduana -legalmente) to take through; (- ilegalmente) to smuggle
    2) (exhibir, mostrar) <película/anuncio> to show
    a) (cruzar, atravesar) < frontera> to cross; <pueblo/ciudad> to go through
    b) ( dejar atrás) <edificio/calle> to go past
    c) (adelantar, sobrepasar) to overtake

    pasar A algo — to overtake something, to get past something

    está altísimo, ya pasa a su padre — he's really tall, he's already overtaken his father

    4) <examen/prueba> to pass
    5) <página/hoja> to turn
    6) (fam) ( tolerar)

    a ese tipo no lo pasoI can't stand o take that guy (colloq)

    pasar por alto<falta/error> to overlook, forget about; tema/punto to leave out, omit

    tendré que pasar la cartaI'll have to write o copy the letter out again

    ¿me pasas esto a máquina? — could you type this for me?

    8) (entregar, hacer llegar)

    ¿me pasas el martillo? — can you pass me the hammer?

    9) <gripe/resfriado> to give

    me lo pasó a mí — he gave it to me, he passed it on to me

    a) < tiempo> to spend
    a) (sufrir, padecer) penalidades/desgracias to go through, to suffer

    pasé mucho miedo/frío — I was very frightened/cold


    pasarlo or pasarla bien — to have a good time

    ¿qué tal lo pasaste en la fiesta? — did you have a good time at the party?, did you enjoy the party?

    1) pasarse v pron
    2) ( cambiarse)

    nos pasamos, el banco está más arriba — we've gone too far, the bank isn't as far down as this

    b) (fam) ( excederse) to go too far
    c) (CS fam) ( lucirse)
    a) peras/tomates to go bad, get overripe; carne/pescado to go off, go bad; leche to go off, go sour
    b) (recocerse): arroz/pasta to get overcooked
    a) ( desaparecer) efecto to wear off; dolor to go away; (+ me/te/le etc)

    el año se ha pasado muy rápido — this year has gone very quickly; (+ me/te/le etc)

    6) (+ me/te/le etc)
    a) ( olvidarse)
    7) (enf) ( estar)

    se pasó el domingo durmiendo — he spent the whole of Sunday evening sleeping; ver tb pasar verbo transitivo III 1b y 2b

    8) (enf) (fam) (ir)

    ¿podrías pasarte por el mercado? — could you go down to the market?

    9) (refl)
    * * *
    = hand (over), pass, pass by, pass on, transfer, transmit, turn over + page, hand on, spend, transpire, pass out, turn over, slide over, pass along, get through, can't/couldn't be bothered, go + past, pass down, roll on, pass out, blow over, make + the cut, wear off, hand down.

    Ex: Eventually, teachers should be able to ' hand the chalk over to the students' and take a back seat.

    Ex: Examination reveals positions on the cards where the light passes through all the cards in a stack.
    Ex: The days of needing to change into carpet slippers before going to such an area have thankfully passed by.
    Ex: If ignored, the problems are only passed on to all the users of the catalog: the public, the reference department, the acquisitions department, and naturally the cataloging department.
    Ex: Scope notes, on the order hand, may be present in a thesaurus but are unlikely to be transferred to an index.
    Ex: The system permits the requester to specify up to five potential lending libraries, and the system transmits the requests to these libraries one at a time.
    Ex: Turn over the page and you will find suggested analyses against which you can check your solution.
    Ex: Some experts have expressed grave doubts about the durability of contemporary literary and artistic works on paper and hence the possibility of handing on works of culture to future generations.
    Ex: Any funeral scene in a story inevitably conjures in myself memories of my childhood spent as the son of an undertaker.
    Ex: The 2nd is the fact that most information seeking transpires with little help from librarians, who have consistently failed to establish themselves as primary information professionals.
    Ex: At the Closing Session Danish flags were suddenly produced and passed out among the crowd who began waving them enthusiastically.
    Ex: Then he picked up about 2 cm. of type from the right-hand end of the uppermost line (i.e. the last word or two of the last line) with the thumb and forefinger of his right hand, read it, and dropped the pieces of type one by one into their proper boxes, turning over the old house.
    Ex: He had greeted her courteously, as was his wont, and had inquired if she minded his smoking; she told him to go ahead and slid over an ashtray.
    Ex: If the head of reference services does not pass along the information to the staff the reference librarians, by being uninformed, will undoubtedly not make as good an impression on the important city managers.
    Ex: I think that the so-called average person often exhibits a great deal of heroism in getting through an ordinary day.
    Ex: Consider for example, a teacher who doesn't change his password (ever!) or can't be bothered to log out, all the firewalls and antivirus programs in the world will not protect a school's network.
    Ex: Unfortunately, its conclusions are completely pedestrian, rarely going past the fact that there were old people in England in the late Middle Ages.
    Ex: The knowledge that has been passed down from generation to generation by sentient beings on this planet for aeons and aeons is quite impossible to fully comprehend.
    Ex: But to make matters worse, and as the drought rolls on, it is very likely that it won't rain again until October or November.
    Ex: Put a set of premises into such a device and turn the crank, and it will readily pass out conclusion after conclusion.
    Ex: During the bulk of that time, your liberal leaders grandly sat, waiting for various things to blow over.
    Ex: Naturally, the recruiters whose people were not chosen for the job wanted feedback as to why their candidates did not make the cut.
    Ex: We're all familiar with the idea of novelty value and how it wears off with time.
    Ex: A hunting guide while still in his teens, he learned his woodcraft first hand, absorbing lore handed down to him from his father.
    * a medida que pasaba el tiempo = as time passed (by), as time went by.
    * a medida que pasa el tiempo = as time goes by, as time passes (by).
    * a medida que pasa + Expresión Temporal = as + Expresión Temporal + go by.
    * a medida que + pasar + el año = as the year + wear on.
    * a medida que + pasar + el día = as the day + wear on.
    * ayudar a pasar por = get + Nombre + through.
    * cada día que pasa = each passing day.
    * conforme + pasar + el año = as the year + wear on.
    * conforme + pasar + el día = as the day + wear on.
    * dejar pasar = pass up, forego [forgo], let through.
    * dejar pasar a Alguien = let + Alguien + by.
    * dejar pasar Algo = put + Nombre + behind.
    * dejar pasar una oportunidad = forego + opportunity, miss + opportunity, pass up + opportunity, miss + chance.
    * desde..., pasando por..., hasta... = from..., through..., to....
    * día que pasa = passing day.
    * esa época ya pasó hace tiempo = that time is long past.
    * haber pasado por aquí antes = have been down this road before.
    * hacer a Alguien pasar vergüenza = embarrass.
    * hacer que Alguien las pase canutas = give + Nombre + a run for + Posesivo + money.
    * hacérselas pasar canutas a Alguien = have + Nombre + jump through the hoops.
    * hacérselas pasarlas canutas a Alguien = push + Nombre + to the edge.
    * hacérselas pasar negras a Alguien = have + Nombre + jump through the hoops.
    * hacerse pasar por = masquerade as, impersonate.
    * las cosas no pasan así como así = everything happens for a reason (and a purpose).
    * las cosas no pasan así porque sí = everything happens for a reason (and a purpose).
    * las cosas sólo pasan una vez = lightning never strikes twice.
    * lo que tenga que pasar, que pase = que sera sera, what's meant to be, will be, whatever will be, will be.
    * lugar donde pasar el rato = hang out.
    * no dejar pasar = keep out.
    * no dejar pasar la oportunidad = ride + the wave.
    * no pasar mucho tiempo antes de que + Subjuntivo = be not long before + Indicativo.
    * pasando a = moving on to.
    * pasar a = go on to, move on to, proceed to, shunt into, switch over, switch to, step onto, spill over into.
    * pasar a Alguien lo mismo que a = suffer + the fate of.
    * pasar a Alguien lo que a = suffer + the fate of.
    * pasar a cosas más agradables = on a happier note.
    * pasar a la clandestinidad = go into + hiding.
    * pasar a la era de = move into + the age of.
    * pasar a la historia = history in the making, go down in + history.
    * pasar a la historia como = go down as, go down in + history as, go down in + the history books as, go down in + the annals of history as.
    * pasar a la página + Número = turn to + page + Número.
    * pasar a la posteridad = go down to + posterity.
    * pasar a la posteridad como = go down to + posterity as.
    * pasar Algo a Alguien = turn + Algo + over to + Alguien.
    * pasar algo inesperado = things + take a turn for the unexpected.
    * pasar algún tiempo en = have + a turn at.
    * pasar al olvido = blow over.
    * pasar a los anales de la historia = go down in + history.
    * pasar a los anales de la historia como = go down in + history as, go down in + the history books as, go down in + the annals of history as.
    * pasar al primer plano = take + centre stage.
    * pasar al siguiente año fiscal = roll over.
    * pasar al siguiente nivel = move it up + a gear, take it up + a gear, notch it up + a gear, take it up + a notch, crank it up + a notch, crank it up + a gear, move it up + a notch.
    * pasar a mejor vida = bite + the dust, give up + the ghost.
    * pasar año(s) antes de que = be year(s) before.
    * pasar a ocupar el puesto de Alguien = step into + the shoes of, stand in + Posesivo + shoes.
    * pasar aprietos = feel + the pinch.
    * pasar apuros = struggle, pass through + adversity, have + a thin time, be under strain, bear + hardship, be hard pressed, feel + the pinch, have + a hard time, the wolves + be + at the door, have + a tough time.
    * pasar apuros económicos = lead + a precarious existence.
    * pasar a ser = become, develop into.
    * pasar a ser el centro de atención = come into + focus, take + centre stage.
    * pasar a ser inconcebible = render + inconceivable.
    * pasar a toda velocidad = whiz.
    * pasar a una situación económica más confortable = improve + Posesivo + lot.
    * pasar a vida mejor = lay + Nombre + low.
    * pasar casi rozando = skim.
    * pasar como una bala = whiz.
    * pasar de = get beyond.
    * pasar de... a... = proceed from... to..., move from... to....
    * pasar de... a = switch from... to..., go from... to..., swing between... and..., grow from... into/to.
    * pasar de contrabando = smuggle.
    * pasar de generación en generación = pass down from + generation to generation.
    * pasar de largo = bypass [by-pass].
    * pasar de largo rápidamente = race + past.
    * pasar de moda = drop out of + vogue, go out of + fashion, go out of + favour, go out of + date, go out of + vogue, fall out of + vogue, go out of + style, pass away, obsolesce, drop out of + circulation.
    * pasar desapercibido = be unnoticeable, go + unnoticed, lie + unnoticed, remain + unnoticed, slip by + unnoticed, become + unnoticeable, go + unrecognised, be an invisible fly on the wall, go + unnoted, lie + forgotten, sneak under + the radar.
    * pasar de una persona a otra = pass around.
    * pasar de uno a otro = change back and forth.
    * pasar de un sitio a otro = travel.
    * pasar dificultades = struggle, be under strain, bear + hardship, have + a difficult time, experience + difficult times, pass through + difficult times, face + difficult times.
    * pasar el invierno = winter, overwinter.
    * pasar el mochuelo = pass + the bucket.
    * pasar el muerto = pass + the bucket.
    * pasar el platillo = pass + the bucket (around).
    * pasar el rato = hang out.
    * pasar el rato con = kick + it with.
    * pasar el rato con los amigos = hang out with + Posesivo + friends.
    * pasar el relevo a = hand + the reins over to.
    * pasar el testigo = pass (on) + the torch, pass (on) + the baton.
    * pasar el tiempo = pass + the time, hang around, spend + Posesivo + days, hang about, hang out.
    * pasar el tiempo libre = spend + Posesivo + leisure, spend + Posesivo + leisure time.
    * pasar + Expresión Temporal = elapse + Expresión Temporal, go by + Expresión Temporal.
    * pasar hambre = suffer from + hunger, go + hungry, starve.
    * pasar hojas = page (through), turn + pages, flip + pages.
    * pasar hojas hacia atrás = page + backward.
    * pasar hojas hacia delante = page + forward.
    * pasar inadvertidamente = slip, creep + past, sneak + past.
    * pasar inadvertido = be unnoticeable, escape + notice, go + unnoticed, lie + unnoticed, remain + unnoticed, slip by + unnoticed, become + unnoticeable, go + unrecognised, go + unnoted, sneak under + the radar.
    * pasar la antorcha = hand over + the torch.
    * pasar la luna de miel = honeymoon.
    * pasar la noche = spend + the night, stay overnight.
    * pasar la página = turn over + page.
    * pasar la pantalla = scroll.
    * pasar la pelota = pass + the buck.
    * pasar la prueba = pass + muster.
    * pasarlas canutas = jump through + hoops, have + a devil of a time, be to hell and back.
    * pasarlas negras = jump through + hoops, have + a devil of a time.
    * pasarlas putas = jump through + hoops, be to hell and back.
    * pasar las riendas del poder a = hand + the reins over to.
    * pasar las vacaciones = vacation.
    * pasar llevando = take through.
    * pasarlo a lo grande = have + a ball, have + a whale of a time.
    * pasarlo bien = have + fun, be a great time.
    * pasarlo bomba = be a great time, have + a whale of a time.
    * pasarlo canutas intentando Hacer Algo = have + a heck of a time + trying.
    * pasarlo en grande = have + a ball, have + a whale of a time.
    * pasarlo genial = have + a whale of a time.
    * pasarlo mal = have + a thin time, have + a difficult time, experience + difficult times, pass through + difficult times, face + difficult times.
    * pasarlo muy mal = have + a tough time, have + a hard time.
    * pasarlo pipa = have + a whale of a time.
    * pasar los días = spend + Posesivo + days.
    * pasar miseria = the wolves + be + at the door.
    * pasar mucho tiempo antes de que = be a long time before.
    * pasar + Nombre + a = turn + Nombre + over to.
    * pasar penurias = suffer from + deprivation.
    * pasar poco a poco = slide into.
    * pasar por = cross, pass through, reach down, step through, go by, go through, pass for, pass across, run + Nombre + through + Nombre, make + Posesivo + way through, run through.
    * pasar por alto = bypass [by-pass], gloss over, miss, obviate, overlook, short-circuit [shortcircuit], skip over, leapfrog, pass + Nombre/Pronombre + by, flout, close + the door on, skip.
    * pasar por alto la autoridad de Alguien = go over + Posesivo + head.
    * pasar por alto rápidamente = race + past.
    * pasar por aquí = come by.
    * pasar por delante de = make + Posesivo + way past.
    * pasar por el acoso de = run + the gauntlet of.
    * pasar por el infierno = be to hell and back.
    * pasar por el lado de = make + Posesivo + way past.
    * pasar por encima = pass over.
    * pasar por encima de la cabeza = go over + Posesivo + head.
    * pasar por la mitad de = cut through.
    * pasar por muchas dificultades = be to hell and back.
    * pasar por un período de = go through + a period of.
    * pasar por un proceso de = go through + a process of.
    * pasar privaciones = suffer from + deprivation.
    * pasar rápidamente = run through, sweep by, sweep, flash across.
    * pasar rápidamente a = snap to.
    * pasar rápidamente por encima de = sweep across, swing over.
    * pasar registros a disco = transfer + records + to disc.
    * pasar revista = review.
    * pasarse = come by, drop in, overshoot, step over + the edge, go + overboard, go + too far.
    * pasarse Algo por el culo = not give a shit.
    * pasarse Algo por el forro = flout.
    * pasarse Algo por la entrepierna = not give a shit.
    * pasarse con = act + fresh with.
    * pasar sed = go + thirsty.
    * pasarse de = overstep.
    * pasarse de + Adjetivo = be too + Adjetivo + by half.
    * pasarse de la raya = cross + the line.
    * pasarse del límite = overrun [over-run].
    * pasárselo bien = have + a good time, have + a great time.
    * pasárselo en grande = enjoy + every minute of, love + every minute of it.
    * pasárselo fabuloso = have + a good time, have + a great time, have + a whale of a time.
    * pasárselo la mar de bien = have + a whale of a time, have + a great time.
    * pasárselo pipa = have + a great time.
    * pasarse por = drop by, stop by, mosey.
    * pasar sin = get along without, forego [forgo], do without, live without.
    * pasar sin Alguien = spare + Nombre Personal.
    * pasar sin comodidades = rough it.
    * pasar sin ser visto = sneak + past, sneak through, sneak under + the radar, go + unnoticed.
    * pasar + Tiempo = spend + time, spend + Tiempo.
    * pasar tiempo haciendo Algo = do + stint at.
    * pasar una crisis = face + crisis.
    * pasar una prueba = endure + ordeal, pass + a test, stand up.
    * pasar una prueba de sobra = pass with + flying colours.
    * pasar una tarjeta por un lector electrónico = swipe.
    * pasar un buen rato = disport + Reflexivo.
    * pasar un cuestionario = administer + questionnaire, carry out + questionnaire.
    * pasar un rato = say + hi.
    * pasar zumbando = whiz.
    * pase lo que pase = come what may, come rain or shine, rain or shine, come hell or high water.
    * por pasar el rato = (just) for the fun of (doing) it, (just) for the hell of (doing) it.
    * ¿Qué pasa? = What's up?.
    * que pasaba = passing.
    * que pasa desapercibido = inconspicuous.
    * ¿qué pasa si... ? = what if... ?.
    * que pase lo que tenga que pasar = que sera sera, whatever will be, will be, what's meant to be, will be.
    * quien no malgasta no pasa necesidades = waste not, want not.
    * sin haber pasado por la calandria = uncalendered.
    * ¡tener + que pasar por encima de + Posesivo + cadáver! = over + Posesivo + dead body.
    * tiempo + pasar = time + march on.
    * todavía no ha pasado lo mejor = the best is yet to come.
    * tratar de pasar desapercibido = keep + a low profile, lie + low.
    * tratar de pasar inadvertido = keep + a low profile, lie + low.
    * ver lo que pasa = take it from there/here.

    * * *
    pasar [A1 ]
    ■ pasar (verbo intransitivo)
    1 por un lugar
    2 deteniéndose en un lugar
    3 caber, entrar
    1 transmitirse, transferirse
    2 comunicar
    C entrar
    1 cambiar de estado, actividad, tema
    2 Educación
    3 indicando aceptabilidad
    E exceder un límite
    1 pasar por: ser tenido por
    2 pasar por: implicar
    1 transcurrir
    2 terminar
    B arreglárselas
    Sentido III ocurrir, suceder
    1 en naipes, juegos
    2 rechazando una invitación
    B expresando indiferencia
    ■ pasar (verbo transitivo)
    1 hacer atravesar
    2 pasar por la aduana
    3 hacer recorrer
    B exhibir, mostrar
    1 cruzar, atravesar
    2 adelantar, sobrepasar
    D aprobar: examen
    E dar la vuelta a
    F tolerar, admitir
    G transcribir
    H engañar
    A entregar, hacer llegar
    B contagiar
    A pasar: tiempo, día etc
    1 sufrir, padecer
    2 pasarlo bien/mal
    ■ pasarse (verbo pronominal)
    A cambiarse
    1 ir demasiado lejos
    2 excederse
    3 lucirse
    1 pasarse: comestibles
    2 Cocina
    A desaparecer
    B «tiempo»
    C olvidarse
    A enfático: con idea de continuidad
    B enfático: ir
    C reflexivo
    1 (por un lugar) to come/go past
    no ha pasado ni un taxi not one taxi has come/gone by o come/gone past
    pasó un coche a toda velocidad a car passed at top speed, a car came/went past at top speed, a car shot o sped past
    ¿a qué hora pasa el lechero? what time does the milkman come?
    no aparques aquí, que no pueden pasar otros coches don't park here, other cars won't be able to get past
    no dejan pasar a nadie they're not letting anyone through
    no dejes pasar esta oportunidad don't miss this chance
    pasar de largo to go right o straight past
    el autobús venía completo y pasó de largo the bus was full and didn't stop o went right o straight past without stopping
    pasó de largo sin siquiera saludar she went right o straight past o ( colloq) she sailed past without even saying hello
    pasar POR algo to go THROUGH sth
    al pasar por la aduana when you go through customs
    prefiero no pasar por el centro I'd rather not go through the city center
    el Tajo pasa por Aranjuez the Tagus flows through Aranjuez
    hay un vuelo directo, no hace falta pasar por Miami there's a direct flight so you don't have to go via Miami
    ¿este autobús pasa por el museo? does this bus go past the museum?
    ¿el 45 pasa por aquí? does the number 45 come this way/stop here?
    pasamos justo por delante de su casa we went right past her house
    pasaba por aquí y se me ocurrió hacerte una visita I was just passing by o I was in the area and I thought I'd drop in and see you
    ni me pasó por la imaginación que fuese a hacerlo it didn't even occur to me o it didn't even cross my mind that she would do it
    el país está pasando por momentos difíciles these are difficult times for the country
    ¿podríamos pasar por el supermercado? can we stop off at the supermarket?
    de camino tengo que pasar por la oficina I have to drop in at o stop by the office on the way
    pase usted por caja please go over to the cashier
    pasa un día por casa why don't you drop o come by the house sometime?
    pasar A + INF:
    puede pasar a recogerlo mañana you can come and pick it up tomorrow
    pasaremos a verlos de camino a casa we'll drop by o stop by and see them on the way home, we'll call in o drop in and see them on the way home
    (caber, entrar): no creo que pase por la puerta, es demasiado ancho I don't think it'll go through o I don't think we'll get it through the door, it's too wide
    esta camiseta no me pasa por la cabeza I can't get this T-shirt over my head
    (transmitirse, transferirse): la humedad ha pasado a la habitación de al lado the damp has gone through to the room next door
    el título pasa al hijo mayor the title passes o goes to the eldest son
    la carta ha ido pasando de mano en mano the letter has been passed around (to everyone)
    (comunicar): te paso con Javier (en el mismo teléfono) I'll let you speak to Javier, I'll hand o pass you over to Javier; (en otro teléfono) I'll put you through to Javier
    C (entraracercándose al hablante) to come in; (— alejándose del hablante) to go in
    pasa, no te quedes en la puerta come (on) in, don't stand there in the doorway
    ¿se puede? — pase may I come in? — yes, please do
    ¡que pase el siguiente! next, please!
    ha llegado el señor Díazhágalo pasar Mr Díaz is here — show him in please
    ¡no pasarán! ( fr hecha); they shall not pass!
    pueden pasar al comedor you may go through into the dining room
    ¿puedo pasar al baño? may I use the bathroom please?
    ¿quién quiere pasar al pizarrón? ( AmL); who's going to come up to the blackboard?
    1 (cambiar de estado, actividad, tema) pasar ( DE algo) A algo:
    en poco tiempo ha pasado del anonimato a la fama in a very short space of time she's gone o shot from obscurity to fame
    pasó del quinto al séptimo lugar she went o dropped from fifth to seventh place
    ahora pasa a tercera ( Auto) now change into third
    pasa a la página 98 continued on page 98
    pasando a otra cosa … anyway, to change the subject …
    pasar A + INF:
    el equipo pasa a ocupar el primer puesto the team moves into first place
    pasó a formar parte del equipo en julio she joined the team in July
    más tarde pasó a tratar la cuestión de los impuestos later he went on to deal with the question of taxes
    Daniel ya pasa a tercero Daniel will be starting third grade next semester ( AmE), Daniel will be going into the third year next term ( BrE)
    si pasas de curso te compro una bicicleta if you get through o pass your end-of-year exams, I'll buy you a bicycle
    (indicando aceptabilidad): no está perfecto, pero puede pasar it's not perfect, but it'll do
    por esta vez (que) pase, pero que no se repita I'll let it pass o go this time, but don't let it happen again
    E (exceder un límite) pasar DE algo:
    no pases de 100 don't go over 100
    fue un pequeño desacuerdo pero no pasó de eso it was nothing more than a slight disagreement, we/they had a slight disagreement, but it was nothing more than that
    estuvo muy cortés conmigo pero no pasó de eso he was very polite, but no more
    tengo que escribirle, de hoy no pasa I must write to him today without fail
    está muy grave, no creo que pase de hoy he's very ill, I don't think he'll last another day
    yo diría que no pasa de los 30 I wouldn't say he was more than 30
    al principio no pasábamos de nueve empleados there were only nine of us working there/here at the beginning
    no pasan de ser palabras vacías they are still nothing but empty words o still only empty words
    (ser tenido por): pasa por tonto, pero no lo es he might look stupid, but he isn't
    podrían pasar por hermanas they could pass for sisters
    se hacía pasar por médico he passed himself off as a doctor
    se hizo pasar por mi padre he pretended to be my father
    2 (implicar) to lie in
    la solución pasa por la racionalización de la industria the solution lies in the rationalization of the industry
    A «tiempo»
    (transcurrir): ya han pasado dos horas y aún no ha vuelto it's been two hours now and she still hasn't come back
    ¡cómo pasa el tiempo! doesn't time fly!
    por ti no pasan los años you look as young as ever
    pasaban las horas y no llegaba the hours went by o passed and still he didn't come
    (terminar): menos mal que el invierno ya ha pasado thank goodness winter's over
    ya ha pasado lo peor the worst is over now
    no llores, ya pasó don't cry, it's all right now o it's all over now
    (arreglárselas): ¿compro más o podemos pasar con esto? shall I buy some more or can we get by on o make do with this?
    sin electricidad podemos pasar, pero sin agua no we can manage o do without electricity but not without water
    Sentido III (ocurrir, suceder) to happen
    déjame que te cuente lo que pasó let me tell you what happened
    claro que me gustaría ir, lo que pasa es que estoy cansada of course I'd like to go, only I'm really tired o it's just that I'm really tired
    lo que pasa es que el jueves no voy a estar the thing is o the problem is I won't be here on Thursday
    iré pase lo que pase I'm going whatever happens o come what may
    ¿qué pasó con lo del reloj? what happened about the watch?
    ahora se dan la mano y aquí no ha pasado nada now just shake hands and let's forget the whole thing
    en este pueblo nunca pasa nada nothing ever happens in this town
    siempre pasa igual or lo mismo it's always the same
    ¿qué pasa? ¿por qué estás tan serio? what's up o what's the matter? why are you looking so serious?
    se lo dije yo ¿pasa algo? I told him, what of it o what's it to you? ( colloq), I told him, do you have a problem with that? ( colloq)
    ¡hola, Carlos! ¿qué pasa? ( fam); hi, Carlos! how's things o how's it going? ( colloq)
    no te hagas mala sangre, son cosas que pasan don't get upset about it, these things happen
    (+ me/te/le etc): ¿qué te ha pasado en el ojo? what have you done to your eye?, what's happened to your eye?
    ¿qué le pasará a Ricardo que tiene tan mala cara? I wonder what's up with o what's the matter with Ricardo? he looks terrible ( colloq)
    ¿qué te pasa que estás tan callado? why are you so quiet?
    ¿qué le pasa a la lavadora que no centrifuga? why isn't the washing machine spinning?
    no sé qué me pasa I don't know what's wrong o what's the matter with me
    eso le pasa a cualquiera that can happen to anybody
    el coche quedó destrozado pero a él no le pasó nada the car was wrecked but he escaped unhurt
    1 (en naipes, juegos) to pass
    paso, no tengo tréboles pass o I can't go, I don't have any clubs
    2 ( fam)
    (rechazando una invitación, una oportunidad): tómate otra — no, gracias, esta vez paso have another one — no thanks, I'll skip this one o I'll pass on this round ( colloq)
    ¿vas a tomar postre? — no, yo paso are you going to have a dessert? — no, I think I'll give it a miss o no, I couldn't
    pasar DE algo:
    esta noche paso de salir, estoy muy cansada I don't feel like going out tonight, I'm very tired ( colloq)
    B ( fam)
    (expresando indiferencia): que se las arreglen, yo paso they can sort it out themselves, it's not my problem o I don't want anything to do with it
    pasar DE algo:
    pasa ampliamente de lo que diga la gente she couldn't give a damn about o she couldn't care less what people say ( colloq)
    paso mucho de política I couldn't give a damn about politics ( colloq)
    ( esp Esp): paso de él I don't give a damn what he does/what happens to him ( colloq)
    mis padres pasan de mí my parents couldn't care less what I do/what happens to me
    ■ pasar
    1 (hacer atravesar) pasar algo POR algo:
    pasar la salsa por un tamiz put the sauce through a sieve, sieve the sauce
    pasé la piña por la licuadora I put the pineapple through the blender, I liquidized o blended the pineapple
    pasa el cordón por este agujero thread the shoelace through this hole
    (por la aduana): ¿cuántas botellas de vino se puede pasar? how many bottles of wine are you allowed to take through?
    los pillaron intentando pasar armas they were caught trying to smuggle o bring in arms
    (hacer recorrer): pasé la aspiradora por el cuarto I vacuumed o ( BrE) tb hoovered the room
    ven aquí, que te voy a pasar un peine come here and let me give your hair a quick comb o let me put a comb through your hair
    pásale un trapo al piso give the floor a quick wipe, wipe the floor down
    pasarlo primero por harina first dip it in flour
    a esto hay que pasarle una plancha this needs a quick iron o ( colloq) a quick once-over o run over with the iron
    B (exhibir, mostrar) ‹película/anuncio› to show
    las chicas que pasaron los modelos the girls who modeled the dresses
    1 (cruzar, atravesar) ‹frontera› to cross
    pasaron el río a nado they swam across the river
    esa calle la pasamos hace rato we went past o we passed that street a while back
    ¿ya hemos pasado Flores? have we been through Flores yet?
    2 (adelantar, sobrepasar) to overtake
    a ver si podemos pasar a este camión why don't we overtake o get past o pass this truck?
    está altísimo, ya pasa a su padre he's really tall, he's already overtaken his father
    D (aprobar) ‹examen/prueba› to pass
    E (dar la vuelta a) ‹página/hoja› to turn
    F ( fam)
    (tolerar, admitir): esto no te lo paso I'm not letting you get away with this
    el profesor no te deja pasar ni una the teacher doesn't let you get away with anything
    a ese tipo no lo paso or no lo puedo pasar I can't stand o take that guy ( colloq)
    yo el Roquefort no lo paso I can't stand Roquefort, I hate Roquefort
    no podía pasar aquella sopa grasienta I couldn't stomach o eat that greasy soup
    pasar por alto ‹falta/error› to overlook, forget about; (olvidar, omitir) to forget, leave out, omit, overlook
    (transcribir): tendré que pasar la carta I'll have to write o copy the letter out again
    ¿me pasas esto a máquina? could you type this for me?
    limpio1 adj A 3. (↑ limpio (1))
    H ( AmL) (engañar) to put one over on ( colloq)
    se cree que me va a pasar a mí he thinks he can put one over on me
    (entregar, hacer llegar): cuando termines el libro, pásaselo a Miguel when you finish the book, pass it on to Miguel
    ¿me pasas el martillo? can you pass me the hammer?
    ¿han pasado ya la factura? have they sent the bill yet?, have they billed you/us yet?
    le pasó el balón a Gómez he passed the ball to Gómez
    el padre le pasa una mensualidad she gets a monthly allowance from her father, her father gives her a monthly allowance
    B (contagiar) ‹gripe/resfriado› to give
    se lo pasé a toda la familia I gave it to o passed it on to the whole family
    A ‹tiempo› to spend
    vamos a pasar las Navidades en casa we are going to spend Christmas at home
    fuimos a Toledo a pasar el día we went to Toledo for the day
    (sufrir, padecer): pasaron muchas penalidades they went through o suffered a lot of hardship
    pasé mucho miedo I was very frightened
    ¿pasaste frío anoche? were you cold last night?
    pasamos hambre en la posguerra we went hungry after the war
    está pasando una mala racha he's going through bad times o ( BrE) a bad patch ( colloq)
    no sabes las que pasé yo con ese hombre you've no idea what I went through with that man
    pasarlo or pasarla bien/mal: lo pasa muy mal con los exámenes he gets very nervous o ( colloq) gets in a real state about exams
    ¿qué tal lo pasaste en la fiesta? did you have a good time at the party?, did you enjoy the party?
    Caín, negro1 (↑ negro (1)), pipa, etc
    (cambiarse): pasarse al enemigo/al bando contrario to go over to the enemy/to the other side
    queremos pasarnos a la otra oficina we want to move to the other office
    (ir demasiado lejos): nos hemos pasado, el banco está más arriba we've gone too far, the bank isn't as far down as this
    nos pasamos de estación/parada we missed o went past our station/stop
    2 ( fam) (excederse) to go too far
    esta vez te has pasado you've gone too far this time
    no te pases que no estoy para bromas that's enough o don't push your luck ( colloq), I'm not in the mood for jokes
    se pasaron con los precios they charged exorbitant prices, the prices they charged were way over the top o way out of line ( colloq)
    se pasó con la sal he put too much salt in it, he overdid the salt ( colloq)
    pasarse DE algo:
    se pasó de listo he tried to be too clever ( colloq)
    te pasas de bueno you're too kind for your own good
    (CS fam) (lucirse): ¡te pasaste! esto está riquísimo you've excelled yourself! this is really delicious ( colloq)
    se pasó con ese gol that was a fantastic goal he scored ( colloq)
    1 «peras/tomates» to go bad, get overripe; «carne/pescado» to go off, go bad; «leche» to go off, go sour
    estos plátanos se están pasando these bananas are starting to go bad o to get overripe
    2 ( Cocina):
    se va a pasar el arroz the rice is going to spoil o get overcooked
    no lo dejes pasar de punto don't let it overcook
    Sentido II (+ me/te/le etc)
    (desaparecer): ya se me pasó el dolor the pain's gone o eased now
    espera a que se le pase el enojo wait until he's calmed o cooled down
    hasta que se le pase la fiebre until her temperature goes down
    «tiempo»: sus clases se me pasan volando her classes seem to go so quickly
    se me pasaron las tres horas casi sin enterarme the three hours flew by almost without my realizing
    (olvidarse): lo siento, se me pasó totalmente I'm sorry, I completely forgot o it completely slipped my mind
    se me pasó su cumpleaños I forgot his birthday
    (con idea de continuidad): se pasa meses sin ver a su mujer he goes for months at a time o he goes months without seeing his wife, he doesn't see his wife for months on end
    se pasa hablando por teléfono ( AmL); he's always on the telephone
    me pasé toda la noche estudiando I was up all night studying
    es capaz de pasarse el día entero sin probar bocado he can quite easily go the whole day without having a thing to eat
    pasárselo bien/mal, etc pasar vt Sense III B 2.
    B ( enfático) ( fam)
    (ir): pásate por casa y te la presento come round and I'll introduce you to her ( colloq)
    ¿podrías pasarte por el mercado? could you go down to the market?, could you pop o nip down to the market? ( BrE colloq)
    C ( reflexivo):
    se pasó la mano por el pelo he ran his fingers through his hair
    ni siquiera tuve tiempo de pasarme un peine I didn't even have time to run a comb through my hair o ( BrE) to give my hair a comb
    * * *


    pasar ( conjugate pasar) verbo intransitivo
    a) ( ir por un lugar) to come/go past;

    no ha pasado ni un taxi not one taxi has come/gone past;

    los otros coches no podían pasar the other cars weren't able to get past;
    no dejan pasar a nadie they're not letting anyone through;
    pasar de largo to go right o straight past;
    pasar por la aduana to go through customs;
    es un vuelo directo, no pasa por Miami it's a direct flight, it doesn't go via Miami;
    ¿este autobús pasa por el museo? does this bus go past the museum?;
    pasamos por delante de su casa we went past her house;
    pasaba por aquí y … I was just passing by o I was in the area and …

    ¿podríamos pasar por el banco? can we stop off at the bank?;

    pasa un día por casa why don't you drop o come by the house sometime?;
    puede pasar a recogerlo mañana you can come and pick it up tomorrow

    pasar de un lado a otro [persona/barco] to go o cross from one side to the other;

    [ humedad] to go through from one side to the other
    d) ( caber):

    2 ( entraracercándose al hablante) to come in;
    (— alejándose del hablante) to go in;
    pase, por favor please, do come in;

    ¡que pase el siguiente! next, please!;
    haga pasar al Sr Díaz show Mr Díaz in please
    a) (transmitirse, transferirse) [corona/título] to pass;

    b) ( comunicar):

    te paso con Javier ( en el mismo teléfono) I'll hand o pass you over to Javier;

    ( en otro teléfono) I'll put you through to Javier
    a) (Educ) to pass;

    pasar de curso to get through o pass one's end-of-year exams

    no está perfecto, pero puede pasar it's not perfect, but it'll do;

    por esta vez, (que) pase I'll let it pass o go this time

    ver tb hacerse II 3

    ( suceder) to happen;

    lo que pasa es que… the thing o the problem is …;
    pase lo que pase whatever happens, come what may;
    siempre pasa igual or lo mismo it's always the same;
    ¿qué pasa? what's the matter?, what's up? (colloq);
    ¿qué te pasa? what's the matter with you?;
    ¿qué te pasó en el ojo? what happened to your eye?;
    ¿qué le pasa a la tele? what's wrong with the TV?;
    eso le pasa a cualquiera that can happen to anybody;
    no le pasó nada nothing happened to him
    1 ( transcurrir) [tiempo/años] to pass, go by;
    pasaron muchos años many years went by o passed;

    ya han pasado dos horas it's been two hours now;
    un año pasa muy rápido a year goes very quickly;
    ¡cómo pasa el tiempo! doesn't time fly!
    2 ( cesar) [crisis/mal momento] to be over;
    [ efecto] to wear off;
    [ dolor] to go away
    3 ( arreglárselas) pasar sin algo to manage without sth
    verbo transitivo
    a) (cruzar, atravesar) ‹ frontera to cross;

    pueblo/ciudad to go through
    b) ( dejar atrás) ‹edificio/calle to go past

    c) (adelantar, sobrepasar) to overtake

    a) ( hacer atravesar) pasar algo POR algo to put sth through sth;

    b) (por la aduana —legalmente) to take through;

    (— ilegalmente) to smuggle
    3 ( hacer recorrer):

    pásale un trapo al piso give the floor a quick wipe;
    hay que pasarle una plancha it needs a quick iron
    4 (exhibir, mostrar) ‹película/anuncio to show
    5examen/prueba to pass
    6página/hoja to turn;
    pasar por altofalta/error to overlook;

    tema/punto to leave out, omit
    1 (entregar, hacer llegar):

    ¿me pasas el martillo? can you pass me the hammer?
    2 ( contagiar) to give, to pass on
    a) tiempo to spend;

    fuimos a Toledo a pasar el día we went to Toledo for the day

    pasa todo el día al teléfono she spends all day on the phone
    c) pasarlo or pasarla bien to have a good time;

    ¿qué tal lo pasaste en la fiesta? did you have a good time at the party?, did you enjoy the party?;

    lo pasé mal I didn't enjoy myself
    2 (sufrir, padecer) ‹penalidades/desgracias to go through, to suffer;
    pasé mucho miedo/frío I was very frightened/cold

    pasarse verbo pronominal
    1 ( cambiarse):


    esta vez te has pasado (fam) you've gone too far this time
    b) ( enf) (fam) (ir):

    ¿podrías pasarte por el mercado? could you go down to the market?
    a) [peras/tomates] to go bad, get overripe;

    [carne/pescado] to go off, go bad;
    [ leche] to go off, go sour
    b) (recocerse) [arroz/pasta] to get overcooked


    [ dolor] to go away;
    (+ me/te/le etc)
    ya se me pasó el dolor the pain's gone o eased now;

    espera a que se le pase el enojo wait until he's calmed o cooled down

    ver tb pasar verbo transitivo III 1
    2 (+ me/te/le etc)
    a) ( olvidarse):

    I verbo transitivo
    1 to pass
    2 (trasladar) to move
    3 (dar) to pass, give: no me pasó el recado, he didn't give me the message
    4 (hojas de libro) to turn
    5 (el tiempo, la vida) to spend, pass
    6 (soportar, sufrir) to suffer, endure: está pasando una crisis personal, she's going through a personal crisis
    pasamos sed y calor, we suffered thirst and heat
    7 (río, calle, frontera) to cross
    8 (tragar) to swallow
    9 (tolerar, aguantar) to bear
    10 (introducir) to insert, put through
    11 (un examen, una eliminatoria) to pass
    12 Cine to run, show: este sábado pasan Ben Hur, they're putting Ben Hur on this Saturday
    II verbo intransitivo
    1 to pass: ¿a qué hora pasa el tren?, what time does the train pass?
    Cervantes pasó por aquí, Cervantes passed this way
    ya pasó, it has already passed
    pasar de largo, to go by (without stopping)
    2 (entrar) to come in
    3 (ser tolerable) to be acceptable: no está mal, puede pasar, it isn't bad, it will do
    4 (exceder) to surpass: no pases de los 70 km/h, don't exceed 70 km/h
    5 (a otro asunto) to go on to
    pasar a ser, to become
    6 (tiempo) to pass, go by
    7 (arreglarse, apañarse) pasar sin, to do without: puedo pasar sin coche, I can manage without a car
    8 fam (no tener interés, prescindir) pasa de lo que digan, don't mind what they say
    paso de ir al cine, I'll give the cinema a miss
    9 (suceder) to happen: ¿qué pasa?, what's going on?
    ¿qué le pasa?, what's the matter with him?
    pase lo que pase, whatever happens o come what may
    ♦ Locuciones: pasar algo a limpio, to make a fair copy of sthg
    pasarlo bien/mal, to have a good/difficult time
    pasar por, to put up with: paso por que me digas que estoy gorda, pero no pienso tolerar que me amargues cada comida, I can handle you calling me fat, but I'm not having you ruin every single meal for me
    pasar por alto, to overlook: pasaré por alto esa observación, I'll just ignore that remark
    ' pasar' also found in these entries:
    - ahorrar
    - amarga
    - amargo
    - aro
    - blanca
    - blanco
    - bondad
    - cabalgata
    - cadáver
    - calor
    - cocerse
    - colar
    - desapercibida
    - desapercibido
    - desfilar
    - deslizar
    - entretenerse
    - historia
    - inadvertida
    - inadvertido
    - inri
    - mayor
    - meneo
    - noche
    - penalidad
    - posibilidad
    - privación
    - rato
    - relámpago
    - revista
    - rozar
    - salvar
    - suceder
    - superar
    - suplantar
    - suprimir
    - tamiz
    - tener
    - tesorería
    - tirarse
    - torniquete
    - trago
    - verter
    - vestidura
    - vicaría
    - vida
    - vivir
    - adiós
    - alcanzar
    ask in
    - bootleg
    - bring in
    - brush
    - buck
    - by
    - call
    - clamber
    - clear
    - come
    - come by
    - come on to
    - decide on
    - discount
    - do without
    - drag
    - dread
    - drive-through
    - elapse
    - embarrassment
    - envisage
    - envision
    - fashion
    - fill in
    - fly
    - fore
    - gallop past
    - get by
    - get on to
    - get onto
    - get past
    - get through
    - gloss over
    - go
    - go along
    - go by
    - go on
    - go out
    - go through
    - go under
    - graze
    - hand on
    - hang out
    - happen
    - have
    - hibernate
    - hideous
    - holiday
    - Hoover
    - hungry
    * * *
    1. [dar, transmitir] to pass;
    [noticia, aviso] to pass on;
    ¿me pasas la sal? would you pass me the salt?;
    pásame toda la información que tengas give me o let me have all the information you've got;
    no se preocupe, yo le paso el recado don't worry, I'll pass on the message to him;
    páseme con el encargado [al teléfono] could you put me through to o could I speak to the person in charge?;
    le paso (con él) [al teléfono] I'll put you through (to him);
    Valdez pasó el balón al portero Valdez passed the ball (back) to the keeper;
    pasan sus conocimientos de generación en generación they pass down their knowledge from one generation to the next;
    el Estado le pasa una pensión she gets a pension from the State;
    pasa la cuerda por ese agujero pass the rope through this hole;
    hay que pasar las maletas por la máquina de rayos X your luggage has to go through the X-ray machine;
    pase las croquetas por huevo coat the croquettes with egg;
    pasar el cepillo por el suelo to scrub the floor;
    pasa un paño por la mesa give the table a wipe with a cloth;
    unas vacaciones pasadas por agua a Br holiday o US vacation when it rained the whole time;
    se dedican a pasar tabaco de contrabando/inmigrantes ilegales por la frontera they smuggle tobacco/illegal immigrants across the border
    2. [contagiar]
    pasar algo a alguien to give sb sth, to give sth to sb;
    me has pasado el resfriado you've given me your cold
    3. [cruzar] to cross;
    pasar la calle/la frontera to cross the road/border;
    pasé el río a nado I swam across the river
    4. [rebasar, sobrepasar] [en el espacio, tiempo] to go through;
    ¿hemos pasado ya la frontera? have we gone past o crossed the border yet?;
    pasar un semáforo en rojo to go through a red light;
    al pasar el parque gire a su izquierda once you're past the park, turn left, turn left after the park;
    ya ha pasado los veinticinco he's over twenty-five now;
    mi hijo me pasa ya dos centímetros my son is already two centimetres taller than me
    5. [adelantar] [corredores, vehículos] to overtake;
    pasa a esa furgoneta en cuanto puedas overtake that van as soon as you can
    6. [trasladar]
    pasar algo a to move sth to;
    hay que pasar todos estos libros al estudio we have to take all these books through to the study, we have to move all these books to the study
    7. [conducir adentro] to show in;
    el criado nos pasó al salón the butler showed us into the living-room
    8. [hacer avanzar] [páginas de libro] to turn;
    [hojas sueltas] to turn over;
    pasar página to make a fresh start
    9. [mostrar] [película, diapositivas, reportaje] to show
    10. [emplear] [tiempo] to spend;
    pasó dos años en Roma he spent two years in Rome;
    ¿dónde vas a pasar las vacaciones? where are you going on holiday o US vacation?, where are you going to spend your holidays o US vacation?;
    pasé la noche trabajando I worked all night, I spent the whole night working;
    he pasado muy buenos ratos con él I've had some very good times with him
    11. [experimentar] to go through, to experience;
    hemos pasado una racha muy mala we've gone o been through a very bad spell o Br patch;
    pasar frío/miedo to be cold/scared;
    ¿has pasado la varicela? have you had chickenpox?;
    ¿qué tal lo has pasado? did you have a nice time?, did you enjoy yourselves?;
    pasarlo bien to enjoy oneself, to have a good time;
    ¡que lo pases bien! have a nice time!, enjoy yourself!;
    lo hemos pasado muy mal últimamente we've had a hard time of it recently;
    pasarlas canutas to have a rough time
    12. [superar] to pass;
    muy pocos pasaron el examen/la prueba very few people passed the exam/test;
    hay que pasar un reconocimiento médico you have to pass a medical;
    no pasamos la eliminatoria we didn't get through the tie
    13. [consentir]
    pasar algo a alguien to let sb get away with sth;
    que me engañes no te lo paso I'm not going to let you get away with cheating me;
    este profesor no te deja pasar (ni) una you can't get away with anything with this teacher;
    pasar algo por alto [adrede] to pass over sth;
    [sin querer] to miss sth out
    14. [transcribir]
    pasar algo a limpio to make a fair copy of sth, to write sth out neatly;
    yo te lo paso a máquina I'll type it up for you;
    pasar un documento Esp [m5] al ordenador o Am [m5] a la computadora to type o key a document (up) on the computer
    15. RP Fam [engañar] to diddle;
    están siempre tratando de pasarte con el vuelto they always try to short-change you o diddle you over the change
    1. [ir, moverse] to pass, to go;
    vimos pasar a un hombre corriendo we saw a man run past;
    ¿cuándo pasa el camión de la basura? when do the Br dustmen o US garbage collectors come?;
    deja pasar a la ambulancia let the ambulance past;
    ¿me deja pasar, por favor? may I come past, please?;
    pasó por mi lado he passed by my side;
    he pasado por tu calle I went down your street;
    el autobús pasa por mi casa the bus passes in front of o goes past my house;
    ¿qué autobuses pasan por aquí? which buses go past here?, which buses can you catch from here?;
    el Támesis pasa por Londres the Thames flows through London;
    yo sólo pasaba por aquí I was just passing by;
    pasaba por allí y entré a saludar I was in the area, so I stopped by to say hello;
    pasar de largo to go straight by
    2. [entrar] to go/come in;
    pasen por aquí, por favor come this way, please;
    lo siento, no se puede pasar sorry, you can't go in there/come in here;
    pasamos a un salón muy grande we entered a very large living-room;
    ¿puedo pasar? may I come in?;
    ¿puedo pasar al cuarto de baño? can I use the bathroom?;
    ¡pase!, Méx [m5]¡pásale/pásele! come in!;
    hazlos pasar show them in;
    pasar al pizarrón to go/come to the blackboard
    3. [caber] to go ( por through);
    por ahí no pasa este armario this wardrobe won't go through there
    4. [acercarse, ir un momento] to pop in;
    pasaré por mi oficina/por tu casa I'll pop into my office/round to your place;
    pasa por la farmacia y compra aspirinas pop into the Br chemist's o US pharmacy and buy some aspirin;
    pasé a verla al hospital I dropped in at the hospital to see her;
    pase a por el vestido o [m5] a recoger el vestido el lunes you can come and pick the dress up on Monday
    5. [suceder] to happen;
    ¿qué pasa aquí? what's going on here?;
    ¿qué pasa? [¿qué ocurre?] what's the matter?;
    Fam [al saludar a alguien] how's it going?; Méx Fam
    ¿qué pasó? [¿qué tal?] how's it going?;
    ¿qué pasa con esas cervezas? where have those beers got to?, what's happened to those beers?;
    no te preocupes, no pasa nada don't worry, it's OK;
    aquí nunca pasa nada nothing ever happens here;
    ¿qué le pasa? what's wrong with him?, what's the matter with him?;
    ¿le pasó algo al niño? did something happen to the child?;
    ¿qué te pasa en la pierna? what's wrong with your leg?;
    eso te pasa por mentir that's what you get for lying;
    lo que pasa es que… the thing is…;
    pase lo que pase whatever happens, come what may;
    siempre pasa lo mismo, pasa lo de siempre it's always the same;
    dense la mano y aquí no ha pasado nada shake hands and just forget the whole thing (as if it had never happened)
    6. [terminar] to be over;
    pasó la Navidad Christmas is over;
    ya ha pasado lo peor the worst is over now;
    cuando pase el dolor when the pain passes o stops;
    la tormenta ya ha pasado the storm is over now;
    el efecto de estos fármacos pasa enseguida these drugs wear off quickly
    7. [transcurrir] to go by;
    pasaron tres meses three months went by;
    cuando pase un rato te tomas esta pastilla take this tablet after a little while;
    ¡cómo pasa el tiempo! time flies!
    8. [cambiar]
    pasar de… a… [de lugar, estado, propietario] to go o pass from… to…;
    pasamos del último puesto al décimo we went (up) from last place to tenth;
    pasa de la depresión a la euforia she goes from depression to euphoria;
    pasó a formar parte del nuevo equipo he joined the new team;
    pasar a [nueva actividad, nuevo tema] to move on to;
    pasemos a otra cosa let's move on to something else;
    ahora pasaré a explicarles cómo funciona esta máquina now I'm going to explain to you how this machine works;
    Alicia pasa a (ser) jefa de personal Alicia will become personnel manager;
    pasar de curso o [m5] al siguiente curso = to pass one's end-of-year exams and move up a year
    9. [ir más allá, sobrepasar]
    si pasas de 160, vibra el volante if you go faster than 160, the steering wheel starts to vibrate;
    yo creo que no pasa de los cuarenta años I doubt she's older than forty;
    no pasó de ser un aparatoso accidente sin consecuencias the accident was spectacular but no-one was hurt
    10. [conformarse, apañarse]
    pasar (con/sin algo) to make do (with/without sth);
    tendrá que pasar sin coche she'll have to make do without a car;
    ¿cómo puedes pasar toda la mañana sólo con un café? how can you last all morning on just a cup of coffee?;
    no sabe pasar sin su familia he can't cope without his family
    11. [experimentar]
    hemos pasado por situaciones de alto riesgo we have been in some highly dangerous situations
    12. [tolerar]
    pasar por algo to put up with sth;
    ¡yo por ahí no paso! I draw the line at that!
    13. [ser considerado]
    pasa por ser uno de los mejores tenistas del momento he is considered to be one of the best tennis players around at the moment;
    hacerse pasar por alguien/algo to pretend to be sb/sth, to pass oneself off as sb/sth
    14. Fam [prescindir]
    pasar de algo/alguien to want nothing to do with sth/sb;
    paso de política I'm not into politics;
    ¡ése pasa de todo! he couldn't care less about anything!;
    paso de ir al cine hoy I can't be bothered going to o Br I don't fancy the cinema today;
    paso olímpicamente o [m5] ampliamente de hacerlo I'm damned if I'm going to do it
    15. [en naipes] to pass
    16. [servir, valer]
    puede pasar it'll do;
    por esta vez pase, pero que no vuelva a ocurrir I'll overlook it this time, but I don't want it to happen again
    17. Méx Fam [gustar]
    me pasa ese cantante I think that singer's great
    * * *
    I v/t
    1 pass;
    pasar la mano por run one’s hand through
    2 el tiempo spend;
    para pasar el tiempo (in order) to pass the time;
    pasarlo bien have a good time;
    ¡que lo pases bien!, ¡a pasarlo bien! enjoy yourself!, have fun o a good time!
    3 un lugar pass, go past; frontera cross
    4 problemas, dificultades experience
    5 AUTO ( adelantar) pass, Br
    6 una película show
    le paso al Sr. Galvez I’ll put you through to Mr. Galvez
    II v/i
    1 ( suceder) happen;
    ¿qué ha pasado? what’s happened?;
    ¿qué pasa? what’s happening?, what’s going on?;
    ¿qué te pasa? what’s the matter?;
    pase lo que pase whatever happens, come what may;
    ya ha pasado lo peor the worst is over;
    en el viaje nos pasó de todo fam just about everything happened on that trip, it was a very eventful trip
    2 en juegos pass
    ¡pasa!, ¡pase usted! come in!;
    pasé a visitarla I dropped by to see her;
    pasar por go by;
    pasa por aquí come this way;
    pasé por la tienda I stopped off at the shop;
    pasaré por tu casa I’ll drop by your house
    5 fam
    pasar de alguien not want anything to do with s.o.;
    paso de ir al gimnasio I can’t be bothered to go to the gym
    pasar de los 60 años be over 60 (years old);
    pasar de moda go out of fashion;
    hacerse pasar por pass o.s. off as;
    poder pasar sin algo be able to get by o to manage without sth;
    puede pasar it’s OK, it’ll do
    * * *
    pasar vi
    1) : to pass, to go by, to come by
    2) : to come in, to enter
    ¿se puede pasar?: may we come in?
    3) : to happen
    ¿qué pasa?: what's happening?, what's going on?
    4) : to manage, to get by
    5) : to be over, to end
    pasar de : to exceed, to go beyond
    pasar por : to pretend to be
    pasar vt
    1) : to pass, to give
    ¿me pasas la sal?: would you pass me the salt?
    2) : to pass (a test)
    3) : to go over, to cross
    4) : to spend (time)
    5) : to tolerate
    6) : to go through, to suffer
    7) : to show (a movie, etc.)
    8) : to overtake, to pass, to surpass
    9) : to pass over, to wipe up
    pasarla bien : to have a good time
    pasarla mal : to have a bad time, to have a hard time
    pasar por alto : to overlook, to omit
    * * *
    pasar vb
    1. (entrar) to go in / to come in [pt. came; pp. come]
    ¡pase! come in!
    2. (transcurrir) to pass / to go by
    3. (ocupar un tiempo) to spend [pt. & pp. spent]
    4. (andar, moverse) to pass / to go past
    ¿por dónde pasa el autobús? which way does the bus go?
    ¿a qué hora pasa el tren? what time's the train?
    5. (ir, visitar) to go / to stop by [pt. & pp. stopped] / to go
    6. (cruzar) to cross
    7. (dar, hacer llegar) to pass / to give [pt. gave; pp. given]
    ¿me pasas la sal? can you pass the salt?
    8. (llevar, mover) to move
    9. (sufrir) to be / to have
    10. (aprobar) to pass
    12. (terminar) to be over
    13. (arreglárselas) to manage / to get by
    14. (ocurrir) to happen
    ¿qué te ha pasado? what happened to you?
    ¿qué pasa? what's going on? / what's the matter?
    15. (cambiar) to change / to go
    16. (exceder) to be over
    pasar / pasar de algo not to care / not to be bothered

    Spanish-English dictionary > pasar

  • 3 costumbre

    habit, custom.
    tomar/perder la costumbre de hacer algo to get into/out of the habit of doing something
    la cantidad de costumbre the usual amount
    tener la costumbre de o tener por costumbre hacer algo to be in the habit of doing something
    costumbres customs; (de país, cultura) habits (de persona)
    no hay que perder las buenas costumbres we don't want to break with tradition
    3rd person singular (él/ella/ello) Present Subjunctive of Spanish verb: costumbrar.
    * * *
    1 (hábito) habit
    2 (tradición) custom
    3 DERECHO usage
    1 (personales) ways, manner sing; (de un pueblo) customs
    perder la costumbre to lose the habit
    tener por costumbre + inf to be in the habit of + gerund
    la fuerza de la costumbre the force of habit
    persona de buenas costumbres respectable person
    * * *
    noun f.
    * * *
    1) [tradicional] custom
    pl costumbres customs, ways
    2) [de una persona] habit

    persona de buenas costumbres — respectable person, decent person

    tener la costumbre de hacer algo, tener por costumbre hacer algo — to be in the habit of doing sth


    de costumbre[adj] usual; [adv] usually

    * * *
    1) ( de individuo) habit

    agarró la costumbre de... — she got into the habit of...

    el sitio/a la hora de costumbre — the usual place/time

    se quejó más/menos que de costumbre — he complained more/less than he usually does

    2) (de país, pueblo) custom
    * * *
    = custom, habit, use, wont, practice, ritual.
    Ex. If we don't understand these customs and traditions we shall misunderstand books of that particular period.
    Ex. This feature, portability, can be a mixed blessing-things which can be moved have a habit of disappearing.
    Ex. This paper discusses factors which led to the need to reexamine the use of UK dealers, the major difference between UK and US dealers being their variance in pricing policies.
    Ex. He had greeted her courteously, as was his wont, and had inquired if she minded his smoking; she told him to go ahead and slid over an ashtray.
    Ex. This practice ensures that a later match can be achieved between the document and its description.
    Ex. For example, a textbook on 'Social anthropology' will contain information on a large number of concepts such as social structure, kinship, marriage, ritual, etc.
    * animal de costumbres = creature of habit.
    * buenas costumbres = propriety, decorum.
    * como de costumbre = as usual, as always, according to normal practice.
    * consagrado por la costumbre = sanctified by custom.
    * consagrado por la costumbre y la tradición = sanctified by custom and tradition.
    * costumbre cada vez más frecuente = growing practice.
    * costumbre popular = folkway.
    * costumbres = mores.
    * costumbres relajadas = loose morals.
    * costumbres y convenciones = mores.
    * costumbre tradicional = traditional custom.
    * debido a la costumbre = inertial.
    * de costumbre = usual, usually.
    * desacatar las costumbres = flout + convention.
    * Posesivo + viejas costumbres = Posesivo + old ways.
    * según la costumbre = according to normal practice.
    * ser costumbre = be customary.
    * ser la costumbre = be customary.
    * tan + Adjetivo + como de costumbre = as + Adjetivo + as ever.
    * tener la costumbre de = have + a habit of, have + the habit of.
    * tener la costumbre de + Infinitivo = be in the habit of + Gerundio.
    * tener por costumbre + Infinitivo = be in the habit of + Gerundio.
    * usos y costumbres = customs and habits.
    * viejas costumbres nunca desaparecen, las = old ways never die, the.
    * * *
    1) ( de individuo) habit

    agarró la costumbre de... — she got into the habit of...

    el sitio/a la hora de costumbre — the usual place/time

    se quejó más/menos que de costumbre — he complained more/less than he usually does

    2) (de país, pueblo) custom
    * * *
    = custom, habit, use, wont, practice, ritual.

    Ex: If we don't understand these customs and traditions we shall misunderstand books of that particular period.

    Ex: This feature, portability, can be a mixed blessing-things which can be moved have a habit of disappearing.
    Ex: This paper discusses factors which led to the need to reexamine the use of UK dealers, the major difference between UK and US dealers being their variance in pricing policies.
    Ex: He had greeted her courteously, as was his wont, and had inquired if she minded his smoking; she told him to go ahead and slid over an ashtray.
    Ex: This practice ensures that a later match can be achieved between the document and its description.
    Ex: For example, a textbook on 'Social anthropology' will contain information on a large number of concepts such as social structure, kinship, marriage, ritual, etc.
    * animal de costumbres = creature of habit.
    * buenas costumbres = propriety, decorum.
    * como de costumbre = as usual, as always, according to normal practice.
    * consagrado por la costumbre = sanctified by custom.
    * consagrado por la costumbre y la tradición = sanctified by custom and tradition.
    * costumbre cada vez más frecuente = growing practice.
    * costumbre popular = folkway.
    * costumbres = mores.
    * costumbres relajadas = loose morals.
    * costumbres y convenciones = mores.
    * costumbre tradicional = traditional custom.
    * debido a la costumbre = inertial.
    * de costumbre = usual, usually.
    * desacatar las costumbres = flout + convention.
    * Posesivo + viejas costumbres = Posesivo + old ways.
    * según la costumbre = according to normal practice.
    * ser costumbre = be customary.
    * ser la costumbre = be customary.
    * tan + Adjetivo + como de costumbre = as + Adjetivo + as ever.
    * tener la costumbre de = have + a habit of, have + the habit of.
    * tener la costumbre de + Infinitivo = be in the habit of + Gerundio.
    * tener por costumbre + Infinitivo = be in the habit of + Gerundio.
    * usos y costumbres = customs and habits.
    * viejas costumbres nunca desaparecen, las = old ways never die, the.

    * * *
    tenía (la) costumbre de madrugar he was in the habit of getting up early, he used to get up early
    agarró la costumbre de estudiar por la noche she got into the habit of studying at night
    tiene por costumbre llamarme a esta hora he usually calls me at this time
    llegas tarde para no perder la costumbre you're late, as always o usual
    se van perdiendo las buenas costumbres good manners are becoming a thing of the past
    se encontraron en el sitio/a la hora de costumbre they met at the usual place/time
    lo hizo mal, como de costumbre she did it wrong, as usual
    B (de un país, pueblo) custom
    según los usos y costumbres de nuestra región according to the customs and traditions of our region
    no es costumbre en nuestro país festejar la Navidad it is not customary o it is not the custom to celebrate Christmas in our country
    * * *


    costumbre sustantivo femenino

    agarró la costumbre de … she got into the habit of …;
    hacer algo por costumbre to do sth out of habit;
    a la hora de costumbre at the usual time;
    como de costumbre as usual;
    se quejó menos que de costumbre he complained less than he usually does
    b) (de país, pueblo) custom

    costumbre sustantivo femenino
    1 (práctica habitual) habit: llegarán tarde, para no perder la costumbre, they will be late, as always
    es una persona de costumbres, he's used to a routine
    tengo la costumbre de acostarme a las doce, I usually go to bed at midnight
    como de costumbre, as usual
    2 (de un pueblo, cultura, etc) custom
    ' costumbre' also found in these entries:
    - acostumbrar
    - arábiga
    - arábigo
    - arraigada
    - arraigado
    - enraizada
    - enraizado
    - hábito
    - manía
    - perder
    - pervivir
    - práctica
    - puñetera
    - puñetero
    - quitarse
    - resucitar
    - rígida
    - rigidez
    - rígido
    - sana
    - sancionar
    - sano
    - subsistir
    - superada
    - superado
    - usanza
    - uso
    - vicio
    - vigente
    - vulgarización
    - vulgarizar
    - adoptar
    - agarrar
    - ancestral
    - antiguo
    - añejo
    - arraigar
    - asqueroso
    - bueno
    - calar
    - campesino
    - castizo
    - coger
    - consagrado
    - desaparecer
    - extendido
    - falta
    - introducir
    - morir
    - customary
    - established
    - habit
    - institution
    - nail-biting
    - pass down
    - practice
    - practise
    - self
    - usage
    - usual
    - way
    - wean
    - fashion
    - few
    - get
    - unusually
    - wont
    * * *
    1. [de persona] habit;
    tomar/perder la costumbre de hacer algo to get into/out of the habit of doing sth;
    tener la costumbre de o [m5] tener por costumbre hacer algo to be in the habit of doing sth;
    costumbres habits;
    el hombre es un animal de costumbres man is a creature of habit;
    no hay que perder las buenas costumbres we don't want to break with tradition;
    la cantidad de costumbre the usual amount;
    nos vemos a las ocho, en el sitio de costumbre I'll see you at eight, in the usual place
    2. [de país, cultura] custom
    * * *
    1 de país custom
    2 de una persona habit;
    mala costumbre bad habit;
    persona de costumbres creature of habit;
    tengo la costumbre de madrugar I usually get up early;
    de costumbre usual;
    * * *
    1) : custom
    2) hábito: habit
    * * *
    1. (de persona) habit
    2. (de país) custom

    Spanish-English dictionary > costumbre

  • 4 שאל

    שָׁאַל(b. h.) 1) to ask, beg; to inquire, question. Yoma 75a bot. בשר ששָׁאֲלוּ שלאוכ׳ flesh for which they asked unreasonably was given them at an unreasonable time (in the evening) Taan.4a, v. הוֹגָן. Ber.V, 2 (33a) ושוֹאֲלִין (את) הגשמיםוכ׳ (Bab. ed. ושְׁאֵלָה, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l.) and the prayer for rain is inserted in the Benediction of Years (the ninth section of the Prayer of Benedictions, v. שָׁנָה). Taan.I, 1 אף אני לא אמרתי לִשְׁאוֹל אלא להזכיר I also did not say, ‘to ask for rain, but to mention rain. Ib. 2. Y.Ber.V, 9b bot. שוֹאֵל צרכיו, v. צוֹרֶךְ. B. Bath.IX, 1 יִשְׁאֲלוּוכ׳, v. פֶּתַח. Ab. IV, 18 ואל תִּשְׁאַל לו בשעת נדרו ask not thy neighbor (as to circumstances which may change the aspects of his vow) at the moment of his vow, v. infra Nif. Ib. V, 7 שואל כענין ומשיבוכ׳ he (the wise student) asks pertinent questions, and (when asked) replies in agreement with the adopted law. Bekh.36a עמד השואל וש׳ יכ׳ the questioner (at college) arose and asked Ned.20a שָׁאֲלוּ אתוכ׳ they asked Imma Shalom Nidd.68b בראשון לא שָׁאַלְתִּי … שלא שאלתי as to the first day I did not ask, and I made a mistake in not asking. Gen. R. s. 68 מטרונה שָׁאֶלָהוכ׳ a Roman matron asked R. José ; a. v. fr.Yoma 73a כיצד שוֹאֲלִין השואל פניו כלפי נִשְׁאָל הנשאלוכ׳ how were the Urim and Tummim consulted? The inquirer had his face directed to him (the priest) who was consulted, and the latter directed himself to the Divine Presence (the Urim and Tummim). Ib. אין שואלין שניוכ׳ you must not ask two questions at a time; a. fr.ש׳ בשלום (or sub. בשלום) to salute. M. Kat. 21b הוא שואל בשלום אחרים … אחרים אין שואלין בשלומווכ׳ he (the mourner during the first thirty days) may inquire after the peace of others, for they dwell in peace, but others must not inquire after his peace, for he does not dwell in peace. Ib. משיב ואינו שואל, v. שוּב; a. fr. 2) (cmp. דָּרַש) to discuss, lecture. Tosef.Meg.IV (III), 5 שואלין הילכותוכ׳ the laws of Passover are expounded on Passover, v. עִנְיָן; Meg.29b שואלין בהלכותוכ׳; Y.Pes.I, 27b bot.; Bab. ib. 6a שואלין בהלכותוכ׳ Ms. M. (ed. שואלין ודורשין, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note); Snh.12b; a. fr. 3) (cmp. בְּעֵי I) to beg to remark, to submit. Y.Shek.I, beg.45d ר׳ חזקיה ש׳ מעתהוכ׳ R. H. remarked, according to this Ib. 46b. Y.Snh.IX, 27a bot.; a. fr. 4) to ask for a loan, to borrow. Sabb.XXIII, 1 שואל אדם מחבירווכ׳ a man may borrow of his neighbor vessels of wine or oil (on the Sabbath), but must not say הַלְוֵינִי (v. infra Hif.); a. fr.Esp. to borrow an object for use (with ref. to Ex. 22:13 sq.). B. Mets. 103a שואל אדם בטובו לעולם if a person borrows an object (saying, ‘lend it to me) for its usefulness, it is a standing loan (he is permitted to take it whenever he desires to use it). Ib. VIII, 1 השואל את הפרה וש׳ בעליה עמה if a person borrows a cow for work, borrowing her owner with her (the owner lending his personal service). Ib. 95b שָׁאֲלָהּ ואחר כך ש׳וכ׳ if he borrowed the cow only, and after a while borrowed her owner; a. fr.שוֹאֵל the borrower of an object. Ib. a חיובא דש׳ the responsibility of the borrower. Ib. 96b top ש׳ הוי או שוכר הוי is he legally considered a borrower or a hirer? Ib. III, 2 והש׳ ישלםוכ׳ and the borrower must indemnify the hirer; a. fr.Sabb.96b אורגי … לשוֹאֲלֵיהֶן (Ar. לשווליהן, v. שְׁוַולְיָא) the curtain weavers were wont to throw the clue over to such as would borrow it from them.Part. pass. שָׁאוּל; f. שְׁאוּלָה Taan.23b טלית ש׳ היתהוכ׳ it was a cloak that had been lent to me, I had borrowed it for such a purpose (for ordinary wear), but not for that purpose (to wear it when carrying a load). Ib. IV, 8 שבהן … בכלי לבן שְׁאוּלִיןוכ׳ on those days the maidens of Zion went out (to the vineyards) in white garments borrowed for the purpose, in order not to put to shame those who had none; a. fr.(Gen. R. s. 65 לא שאול … ולא שאולה, v. next w.Ib. s. 19 שאולת חומץ, read: שוֹאֶלֶת, a woman asking for some vinegar. Hif. הִשְׁאִיל 1) to cause inquiry, to inquire. Ber.6b כל הרגיל …הקב״ה מַשְׁאִיל בו if one who comes regularly to synagogue fails to come one day, the Lord holds inquiry about him. Yeb.76b עד שאתה משאיל עליו … שְׁאַלוכ׳ instead of inquiring about him whether or not he is fit for government, ask whether Ib. (in Chald. dict.) אאבוה קא משאיל he (Saul) asked (Abner) to inquire who his (Davids) father was. B. Bath. 123a היתה יושבת … ומַשְׁאֶלֶתוכ׳ she sat at the cross-roads and made inquiries; a. e. 2) to lend. Sabb.148a (ref. to Mish. ib. XIII, 1, v. supra) מאי שנא הַשְׁאִילֵינִי ומאי שנא הלויני what is the difference, whether you say hashileni (lend me) or halveni (loan me)? השאיליני לא אתי למיכתבוכ׳ when you say ‘lend me, no document is expected to be written for it Ned.IV, 6 חמודר … לא יַשְׁאִילֶנּוּ ולא יִשְׁאַל ממנו he who by his neighbors vow is forbidden any benefit at his hand, must neither lend him nor borrow from him B. Mets. 116a דברים העשויין להַשְׁאִילוכ׳ things which are frequently lent out or hired out; a. fr.מַשְׁאִיל the lender, owner of the lent object. Ib. 96a; a. fr.(Pesik. Vayhi, p. 63a> שאילו השאיל, v. שָׁחַל II. Nif. נִשְׁאַל 1) to be asked, consulted. Yoma 73a בגדים … נ׳ בהן when the war chaplain is consulted, he wears the garments which the high priest wears when he officiates, v. supra. Ib. 85a נִשְׁאֲלָה שאלהוכ׳ the following question was asked in their presence; Kidd.40b. Ned.81a דבר זה נ׳ לחכמיםוכ׳ this problem was placed before the scholars and the prophets, and they could not solve it ; a. fr. 2) נ׳ על to allow ones self to be asked about the circumstances of a case, to appear before a scholar for a decision on a ritual case. Y.Ter.VIII, 46a bot. שדעתו להִישָּׁאֵל עליה a case (of Trumah) which he had intended to have a scholar decide. Ib. הריני מניחה על מנת שאֶישָּׁאֵל עליה I put it (the doubtful Trumah) aside with the intention of having it decided Toh. III, 6 שאין בו דעת להִשָּׁאֵל (a child) whose mind is not sufficiently developed to be questioned. Ib. V, 5 אם נִשְׁאֲלוּ זהוכ׳ if they come for a decision, each of them separately; a. fr.Esp. נ׳ (על נדרו) to come before a scholar for absolution from a vow. Ned.90a קונם … ולמי שאֶשָּׁאֵל עליו if one vows, I will not be benefited by N. N., nor by any scholar to whom I may apply for absolution from this vow; נ׳ על הראשוןוכ׳ he must first apply for absolution from the first part of the vow, and then from the second. Ib. נ׳ על נדרו … נזרו he must first apply for absolution from his vow of abstinence, and then from his nazaritic vow. Ib. 69a נִשְׁאָלִין על ההקםוכ׳ you may apply for absolution in order to revoke your confirmation (of your daughters vow), but you cannot do so in order to revoke your invalidation; a. fr. 3) to be borrowed, to do gratuitous service. B. Mets.96a שותפין ששאלו ונ׳ לאחד מהן if partners borrow an animal for work, and its owner lends his services to one of them individually. Ib. האומר לשלוחו צא והִשָּׁאֵל ליוכ׳ (not והשאיל) if a person says to his deputy, go out and do work in my behalf together with my cow (lent to my neighbor). Ib. האומר לעבדו צא והשאל עםוכ׳ if he says to his slave, go out and do work ; a. e.

    Jewish literature > שאל

  • 5 שָׁאַל

    שָׁאַל(b. h.) 1) to ask, beg; to inquire, question. Yoma 75a bot. בשר ששָׁאֲלוּ שלאוכ׳ flesh for which they asked unreasonably was given them at an unreasonable time (in the evening) Taan.4a, v. הוֹגָן. Ber.V, 2 (33a) ושוֹאֲלִין (את) הגשמיםוכ׳ (Bab. ed. ושְׁאֵלָה, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l.) and the prayer for rain is inserted in the Benediction of Years (the ninth section of the Prayer of Benedictions, v. שָׁנָה). Taan.I, 1 אף אני לא אמרתי לִשְׁאוֹל אלא להזכיר I also did not say, ‘to ask for rain, but to mention rain. Ib. 2. Y.Ber.V, 9b bot. שוֹאֵל צרכיו, v. צוֹרֶךְ. B. Bath.IX, 1 יִשְׁאֲלוּוכ׳, v. פֶּתַח. Ab. IV, 18 ואל תִּשְׁאַל לו בשעת נדרו ask not thy neighbor (as to circumstances which may change the aspects of his vow) at the moment of his vow, v. infra Nif. Ib. V, 7 שואל כענין ומשיבוכ׳ he (the wise student) asks pertinent questions, and (when asked) replies in agreement with the adopted law. Bekh.36a עמד השואל וש׳ יכ׳ the questioner (at college) arose and asked Ned.20a שָׁאֲלוּ אתוכ׳ they asked Imma Shalom Nidd.68b בראשון לא שָׁאַלְתִּי … שלא שאלתי as to the first day I did not ask, and I made a mistake in not asking. Gen. R. s. 68 מטרונה שָׁאֶלָהוכ׳ a Roman matron asked R. José ; a. v. fr.Yoma 73a כיצד שוֹאֲלִין השואל פניו כלפי נִשְׁאָל הנשאלוכ׳ how were the Urim and Tummim consulted? The inquirer had his face directed to him (the priest) who was consulted, and the latter directed himself to the Divine Presence (the Urim and Tummim). Ib. אין שואלין שניוכ׳ you must not ask two questions at a time; a. fr.ש׳ בשלום (or sub. בשלום) to salute. M. Kat. 21b הוא שואל בשלום אחרים … אחרים אין שואלין בשלומווכ׳ he (the mourner during the first thirty days) may inquire after the peace of others, for they dwell in peace, but others must not inquire after his peace, for he does not dwell in peace. Ib. משיב ואינו שואל, v. שוּב; a. fr. 2) (cmp. דָּרַש) to discuss, lecture. Tosef.Meg.IV (III), 5 שואלין הילכותוכ׳ the laws of Passover are expounded on Passover, v. עִנְיָן; Meg.29b שואלין בהלכותוכ׳; Y.Pes.I, 27b bot.; Bab. ib. 6a שואלין בהלכותוכ׳ Ms. M. (ed. שואלין ודורשין, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note); Snh.12b; a. fr. 3) (cmp. בְּעֵי I) to beg to remark, to submit. Y.Shek.I, beg.45d ר׳ חזקיה ש׳ מעתהוכ׳ R. H. remarked, according to this Ib. 46b. Y.Snh.IX, 27a bot.; a. fr. 4) to ask for a loan, to borrow. Sabb.XXIII, 1 שואל אדם מחבירווכ׳ a man may borrow of his neighbor vessels of wine or oil (on the Sabbath), but must not say הַלְוֵינִי (v. infra Hif.); a. fr.Esp. to borrow an object for use (with ref. to Ex. 22:13 sq.). B. Mets. 103a שואל אדם בטובו לעולם if a person borrows an object (saying, ‘lend it to me) for its usefulness, it is a standing loan (he is permitted to take it whenever he desires to use it). Ib. VIII, 1 השואל את הפרה וש׳ בעליה עמה if a person borrows a cow for work, borrowing her owner with her (the owner lending his personal service). Ib. 95b שָׁאֲלָהּ ואחר כך ש׳וכ׳ if he borrowed the cow only, and after a while borrowed her owner; a. fr.שוֹאֵל the borrower of an object. Ib. a חיובא דש׳ the responsibility of the borrower. Ib. 96b top ש׳ הוי או שוכר הוי is he legally considered a borrower or a hirer? Ib. III, 2 והש׳ ישלםוכ׳ and the borrower must indemnify the hirer; a. fr.Sabb.96b אורגי … לשוֹאֲלֵיהֶן (Ar. לשווליהן, v. שְׁוַולְיָא) the curtain weavers were wont to throw the clue over to such as would borrow it from them.Part. pass. שָׁאוּל; f. שְׁאוּלָה Taan.23b טלית ש׳ היתהוכ׳ it was a cloak that had been lent to me, I had borrowed it for such a purpose (for ordinary wear), but not for that purpose (to wear it when carrying a load). Ib. IV, 8 שבהן … בכלי לבן שְׁאוּלִיןוכ׳ on those days the maidens of Zion went out (to the vineyards) in white garments borrowed for the purpose, in order not to put to shame those who had none; a. fr.(Gen. R. s. 65 לא שאול … ולא שאולה, v. next w.Ib. s. 19 שאולת חומץ, read: שוֹאֶלֶת, a woman asking for some vinegar. Hif. הִשְׁאִיל 1) to cause inquiry, to inquire. Ber.6b כל הרגיל …הקב״ה מַשְׁאִיל בו if one who comes regularly to synagogue fails to come one day, the Lord holds inquiry about him. Yeb.76b עד שאתה משאיל עליו … שְׁאַלוכ׳ instead of inquiring about him whether or not he is fit for government, ask whether Ib. (in Chald. dict.) אאבוה קא משאיל he (Saul) asked (Abner) to inquire who his (Davids) father was. B. Bath. 123a היתה יושבת … ומַשְׁאֶלֶתוכ׳ she sat at the cross-roads and made inquiries; a. e. 2) to lend. Sabb.148a (ref. to Mish. ib. XIII, 1, v. supra) מאי שנא הַשְׁאִילֵינִי ומאי שנא הלויני what is the difference, whether you say hashileni (lend me) or halveni (loan me)? השאיליני לא אתי למיכתבוכ׳ when you say ‘lend me, no document is expected to be written for it Ned.IV, 6 חמודר … לא יַשְׁאִילֶנּוּ ולא יִשְׁאַל ממנו he who by his neighbors vow is forbidden any benefit at his hand, must neither lend him nor borrow from him B. Mets. 116a דברים העשויין להַשְׁאִילוכ׳ things which are frequently lent out or hired out; a. fr.מַשְׁאִיל the lender, owner of the lent object. Ib. 96a; a. fr.(Pesik. Vayhi, p. 63a> שאילו השאיל, v. שָׁחַל II. Nif. נִשְׁאַל 1) to be asked, consulted. Yoma 73a בגדים … נ׳ בהן when the war chaplain is consulted, he wears the garments which the high priest wears when he officiates, v. supra. Ib. 85a נִשְׁאֲלָה שאלהוכ׳ the following question was asked in their presence; Kidd.40b. Ned.81a דבר זה נ׳ לחכמיםוכ׳ this problem was placed before the scholars and the prophets, and they could not solve it ; a. fr. 2) נ׳ על to allow ones self to be asked about the circumstances of a case, to appear before a scholar for a decision on a ritual case. Y.Ter.VIII, 46a bot. שדעתו להִישָּׁאֵל עליה a case (of Trumah) which he had intended to have a scholar decide. Ib. הריני מניחה על מנת שאֶישָּׁאֵל עליה I put it (the doubtful Trumah) aside with the intention of having it decided Toh. III, 6 שאין בו דעת להִשָּׁאֵל (a child) whose mind is not sufficiently developed to be questioned. Ib. V, 5 אם נִשְׁאֲלוּ זהוכ׳ if they come for a decision, each of them separately; a. fr.Esp. נ׳ (על נדרו) to come before a scholar for absolution from a vow. Ned.90a קונם … ולמי שאֶשָּׁאֵל עליו if one vows, I will not be benefited by N. N., nor by any scholar to whom I may apply for absolution from this vow; נ׳ על הראשוןוכ׳ he must first apply for absolution from the first part of the vow, and then from the second. Ib. נ׳ על נדרו … נזרו he must first apply for absolution from his vow of abstinence, and then from his nazaritic vow. Ib. 69a נִשְׁאָלִין על ההקםוכ׳ you may apply for absolution in order to revoke your confirmation (of your daughters vow), but you cannot do so in order to revoke your invalidation; a. fr. 3) to be borrowed, to do gratuitous service. B. Mets.96a שותפין ששאלו ונ׳ לאחד מהן if partners borrow an animal for work, and its owner lends his services to one of them individually. Ib. האומר לשלוחו צא והִשָּׁאֵל ליוכ׳ (not והשאיל) if a person says to his deputy, go out and do work in my behalf together with my cow (lent to my neighbor). Ib. האומר לעבדו צא והשאל עםוכ׳ if he says to his slave, go out and do work ; a. e.

    Jewish literature > שָׁאַל

  • 6 по своему обыкновению

    General subject: after( one's) habit (After his habit he said nothing.), as is one's wont

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > по своему обыкновению

  • 7 pflegen

    I v/t
    1. MED. (pflegebedürftige Person) look after, care for; (Kind, Kranken) auch nurse; jemanden aufopfernd pflegen sacrifice oneself to care for s.o.; jemanden gesund pflegen nurse s.o. back to health
    2. (Blumen, Garten) tend; (Kunst, Freundschaft) cultivate; (Daten, Datenbank) maintain; sein Äußeres pflegen groom o.s., take care of one’s appearance
    3. etw. zu tun pflegen be in the habit of doing s.th.; sie pflegte zu sagen she used to say, she would say; solche Versuche pflegen fehlzuschlagen such attempts usually fail ( oder tend to fail)
    II v/refl: sich pflegen look after o.s.; äußerlich: take care of one’s appearance
    * * *
    (fördern) to cultivate;
    (gewöhnlich tun) to be wont; to use to; to be accustomed;
    (instandhalten) to attend; to maintain;
    (versorgen) to cherish; to tend; to groom; to look after; to nurse
    * * *
    pfle|gen ['pfleːgn]
    1. vt
    to look after, to care for; Kranke auch to nurse; Garten, Blumen, Rasen to tend, to look after; Haar, Bart to groom, to look after; Beziehungen, Kunst, Freundschaft to foster, to cultivate; Maschinen, Gebäude, Denkmäler to maintain, to keep up

    etw regelmäßig pflégen — to attend to sth regularly, to pay regular attention to sth

    eine Creme, die die Haut pflegt — a cream which is good for the skin

    auch gepflegt, Umgang
    2. vi
    (= gewöhnlich tun) to be in the habit (zu of), to be accustomed (zu to)

    sie pflegte zu sagen — she used to say, she was in the habit of saying

    wie es so zu gehen pflegtas usually happens

    3. vr
    1) (= sein Äußeres pflegen) to care about one's appearance
    2) (= sich schonen) to take it or things easy (inf)
    * * *
    1) (to look after for a period of time; to bring up a child that is not one's own: She fostered the children for several months.) foster
    2) (to look after sick or injured people, especially in a hospital: He was nursed back to health.) nurse
    * * *
    I. vt
    jdn \pflegen to care for [or look after] [or nurse] sb
    2. (gärtnerisch versorgen)
    etw \pflegen to tend sth
    3. (schützend behandeln)
    etw [mit etw dat] \pflegen to look after sth [with sth]
    4. (kosmetisch behandeln)
    etw [mit etw dat] \pflegen to treat sth [with sth]
    5. (gewöhnlich tun)
    etw zu tun \pflegen to usually do [or be in the habit of doing] sth
    um diese Zeit pflege ich noch im Bett zu liegen I'm usually still in bed at this time
    6. (geh: kultivieren)
    etw \pflegen to cultivate sth
    eine Freundschaft/eine Kunst \pflegen to cultivate a friendship/an art
    Beziehungen/eine Kooperation \pflegen to foster relations/a cooperation
    ein Hobby \pflegen to keep up a hobby sep
    II. vr
    sich akk \pflegen
    1. (Körperpflege betreiben) to take care of one's appearance
    sich akk mit etw dat \pflegen to treat oneself [with sth]
    ich pflege mich regelmäßig mit Körperlotion I use body lotion regularly
    2. (sich schonen) to take it [or things] easy fam
    du solltest dich mehr \pflegen! you should take things easier!
    * * *
    transitives Verb look after; care for, nurse < sick person>; care for, take care of < skin, teeth, floor>; look after, maintain <bicycle, car, machine>; cultivate <relations, arts, interests>; foster <contacts, cooperation>; keep up, pursue < hobby>

    jemanden/ein Tier gesund pflegen — nurse somebody/an animal back to health

    intransitives Verb; mit Inf. + zu

    etwas zu tun pflegen — be in the habit of doing something; usually do something

    ..., wie er zu sagen pflegt/pflegte —..., as he is wont to say/as he used to say

    reflexives Verb take care of oneself; (gesundheitlich) look after oneself; s. auch gepflegt
    * * *
    A. v/t
    1. MED (pflegebedürftige Person) look after, care for; (Kind, Kranken) auch nurse;
    jemanden aufopfernd pflegen sacrifice oneself to care for sb;
    jemanden gesund pflegen nurse sb back to health
    2. (Blumen, Garten) tend; (Kunst, Freundschaft) cultivate; (Daten, Datenbank) maintain;
    sein Äußeres pflegen groom o.s., take care of one’s appearance
    etwas zu tun pflegen be in the habit of doing sth;
    sie pflegte zu sagen she used to say, she would say;
    solche Versuche pflegen fehlzuschlagen such attempts usually fail ( oder tend to fail)
    B. v/r:
    sich pflegen look after o.s.; äußerlich: take care of one’s appearance
    * * *
    transitives Verb look after; care for, nurse < sick person>; care for, take care of <skin, teeth, floor>; look after, maintain <bicycle, car, machine>; cultivate <relations, arts, interests>; foster <contacts, cooperation>; keep up, pursue < hobby>

    jemanden/ein Tier gesund pflegen — nurse somebody/an animal back to health

    intransitives Verb; mit Inf. + zu

    etwas zu tun pflegen — be in the habit of doing something; usually do something

    ..., wie er zu sagen pflegt/pflegte —..., as he is wont to say/as he used to say

    reflexives Verb take care of oneself; (gesundheitlich) look after oneself; s. auch gepflegt
    * * *
    to care for v.
    to cherish v.
    to foster v.
    to nurse v.
    to treasure v.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > pflegen

  • 8 suivant

    suivant, e [syivɑ̃, ɑ̃t]
    1. adjective
    following ; (dans une série) next
    « voir page suivante » "see next page"
    2. masculine noun, feminine noun
    (au) suivant ! next please!
    pas jeudi prochain, le suivant not this Thursday, the one after that
    3. feminine noun
    ( = selon) according to
    suivant que... according to whether...
    * * *

    1. sɥivɑ̃
    1) ( le long de) along [axe, pointillé]
    2) ( conformément à) in accordance with [coutume, rituel]

    suivant leur habitude — ( au présent) as they usually do; ( au passé) as they usually did

    3) ( en fonction de) depending on [temps, compétence, circonstances]
    4) ( selon) according to

    suivant le plan/leurs instructions — according to the map/their instructions

    suivant que locution conjonctive depending on whether

    suivante sɥivɑ̃, ɑ̃t adjectif
    1) ( ci-après) following

    de la manière or façon suivante — in the following manner

    2) ( d'après) ( dans le temps) following, next; ( dans une série) next

    nom masculin, féminin

    le suivant — ( dans le temps) the following one, the next one; ( dans une série) the next one

    pas ce lundi, le suivant — not this Monday, the one after

    le suivant, la suivante locution adjective as follows (jamais épith)
    * * *
    sɥivɑ̃, ɑ̃t suivant, -e
    1. vb
    2. adj
    1) (jour, semaine) next, following

    le jour suivant — the next day, the following day

    2) (personne) next

    Personne suivante, s'il vous plaît! — Next, please!

    3) (exercice, chapitre, pages) next, following

    l'exercice suivant — the next exercise, the following exercise

    3. prép
    (= selon) according to
    4. nm
    * * *
    A adj
    1 ( ci-après) following; de la manière or façon suivante in the following manner;
    2 ( d'après) ( dans le temps) following, next; ( dans une série) next; il revint le lundi suivant he came back the following Monday; mardi et les jours suivants Tuesday and the following days; voir le chapitre suivant see next chapter; le témoin suivant déclara le contraire the next witness said the opposite.
    B nm,f le suivant ( dans le temps) the following one, the next one; ( dans une série) the next one; appelez le suivant! call in the next one!; (au) suivant! next!; au suivant de ces messieurs! hum next customer, please!; pas ce lundi, le suivant not this (coming) Monday, the one after; pas le prochain arrêt, mais le suivant not the next stop, (but) the one after; 1 000 ce mois-ci, 2 000 le suivant 1,000 this month, and 2,000 the month after; les premiers arrivés ont pu s'asseoir, mais les suivants sont restés debout the first to arrive got seats, but those who came later had to stand.
    C le suivant, la suivante loc adj as follows ( jamais épith); les résultats sont les suivants the results are as follows; la situation est la suivante the situation is as follows.
    D suivante nf
    1 Théât, Littérat lady's maid;
    2 ( dame de compagnie) companion.
    A prép
    1 ( le long de) along [axe, pointillé];
    2 ( conformément à) in accordance with [coutume, rituel, tradition]; suivant leur habitude ( au présent) as they usually do, as is their wont; ( au passé) as they usually did, as was their wont; procéder suivant le mode d'emploi to follow the directions for use;
    3 ( en fonction de) depending on [temps, compétence, circonstances]; suivant le temps/ce qu'il dira depending on the weather/what he says;
    4 ( selon) according to; suivant le plan/leurs instructions according to the map/their instructions; suivant la formule consacrée according to the standard formula.
    B suivant que loc conj depending on whether.
    ( féminin suivante) [sɥivɑ̃, ɑ̃t] adjectif
    1. [qui vient après - chapitre, mois, semaine] following, next ; [ - échelon, train] next
    quel est le chiffre suivant? what's the next number?, what number comes next?
    2. [qui va être précisé] following
    , suivante [sɥivɑ̃, ɑ̃t] nom masculin, nom féminin
    1. [dans une succession] next one
    (au) suivant, s'il vous plaît next, please
    son premier roman, et même les suivants his first novel and even the following ones ou the ones that followed
    2. (comme adjectif) [ce qui va être précisé]
    les résultats sont les suivants here are the results, the results are as follows
    nom masculin
    [membre d'une escorte] attendant
    suivante nom féminin
    [sɥivɑ̃] préposition
    1. [le long de]
    2. [d'après] according to
    suivant son habitude, elle s'est levée très tôt as is her habit ou wont (soutenu), she got up very early
    3. [en fonction de] according to, depending on
    suivant votre âge/vos besoins depending on your age/your needs
    suivant que locution conjonctive

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais > suivant

  • 9 φιλέω

    φῐλέω, [dialect] Aeol. [full] φίλημμι Sapph.79, cf. Ead. Oxy. 1787 Fr.1 + 2.24; [ per.] 2sg. φίλησθα Ead.22; late [ per.] 3pl.

    φίλεισι Epigr.Gr.990.12

    (Balbill.): [dialect] Boeot. [full] φίλειμι Hdn.Gr.2.930: [dialect] Ep. inf.

    φιλήμεναι Il.22.265

    : [dialect] Ion. and [dialect] Ep. [tense] impf.

    φιλέεσκε 3.388

    , al.: [tense] fut. φιλήσω, [dialect] Ep. inf.

    φιλησέμεν Od.4.171

    : [tense] aor. 1

    ἐφίλησα Pi.P.2.16

    , etc.: [tense] pf. πεφίληκα ib. 1.13:—[voice] Med., Poet. 1 [tense] aor. ἐφῑλάμην; [ per.] 3sg. ἐφίλατο, φίλατο, Il.5.61, 20.304, Call.Aet.Oxy. 2080.55; [ per.] 3pl.

    φίλαντο Lyc.274

    ; imper.

    φῖλαι Il.5.117

    , 10.280; subj.

    φίλωνται h.Cer. 117

    , Hes.Th.97; but φίλατο as [voice] Pass., A.R.3.66; also part.

    φιλάμενος IG14.1549

    ([place name] Rome):—[voice] Pass., [tense] fut. [voice] Med. φιλήσομαι in pass. sense, Od.1.123, 15.281, Antipho 1.19: [tense] fut. 3

    πεφιλήσομαι Call. Del. 270

    : [tense] aor.

    ἐφιλήθην E.Hec. 1000

    , Pl.Phdr. 253c: [dialect] Ep. [ per.] 3pl.

    ἐφίληθεν Il.2.668

    : [tense] pf.

    πεφίλημαι Pi.N.4.45

    , X.An.1.9.28; [dialect] Dor. part.

    πεφιλᾱμένος Theoc. 3.3

    . [[pron. full] exceptin the forms ἐφίλατο, φῑλατο, etc.]: ([etym.] φίλος):— love, regard with affection, opp. μισεῖν, Pl.R. 334c, Arist.Rh. 1380b34;

    φιλήσω τὸν δῆμον τὸν Ἀθηναίων IG12.15.36

    ; (on its relation to sexual love v. infr. 3); of the love of gods for men,

    φ. δέ ἑ μητίετα Ζεύς Il. 2.197

    ; πέρι γάρ μ' ἐφίλει (of the love of the master for his swineherd) Od.14.146; (also

    ὃν περὶ κῆρι φ. Ζεὺς.. παντοίην φιλότητα Od.15.245

    , cf. Il.9.117);

    μάλα τούς γε φ. ἑκάεργος Ἀπόλλων Il.16.94


    εἰ.. Ἕκτορά περ φιλέεις καὶ κήδεαι αὐτοῦ 7.204

    , etc.; of love for a child reared, Od. 15.370;

    αἰ δὲ μὴ φίλει, ταχέως φιλήσει κωὐκὶ θέλοισα Sapph.1.23


    λόγοις φιλοῦσαν οὐ στέργω φίλην S.Ant. 543


    φιλέων φιλέοντα Pi.P.10.66


    ὃν δ' ἐχρῆν φιλεῖν στυγεῖς A.Ch. 907


    μάλιστά σ'.. ἤχθηρα κἀφίλησ' ἐν ἡμέρᾳ μιᾷ S.El. 1363


    ὃν οἱ θεοὶ φιλοῦσιν ἀποθνῄσκει νέος Men.125

    ; ὅσα θεοὶ ἀνθρώποις οὓς φιλοῦσιν [διδόασιν] SIG 985.48 (Philadelphia, i B. C.); οἱ φιλοῦντές τινα his friends, freq. in messages and letters, OGI184.10 (Philae, i B. C.), Ep.Tit.3.15, PSI8.971.30 (iii/iv A. D.), etc.; φιλεῖν ἐμαυτήν, αὑτόν, E.Hel. 999, Med.86, etc.:—[voice] Pass., to be beloved by one,

    ἐκ Διός Il.2.668


    παρ' αὐτῇ 13.627

    , etc.; τινι E.Hec. 1000.
    2 treat affectionately or kindly, esp. welcome, entertain a guest, Od.4.29, 5.135, Il.3.207, etc.;

    φίλος δ' ἦν ἀνθρώποισιν, πάντας γὰρ φιλέεσκεν ὁδῷ ἔπι οἰκία ναίων Il.6.15


    ξεῖνον ἐνὶ μεγάροισι φ. Od.8.42


    ξεῖνον ἄγων ἐν δώμασι.. φιλέειν καὶ τιέμεν 15.543

    , cf. 14.322; θεὸς (i. e. Calypso)

    ἥ με.. ἐφίλει τε καὶ ἔτρεφεν 7.256

    ; τίς ἂν φιλέοντι μάχοιτο; who would quarrel with a kind host? 8.208; etc.:—[voice] Pass., παρ' ἄμμι φιλήσεαι welcome shalt thou be in our house, Od.1.123, cf. 15.281.
    3 opp. ἐρᾶν, τούτους μάλιστά φασι φιλεῖν ὧν ἂν ἐρῶσι regard with affection those for whom they have a passion, Pl.Phdr. 231c;

    ὥστε οὐ μόνον φιλοῖο ἄν, ἀλλὰ καὶ ἐρῷο ὑπ' ἀνθρώπων X.Hier.11.11

    , cf. Smp.8.21; εἰκὸς τὸ φιλεῖν τοὺς ἐρωμένους Arist.APr. 70a6; but φ. is used of lovers,

    ἥ γ' Εὐρυμάχῳ μισγέσκετο καὶ φιλέεσκεν Od.18.325


    Λυσίθεος Μικίωνα φιλῖν φησι μάλισστα τῶν ἐν τῇ πόλει IG12.924


    οὐκ ἔστ' ἐραστὴς ὅστις οὐκ ἀεὶ φιλεῖ E.Tr. 1051

    , cf. Hdt.4.176 ([voice] Pass.), Ar.Lys. 905; of the love of man for wife, ὅς τις ἀνὴρ ἀγαθὸς.. τὴν αὐτοῦ φιλέει ( cherishes her)

    καὶ κήδεται ὡς καὶ ἐγὼ τὴν ἐκ θυμοῦ φίλεον Il.9.343

    , cf. 486; τὴν αὐτὸς φιλέεσκεν loved and cherished as his wife, ib. 450; but ἐμὲ.. ἀτιμάζει, φιλέει δ' ἀΐδηλον Ἄρηα (Hephaestus speaks of Aphrodite) Od.8.309: Com.,

    ὦ Δῆμ', ἐραστής εἰμι σὸς φιλῶ τέ σε καὶ κήδομαί σου Ar.Eq. 1341

    b of sexual intercourse, Hsch. s.v. βαίνειν.
    4 show outward signs of love, esp. kiss (not in Hom.), φ. τοῖσι στόμασι kiss on the mouth, opp. τὰς παρειὰς φιλέονται, Hdt. 1.134, cf. X.Cyr.1.4.27, Smp.9.5;

    κατὰ τὸ στόμα AP5.284


    φιλήσω.. τὸ σὸν κάρα S.OC 1131


    πατέρα.. περὶ χεῖρε βαλοῦσα φιλήσει A.Ag. 1559

    (anap.), cf. Ar.Av. 671, 674, Pl.Phdr. 255e, Ev.Marc.14.44, etc.: c. dupl. acc., τὸ φίλαμα, τὸ.. τὸν Ἄδωνιν.. ἀποθνάσκοντα φίλασεν the kiss wherewith she kissed him, Mosch.3.69:—[voice] Med., τὰς παρειάς kiss each other's cheeks, Hdt.l.c.
    5 of things as objects of love, like, approve,

    σχέτλια ἔργα Od.14.83


    ἀοιδάν Pi.N.3.7


    οὔθ' ἱστῶν ἐφίλησεν ὁδοὺς οὔτε δείπνων.. τέρψιας P.9.18

    , etc.;

    αἰσχροκέρδειαν S.Ant. 1056

    , cf. 312; τὰς λευκοτάτας [μάζας] Telecl. 1.6 (anap.);

    Πράμνιον οἶνον Ephipp.28

    6 of things as the subject,

    ἡσυχία δὲ φιλεῖ συμπόσιον Pi.N.9.48


    ἢ [μίτρη] μαστοὺς ἐφίλησε Call.Epigr.39

    7 in making a request,

    οἶσθ' ὁτιὴ φιλῶ σ' ἐγώ, κἀμοὶ πιθόμενος ὑπαποκίνει τῆς ὁδοῦ Ar.Av. 1010

    ; so τί πράσσει Φηλικίων ὁ ἀγαθός; φιλῶ σε pray, how goes it with the worthy Felicio? Arr.Epict.1.19.20; so perh. in Herod.1.66, πείσθητί μευ, φιλέω σε (but rather 'I speak as a true friend').
    II after Hom., c. inf., love to do, be fond of doing, and so to be wont or used to do,

    φιλέει ὁ θεὸς τὰ ὑπερέχοντα κολούειν Hdt.7.10


    έ; ἢν ἁμάρτωσι τοῦ πατρικοῦ τύπου.. φιλέουσι διαφθείρεσθαι Democr.228


    Μοῖσα μεμνᾶσθαι φ. Pi. N.1.12

    , cf. P.3.18;

    φιλεῖ δὲ τίκτειν ὕβρις.. ὕβριν A.Ag. 763


    τοῖς θανοῦσί τοι φιλοῦσι πάντες κειμένοις ἐπεγγελᾶν S.Aj. 989

    , etc.; rarely with part. for inf.,

    φιλεῖς δὲ δρῶσ' αὐτὸ σφόδρα Ar.Pl. 645

    2 of things, events, etc.,

    αὔρη ἀπὸ ψυχροῦ τινος φιλέει πνέειν Hdt.2.27


    φιλεῖ ὠδῖνα τίκτειν νύξ A.Supp. 769


    ἐμπόρων ἔπη φ. πλανᾶσθαι S.OC 304


    φιλεῖ γάρ πως τὰ τοιαῦθ' ἑτέρᾳ τρέπεσθαι Ar.Nu. 813


    φιλεῖ μεγάλα στρατόπεδα ἐκπλήγνυσθαι Th.4.125


    ὃ δὴ φ. ὁ ἔρως ἐμποιεῖν Pl.Smp. 182c

    : esp. with γίγνεσθαι of what usually happens, ἀπὸ πείρης πάντα ἀνθρώποισι φιλέει γίνεσθαι everything comes to man by experience, Hdt.7.9.γ, cf. 7.10.ζ, 7.50, Th.3.42, Isoc.6.104, Pl. R. 494c, al.;

    οἷα φ. γίγνεσθαι Th.7.79

    , cf. Hdt.8.128; without γίγνεσθαι, οἷα δὴ φιλεῖ as is wont, Pl.R. 467b;

    ὁποῖα φ. Luc.Am.9

    3 impers., φιλέει δέ κως προσημαίνειν (sc. ὁ θεός) , εὖτ' ἂν .. Hdt.6.27; ὡς δὴ φιλεῖ.. λόγον ἔχειν ἀνθρώπους as it is usual for.., Plu.Pomp. 73.

    Greek-English dictionary (Αγγλικά Ελληνικά-λεξικό) > φιλέω

  • 10 mos

    mos, mōris, m. [etym. dub.; perh. root ma-, measure; cf.: maturus, matutinus; prop., a measuring or guiding rule of life; hence], manner, custom, way, usage, practice, fashion, wont, as determined not by the laws, but by men's will and pleasure, humor, self-will, caprice (class.; cf.: consuetudo, usus).

    opsequens oboediensque'st mori atque imperiis patris,

    Plaut. Bacch. 3, 3, 54:

    huncine erat aequum ex illius more, an illum ex hujus vivere?

    Ter. Heaut. 1, 2, 24: alieno more vivendum est mihi, according to the will or humor of another, id. And. 1, 1, 125:

    nonne fuit levius dominae pervincere mores,

    Prop. 1, 17, 15: morem alicui gerere, to do the will of a person, to humor, gratify, obey him:

    sic decet morem geras,

    Plaut. Most. 3, 2, 35; Cic. Tusc. 1, 9, 17:

    animo morem gessero,

    Ter. And. 4, 1, 17:

    adulescenti morem gestum oportuit,

    id. Ad. 2, 2, 6; v. gero.—
    The will as a rule for action, custom, usage, practice, wont, habit:

    leges mori serviunt,

    usage, custom, Plaut. Trin. 4, 3, 36:

    legi morique parendum est,

    Cic. Univ. 11:

    ibam forte Viā Sacrā, sicut meus est mos,

    custom, wont, Hor. S. 1, 9, 1:

    contra morem consuetudinemque civilem,

    Cic. Off. 1, 41, 148:

    quae vero more agentur institutisque civilibus,

    according to usage, according to custom, id. ib.:

    mos est hominum, ut nolint eundem pluribus rebus excellere,

    id. Brut. 21, 84:

    ut mos est,

    Juv. 6, 392;

    moris erat quondam servare, etc.,

    id. 11, 83:

    more sinistro,

    by a perverted custom, id. 2, 87.— So with ut:

    morem traditum a patribus, ut, etc.,

    Liv. 27, 11, 10:

    hunc morem servare, ut, etc.,

    id. 32, 34, 5:

    virginibus Tyriis mos est gestare pharetram,

    it is the custom, they are accustomed, Verg. A. 1, 336:

    qui istic mos est?

    Ter. Heaut. 3, 3, 1:

    mos ita rogandi,

    Cic. Fam. 12, 17, 1:

    ut mos fuit Bithyniae regibus,

    id. Verr. 2, 5, 11, § 27: moris est, it is the custom:

    negavit, moris esse Graecorum, ut, etc.,

    id. ib. 2, 1, 26, § 66; Vell. 2, 37, 5:

    quae moris Graecorum non sint,

    Liv. 36, 28, 4; cf.:

    (aliquid) satis ex more Graecorum factum,

    id. 36, 28, 5:

    ut Domitiano moris erat,

    Tac. Agr. 39.— Plur.:

    id quoque morum Tiberii erat,

    Tac. A. 1, 80:

    praeter civium morem,

    contrary to custom, to usage, Ter. And. 5, 3, 9: sine more, unwonted, unparalleled:

    facinus sine more,

    Stat. Th. 1, 238; so,

    nullo more,

    id. ib. 7, 135:

    supra morem: terra supra morem densa,

    unusually, Verg. G. 2, 227 (cf.:

    supra modum): perducere aliquid in morem,

    to make into a custom, make customary, Cic. Inv. 2, 54, 162:

    quod jam in morem venerat, ut, etc.,

    had become customary, Liv. 42, 21, 7.—
    In partic., in a moral point of view, conduct, behavior; in plur., manners, morals, character; in a good or bad sense:

    est ita temperatis moderatisque moribus, ut summa severitas summā cum humanitate jungatur,

    manners, Cic. Fam. 12, 27, 1:

    suavissimi mores,

    id. Att. 16, 16, A, 6: boni, id. Fragm. ap. Non. 254, 8.—Prov.:

    corrumpunt mores bonos colloquia mala,

    Vulg. 1 Cor. 15, 33:


    Cic. de Or. 2, 43, 184:

    severi et pudici,

    Plin. 28, 8, 27, § 106:


    Plin. Ep. 10, 20, 3: feri immanisque natura, Cic. Rosc. [p. 1168] Am. 13, 38:

    totam vitam, naturam moresque alicujus cognoscere,

    character, id. ib. 38, 109:

    eos esse M'. Curii mores, eamque probitatem, ut, etc.,

    id. Fam. 13, 17, 3; id. de Or. 2, 43, 182:

    mores disciplinamque alicujus imitari,

    id. Deiot. 10, 28:


    id. Fam. 2, 5, 2:

    praefectura morum,

    the supervision of the public morals, Suet. Caes. 76:

    moribus et caelum patuit,

    to good morals, virtue, Prop. 4 (5), 11, 101:

    amator meretricis mores sibi emit auro et purpurā,

    polite behavior, complaisance, Plaut. Most. 1, 3, 128:

    propitiis, si per mores nostros liceret, diis,

    i. e. our evil way of life, Tac. H. 3, 72:

    morum quoque filius,

    like his father in character, Juv. 14, 52:

    ne te ignarum fuisse dicas meorum morum, leno ego sum,

    i. e. my trade, Ter. Ad. 2, 1, 6:

    in publicis moribus,

    Suet. Tib. 33; 42.—
    Quality, nature, manner; mode, fashion:

    haec meretrix fecit, ut mos est meretricius,

    Plaut. Men. 5, 4, 8:

    mores siderum,

    qualities, properties, Plin. 18, 24, 56, § 206:


    Verg. G. 1, 51:

    Carneadeo more et modo disputare,

    manner, Cic. Univ. 1:

    si humano modo, si usitato more peccāsset,

    in the usual manner, id. Verr. 2, 2, 3, § 9:

    Graeco more bibere,

    id. ib. 1, 26, 66:

    apis Matinae More modoque,

    after the manner of, like, Hor. C. 4, 2, 27:

    Dardanius torrentis aquae vel turbinis atri More furens,

    Verg. A. 10, 604:

    more novalium,

    Col. 3, 13, 4:

    caeli et anni mores,

    Col. 1, Praef. 23:

    omnium more,

    Cic. Fam. 12, 17, 3; so,

    ad morem actionum,

    Quint. 4, 1, 43:

    elabitur anguis in morem fluminis,

    like, Verg. G. 1, 245:

    in hunc operis morem,

    Hor. S. 2, 1, 63:

    pecudum in morem,

    Flor. 3, 8, 6:

    morem vestis tenere,

    mode, fashion, Just. 1, 2, 3.—
    A precept, law, rule ( poet. and postAug.):

    moresque viris et moenia ponet,

    precepts, laws, Verg. A. 1, 264; cf.:

    pacis inponere morem,

    id. ib. 6, 852:

    quod moribus eorum interdici non poterat,

    Nep. Ham. 3:

    quid ferri duritiā pugnacius? sed cedit, et patitur mores,

    submits to laws, obeys, is tamed, Plin. 36, 16, 25, § 127:

    ut leo mores Accepit,

    Stat. Ach. 2, 183:

    in morem tonsa coma, = ex more ludi,

    Verg. A. 5, 556.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > mos

  • 11 mōs

        mōs mōris, m    [1 MA-], a will, way, habit, manner, fashion, caprice, humor: suos quoique mos, T.: mores mulierum, T.: alieno more vivendumst mihi, after another's humor, T.: suo more, Cs.: morem alcui gerere, to accommodate oneself.—A custom, usage, manner, practice, wont, habit, fashion: ut nunc sunt mores, T.: legi morique parendum est: uti mos gentis illius est, S.: sicut meus est mos, wont, H.: militari more, Cs.: mos partium popularium et factionum, bad custom, S.: mos obsidiandi vias, L.: more sinistro, by a perverted custom, Iu.: Pellibus in morem cincti, after their manner, V.: crinem de more solutae, V.: ut mos fuit Bithyniae regibus: quae moris Graecorum non sint, L.: apis Matinae More modoque, like, H.: ut Domitiano moris erat, Ta.: praeter civium morem, contrary to usage, T.: raptae sine more Sabinae, in defiance of usage, V.: quod in morem vetustas perduxit, made a custom: quibus omnia vendere mos est, S.: sciant, quibus moris est inlicita mirari, Ta.: Moris erat quondam servare, etc., Iu.: nondum consulem iudicem appellari mos fuerat, L.: mos est Syracusis, ut dicat sententiam qui velit: quod iam in morem venerat, ut, etc., had become customary, L.: barbariam ex Gaditanorum moribus delere.— Morality, conduct: qui istic mos est? T.: mos est hominum, ut nolint, etc., nature.—Plur., conduct, behavior, manners, morals, character: quantum mei mores poscebant, respondi, S.: eius suavissimi mores: iusti: naturam moresque hominis cognoscere, character: perditi: exemplar vitae morumque, H.: morum quoque filius, i. e. like his father in character, Iu.: ignarus meorum morum, i. e. my trade, T.—Of things, quality, nature, manner, mode, fashion: caeli, V.: elabitur anguis in morem fluminis, like, V.: in hunc operis morem, H.— Manner, measure, moderation: Tempestas sine more furit, with singular fierceness, V.: (terra) supra morem densa, uncommonly, V.— A precept, law, rule: Quīs neque mos neque cultus erat, V.: moresque viris et moenia ponet, laws, V.
    * * *
    custom, habit; mood, manner, fashion; character (pl.), behavior, morals

    Latin-English dictionary > mōs

  • 12 GÖRA

    ð, also spelt görva, giörva, geyra, giora, gera: prop. gøra, not gra (the ø was sounded nearly as y or ey), so that the g is to be sounded as an aspirate, however the word is spelt; and the insertion of i or j (giöra, gjöra), which is usual in mod. writing, and often occurs in old, is phonetic, not radical, and göra and gjöra represent the same sound. The word in the oldest form had a characteristic v, and is spelt so on the Runic stones in the frequent Runic phrase, gaurva kubl, Baut., and Danske Runemind. passim; but also now and then in old Icel. MSS., e. g. the Kb. of Sæm. (cited from Bugge’s Edit.), gorva, Am. 75, Skv. 1. 34, 3. 20, Hm. 123, Og. 29; gerva, Am. 64, Bkv. 3; giorva, Rm. 9; giorfa, 28; gorvir, Hkv. Hjörv. 41; gørvom, Hým. 6; gorviz, Am. 35; gerviz, Merl. 2. 89:—this characteristic v has since been dropped, and it is usually spelt without it in MSS., gora, Hým. 1, Og. 23, Ls. 65; gera, Am. 85; gorir, Hm. 114: the pret. always drops the v, gorþi, Hym. 21; gorðo or gorþo, fecerunt, Hm. 142, Am. 9; gorðumz, Hðm. 28; gerþi, Am. 74; gerþit, 26:—with i inserted, Rm. 9, 22; giordu, 11; in the Mork. freq. giavra. The ö is still sounded in the east of Icel., whereas gera is the common form in speech, gjöra in writing:—the old pres. indic. used by the poets and in the laws is monosyllabic görr, with suffixed negative, görr-a, Hkr. i. (in a verse); mod. bisyllabic görir, which form is also the usual one in the Sagas:—the old part. pass. was görr or gerr, geyrr, Fms. ix. 498, x. 75, where the v was kept before a vowel, and is often spelt with f, gorvan, gorvir, and gorfan, gorfir: dat. so-goro or so-guru adverbially = sic facto: the mod. part. gjörðr, gerðr, görðr, as a regular part. of the 2nd weak conjugation, which form occurs in MSS. of the 15th century, e. g. Bs. i. 877, l. 21. [This is a Scandin. word; Dan. gjöre; Swed. göra; Old Engl. and Scot. gar, which is no doubt of Scandin. origin, the Saxon word being do, the Germ. thun, neither of which is used in the Scandin.; the word however is not unknown to the Teut., though used in a different sense; A. S. gervan and gearvjan = parare; O. H. G. karwan; Germ. gerben, garben, but esp. the adj. and adv. gar, vide above s. v. gör-.] To make, to do; the Icel. includes both these senses.
    A. To make:
    I. to build, work, make, etc.; göra himin ok jörð, 623. 36, Hom. 100; göra hús, to build a house, Fms. xi. 4, Rb. 384; göra kirkju, Bjarn. 39; göra skip, N. G. L. i. 198; göra langskip, Eg. 44; göra stólpa, Al. 116; göra tól (= smíða), Vsp. 7; göra (fingr)-gull, Bs. i. 877; göra haug, to build a cairn, Eg. 399; göra lokhvílu, Dropl. 27; göra dys, Ld. 152; göra kistu ( coffin), Eg. 127; göra naust, N. G. L. i. 198; göra jarðhús, Dropl. 34; göra veggi, Eg. 724: also, göra bók, to write a book, Íb. 1, Rb. 384; göra kviðling, to make a song, Nj. 50; göra bréf, to draw up a deed ( letter), Fms. ix. 22; göra nýmæli, to frame a law, Íb. 17.
    2. adding prep.; göra upp, to repair, rebuild, restore, Fb. ii. 370; göra upp Jórsala-borg, Ver. 43; göra upp skála, Ld. 298; göra upp leiði, to build up a grave.
    II. to make, prepare, get ready; göra veizlu, drykkju, brúðkaup, erfi, and poët. öl, öldr, to make a feast, brew bridal ale, Fs. 23, Fms. xi. 156, Dropl. 6, Am. 86; göra seið, blót, to perform a sacrifice, Ld. 152; göra bú, to set up a house, Grág. i. 185, Ld. 68; göra eld, to make a fire, Fs. 100, K. Þ. K. 88; göra rekkju, to make one’s bed, Eg. 236; göra upp hvílur, Sturl. ii. 124; göra graut, to make porridge, Eg. 196, N. G. L. i. 349; göra drykk, to make a drink, Fms. i. 8; göra kol, or göra til kola, to make charcoal, Ölk. 35.
    III. in somewhat metaph. phrases; göra ferð, to make a journey, Fms. x. 281; görði heiman för sína, he made a journey from home, Eg. 23; göra sinn veg, to make one’s way, travel, Mar.; göra uppreisn, to make an uprising, to rebel, Rb. 384, Fms. ix. 416; göra úfrið, to make war, 656 C. 15; göra sátt, göra frið, to make peace, Hom. 153, Bs. i. 24; göra féskipti, Nj. 118; göra tilskipan, to make an arrangement, Eg. 67; göra ráð sitt, to make up one’s mind, Nj. 267, Fms. ix. 21; göra hluti, to cast lots, Fms. x. 348.
    2. to make, give, pay, yield; göra tíund, to pay tithes, Hom. 180; hann skal göra Guði tíunda hlut verðsins, id.; göra ölmusu, to give alms, 64; göra ávöxt, to yield fruit, Greg. 48; gefa né göra ávöxt, Stj. 43; göra konungi skatt eða skyld, Fms. xi. 225.
    3. to contract; göra vináttu, félagskap, to contract friendship, Nj. 103, Eg. 29; göra skuld, to contract a debt, Grág. i. 126: göra ráð með e-m, to take counsel with, advise one, Eg. 12; göra ráð fyrir, to suppose, Nj. 103, Fms. ix. 10; göra mun e-s, to make a difference, i. 255, Eb. 106.
    4. to make, make up, Lat. efficere; sex tigir penninga göra eyri, sixty pence make an ounce, Grág. i. 500, Rb. 458.
    5. to grant, render; göra kost, to make a choice, to grant, Nj. 130, Dropl. 6, Fms. xi. 72, (usually ellipt., kostr being understood); vil ek at þér gerit kostinn, Nj. 3; ok megit þér fyrir því göra ( grant) honum kostinn, 49, 51; göra e-m lög, to grant the law to one, 237; göra guðsifjar, to make ‘gossip’ with one, to be one’s godfather, Fms. ii. 130.
    6. special usages; göra spott, háð, gabb, … at e-u, to make sport, gibes, etc. at or over a thing, Fms. x. 124; göra iðran, to do penance, Greg. 22; göra þakkir, to give thanks, Hom. 55; göra róm at máli e-s, to cheer another’s speech, shout hear, hear! var görr at máli hans mikill rómr ok góðr, his speech was much cheered, Nj. 250,—a parliamentary term; the Teutons cheered, the Romans applauded (with the hands), cp. Tacit. Germ.
    7. with prepp.; gera til, to make ready or dress meat; láta af ( to kill) ok göra til ( and dress), K. Þ. K. 80, Ísl. ii. 83, 331, Fs. 146, 149, Bjarn. 31, Finnb. 228; göra til nyt, to churn milk, K. Þ. K. 78; göra til sverð, to wash and clean the sword, Dropl. 19; máttu þeir eigi sjá, hversu Þorvaldr var til gerr, how Th. got a dressing, Nj. 19.
    β. göra at e-u, to mend, make good, put right (at-görð), ek skal at því gera, Fms. xi. 153, Eg. 566, Nj. 130: to heal, Bárð. 171, Eg. 579, Grág. i. 220; göra at hesti, K. Þ. K. 54, Nj. 74: göra við e-u, vide B. II.
    8. adding acc. of an adj., part., or the like; göra mun þat margan höfuðlausan, Nj. 203; göra mikit um sik, to make a great noise, great havoc, Fb. i. 545, Grett. 133, Fms. x. 329; göra e-n sáttan, to reconcile one, Grág. i. 336; göra sér e-n kæran, to make one dear to oneself, Hkr. i. 209; göra sik líkan e-m, to make oneself like to another, imitate one, Nj. 258; göra sik góðan, to make oneself good or useful, 74, 78; göra sik reiðan, to take offence, 216; göra sér dælt, to make oneself at home, take liberties, Ld. 134, Nj. 216; göra langmælt, to make a long speech, Sks. 316; göra skjót-kjörit, to make a quick choice, Fms. ii. 79; göra hólpinn, to ‘make holpen,’ to help, x. 314; göra lögtekit, to make a law, issue a law, xi. 213, Bs. i. 37; hann gerði hann hálshöggvinn, he had him beheaded, Fms. ix. 488, v. l.; ok görðu þá handtekna alla at minsta kosti, Sturl. i. 40; várir vöskustu ok beztu menn era görfir handteknir, 41.
    β. göra sér mikit um e-t, to make much of, admire, Eg. 5, Fms. x. 254, 364; göra e-t at ágætum, to make famous, extol a thing, vii. 147; göra at orðum, to notice as remarkable, Fas. i. 123; göra at álitum, to take into consideration, Nj. 3; göra sér úgetið at e-u, to be displeased with, Ld. 134; göra vart við sik, to make one’s presence noticed, Eg. 79; göra sér mikit, lítið fyrir, to make great, small efforts, Finnb. 234; göra sér í hug, to brood over; hann gerði sér í hug at drepa jarl, Fs. 112; göra sér í hugar lund, to fancy, think: göra af sér, to exert oneself, ef þú gerir eigi meira af þér um aðra leika, Edda 32; hvárt hann var með Eiríki jarli, eðr görði hann annat af sér, or what else he was making of himself, Fms. xi. 157.
    9. phrases, gera fáleika á sik, to feign, make oneself look sad, Nj. 14; esp. adding upp, gera sér upp veyki, to feign sickness, (upp-gerð, dissimulation); göra sér til, to make a fuss, (hence, til-gerð, foppishness.)
    B. To do:
    I. to do, act; allt þat er hann gerir síðan ( whatever he does), þat á eigandi at ábyrgjask, Gþl. 190; þér munut fátt mæla eðr gera, áðr yðr munu vandræði af standa, i. e. whatsoever you say or do will bring you into trouble, Nj. 91; göra e-t með harðfengi ok kappi, 98; ger svá vel, ‘do so well,’ be so kind! 111; gerit nú svá, góði herra (please, dear lord!), þiggit mitt heilræði, Fms. vii. 157: and in mod. usage, gerið þér svo vel, gerðu svo vel, = Engl. please, do! sagði, at hann hafði með trúleik gört, done faithfully, Eg. 65; göra gott, to do good; göra íllt, to do evil, (góð-görð, íll-görð); ok þat var vel gört, well done, 64; geyrða ek hotvetna íllt, I did evil in all things, Niðrst. 109; hefir hann marga hluti gört stór-vel til mín, he has done many things well towards me, I have received many great benefits at his hands, Eg. 60: with dat., svá mikit gott sem jarl hefir mér gert, Nj. 133; þér vilda ek sízt íllt göra, I would least do harm to thee, 84: göra fúlmennsku, to do a mean act, 185; göra vel við e-n, to do well to one, Fs. 22; göra stygð við e-n, to offend one, Fms. x. 98; göra sæmiliga til e-s, to do well to one, Ld. 62, Nj. 71; göra sóma e-s, to do honour to one, Fms. vii. 155; göra e-m gagn, to give help to one, Nj. 262; göra e-m sæmd, skomm, to do ( shew) honour, dishonour, to one, 5, Fms. x. 43; göra háðung, xi. 152; göra styrk, to strengthen one, ix. 343; göra e-m skapraun, to tease one; göra ósóma, Vápn. 19; göra skaða ( scathe), Eg. 426; göra óvina-fagnað, to give joy to one’s enemies, i. e. to do just what they want one to do, Nj. 112; göra til skaps e-m, to conform to one’s wishes, 80; gerum vér sem faðir vár vill, let us do as our father wishes, 198; vel má ek gera þat til skaps föður míns at brenna inni með honum, id.; göra at skapi e-s, id., 3; var þat mjök gert móti mínu skapi, Fms. viii. 300; gera til saka við e-n, to offend, sin against one, Nj. 80; gera á hluta e-s, to wrong one, Vígl. 25; göra ílla fyrir sér, to behave badly, Fms. vii. 103.
    II. adding prep.; göra til e-s, to deserve a thing (cp. til-görð, desert, behaviour); hvat hafðir þú til gört, what hast thou done to deserve it? Nj. 130; framarr en ek hefi til gört, more than I have deserved, Fms. viii. 300; ok hafit þér Danir heldr til annars gört, ye Danes have rather deserved the reverse, xi. 192, Hom. 159:—göra eptir, to do after, imitate, Nj. 90:—göra við e-u (cp. við-görð, amendment), to provide for, amend, ok mun úhægt vera at göra við forlögum þeirra, Ld. 190; er úhægt at göra við ( to resist) atkvæðum, Fs. 22; ok mun ekki mega við því gera, Nj. 198:—göra af við e-n (cp. af-görð, evil doing), to transgress against one, ek hefi engan hlut af gört við þik, Fms. vii. 104, viii. 241; ok iðrask nú þess er hann hefir af gert, 300; göra af við Guð, to sin against God, Hom. 44.
    2. special usages; göra … at, to do so and so; spurði, hvat hann vildi þá láta at gera, he asked what he would have done, Nj. 100; hann gerði þat eina at, er hann átti, he did only what be ought, 220; þeir Flosi sátu um at rengja, ok gátu ekki at gert, F. tried, and could do nothing, 115, 242; þér munut ekki fá at gert, fyrr en …, 139; Flosi ok hans menn fengu ekki at gert, 199; mikit hefir þú nú at gert, much hast thou now done ( it is a serious matter), 85; er nú ok mikit at gert um manndráp siðan, 256; hann vildi taka vöru at láni, ok göra mikit at, and do great things, Ld. 70; Svartr hafði höggit skóg ok gert mikit at, Nj. 53; slíkt gerir at er sölin etr, so it happens with those who eat seaweed, i. e. that (viz. thirst) comes of eating seaweed, Eg. 605.
    β. göra af e-u, to do so and so with a thing; hvat hafið ér gert af Gunnari, Njarð. 376; ráð þú draumana, vera má at vér gerim af nokkut, may be that we may make something out of it, Ld. 126; gör af drauminum slíkt er þér þykkir líkligast, do with the dream ( read it) as seems to thee likeliest, Ísl. ii. 196: göra við e-n, to do with one; þá var um rætt, hvað við þá skyldi göra, what was to be done with them? Eg. 232; ærnar eru sakir til við Egil, hvat sem eg læt göra við hann, 426; eigi veit ek hvat þeir hafa síðan við gört, 574: göra fyrir e-t, to provide; Jón var vel fjáreigandi, ok at öllu vel fyrir gört, a wealthy and well-to-do man, Sturl. iii. 195; þótt Björn sé vel vígr maðr, þá er þar fyrir gört, því at …, but that is made up, because …: fyrir göra (q. v.), to forfeit.
    I. to do, help, avail; nú skulum vér ganga allir á vald jarlsins, því at oss gerir eigi annat, nothing else will do for us, Nj. 267; þat mun ekki gera, that wont do, 84; en ek kann ekki ráð til at leggja ef þetta gerir ekki, Fms. ii. 326; konungr vill þat eigi, þvi at mér gerir þat eigi ( it will not do for me) at þér gangit hér upp, x. 357; þat gerir mér ekki, at þér gangit á Orminn, … en hitt má vera at mér komi at gagni, ii. 227; þóttisk þá vita, at honum mundi ekki gera ( it would do nothing) at biðja fyrir honum, Fb. i. 565; engum gerði við hann at keppa, 571; ekki gerði þeim um at brjótask, Bárð. 10 new Ed.; sagða ek yðr eigi, at ekki mundi gera at leita hans, Sks. 625; hvat gerir mér nú at spyrja, Stj. 518; ekki gerir at dylja, no use hiding it, Fbr. 101 new Ed.; ætla þat at fáir þori, enda geri engum, Band. 7; bæði var leitað til annarra ok heima, ok gerði ekki, but did no good, 4; hét hann þeim afarkostum, ok gerði þat ekki, but it did no good, Fms. ii. 143.
    II. to send, despatch, cp. the Engl. to ‘do’ a message; hann gerði þegar menn frá sér, Eg. 270; hann hafði gört menn sex á skóginn fyrir þá, 568; þá gerði Karl lið móti þeim, Fms. i. 108; jarl gerði Eirík at leita Ribbunga, ix. 314; hann gerði fram fyrir sik Álf á njósn, 488; hann gerði menn fyrir sér at segja konunginum kvámu sína, x. 10; hleypi-skúta var gör norðr til Þrándheims, vii. 206; jafnan gerði jarl til Ribbunga ok drap menn af þeim, ix. 312; vilja Ósvífrs-synir þegar gera til þeirra Kotkels, despatch them to slay K., Ld. 144; skulu vér nú göra í mót honum, ok láta hann engri njósn koma, 242:—göra eptir e-m, to send after one, Nero bað göra eptir postulunum ok leiða þangat, 656 C. 26; nú verðr eigi eptir gört at miðjum vetri, Grág. i. 421; frændr Bjarnar létu göra eptir (Germ. abholen) líki hans, Bjarn. 69; síðan gerðu þeir til klaustrs þess er jómfrúin var í, Fms. x. 102:—gera e-m orð, njósn, to do a message to one; hann gerði orð jörlum sínum, Eg. 270; ætluðu þeir at göra Önundi njósn um ferðir Egils, 386, 582; vóru þangat orð gör, word was sent thither, Hkr. ii. 228.
    III. with infin. as an auxiliary verb, only in poetry and old prose (laws); ef hón gerði koma, if she did come, Völ. 5; gerðit vatn vægja, Am. 25; gramr gørr-at sér hlífa, he does not spare himself, Hkr. i. (in a verse); gerðut vægjask, id., Fs. (in a verse); hann gerðisk at höggva, Jb. 41; görðir at segja, Bkv. 15; görðisk at deyja, Gkv. 1. 1: in prose, eigi gerir hugr minn hlægja við honum, Fas. i. 122; góðir menn göra skýra sitt mál með sannsögli, 677. 12; Aristodemus görði eigi enn at trúa, Post.: esp. in the laws, ef þeir göra eigi ganga í rúm sín, Grág. i. 8; ef goðinn gerr eigi segja, 32; ef hann gerr eigi í ganga, 33; ef þeir göra eigi hluta meðr sér, 63; ef dómendr göra eigi dæma, 67; ef dómendr göra eigi við at taka, id.; ef goðinn gerr eigi ( does not) nefna féráns-dóm, 94; nú göra þeir menn eigi úmaga færa, 86; ef þeir göra eigi nefna kvöðina af búanum, Kb. ii. 163; ef þeir göra eigi segja, hvárt …, Sb. ii. 52; nú gerr sá eigi til fara, Kb. ii. 96; göra eigi koma, 150; ef hann gerr eigi kjósa, § 113.
    IV. a law term, göra um, or gera only, to judge or arbitrate in a case; fékksk þat af, at tólf menn skyldu göra um málit, Nj. 111; villt þú göra um málit, 21; bjóða mun ek at göra um, ok lúka upp þegar görðinni, 77; mun sá mála-hluti várr beztr, at góðir menn geri um, 88; málin vóru lagið í gerð, skyldu gera um tólf menn, var þá gert um málin á þingi, var þat gert, at … (follows the verdict), 88; vil ek at þú sættisk skjótt ok látir góða menn gera um …, at hann geri um ok enir beztu menn af hvárra liði lögliga til nefndir, 188; Njáll kvaðsk eigi gera mundu nema á þingi, 105; þeir kváðusk þat halda mundu, er hann gerði, id.; skaltú gera sjálfr, 58; fyrr en gert var áðr um hitt málit, 120; ek vil bjóðask til at göra milli ykkar Þórðar um mál yðar, Bjarn. 55; Þorsteinn kvað þat þó mundi mál manna, at þeir hefði góða nefnd um sættir þótt hann görði, 56; nú er þegar slegit í sætt málinu með því móti, at Áskell skal göra um þeirra í milli, Rd. 248; er nú leitað um sættir milli þeirra, ok kom svá at þeir skulu göra um málin Þorgeirr goði frá Ljósa-vatni ok Arnórr ór Reykjahlíð, sú var görð þeirra at …, 288; svá kemr at Ljótr vill at Skapti görði af hans hendi, en Guðmundr vill sjálfr göra fyrir sína hönd, skyldi Skapti gerð upp segja, Valla L. 225; eigi hæfir þat, leitum heldr um sættir ok geri Þorgeirr um mál þessi, Lv. 12; var jafnt gört sár Þórðar ok sár Þórodds, Eb. 246; þær urðu mála-lyktir at Þórðr skyldi göra um …, 24; ok vóru þá görvar miklar fésektir, 128; var leitað um sættir, ok varð þat at sætt, at þeir Snorri ok Steindórr skyldi göra um, 212; þit erut gerfir héraðs-sekir sem íllræðis-menn, Fs. 58: göra görð, Sturl. i. 63, 105: adding the fine, to fix the amount, þat er gerð mín, at ek geri verð húss ok matar, I fix the amount of the value of the house and (stolen) stores, Nj. 80; gerði Njáll hundrað silfrs, N. put it at a hundred silver pieces, 58; margir mæltu, at mikit vaeri gert, that the amount was high, id.; slíkt fégjald sem gert var, 120; vilit ér nokkut héraðs-sektir göra eða utanferðir, 189; hann dæmdi þegar, ok görði hundrað silfrs, 6l; síðan bauð Bjarni Þorkatli sætt ok sjálfdæmi, görði Bjarni hundrað silfrs, Vápn. 31; ek göri á hönd Þóri hundrað silfrs, Lv. 55; ek göri á hönd þér hundrað silfrs, id.; vilit þér, at ek göra millum ykkar? síðan görði konungr konuna til handa Þórði ok öll fé hennar, Bjarn. 17; Rafn kvað hann mikit fé annat af sér hafa gört, at eigi þætti honum þat betra, Fs. 30; Gellir görði átta hundrað silfrs, Lv. 97; fyrir þat gerði Börkr hinn digri af honum eyjarnar, B. took the isles from him as a fine, Landn. 123: adding the case as object, Gunnarr gerði gerðina, G. gave judgment in the case, Nj. 80; fyrr en gert var áðr um hitt málit, till the other case was decided, 120; þá sætt er hann görði Haraldi jarli, that settlement which he made for earl Harold, Fms. viii. 300: Flosi var görr utan ok allir brennu-menn, F. was put out ( banished) and all the burners, Nj. 251: metaph., nema þau vili annat mál á gera, unless they choose to settle it otherwise, Grág. i. 336.
    2. in the phrase, göra sekð, to make a case of outlawry, Grág. i. 118; eigi um görir sekð manns ella, else the outlawry takes no effect; en hann um görir eigi ella sekðina, else he cannot condemn him, 119.
    3. to perform; eptir-gerðar þeirrar sem hverr nennti framast at gera eptir sinn náung, Fms. viii. 103; en þat grunaði konung, at hann mundi ætla at göra eptir sumar sættir, i. e. that he had some back door to escape by, Orkn. 58 (cp. Ó. H.); allt þat er þér gerit nú fyrir þeirra sálum, id.
    V. special usages, to make allowance for; gera fóðr til fjár, to make an arbitrary allowance for, Ísl. ii. 138; hence, to suppose, en ef ek skal göra til fyrir fram ( suggest) hvat er hón (the code) segir mér, þá segi ek svá, at …, Fms. ix. 331; gera sér í hug, Fs. 112; göra sér í hugar-lund, to fancy; göra e-m getsakir, to impute to one; gera orð á e-u, to report a thing; þat er ekki orð á því geranda, ‘tis not worth talking about; eigi þarf orð at göra hjá því (‘tis not to be denied), sjálfan stólkonunginn blindaði hann, Mork. 14 (cp. Fms. vi. 168, l. c.); gera sér létt, to take a thing lightly, Am. 70; göra sér far um, to take pains; göra sér í hug, hugar-lund, to suppose.
    D. IMPERS. it makes one so and so, one becomes; hann görði fölvan í andliti, he turned pale, Glúm. 342; leysti ísinn ok görði varmt vatnið, the water became warm, 623. 34; veðr görði hvast, a gale arose, Eg. 128; hríð mikla gerði at þeim, they were overtaken by a storm, 267; þá gerði ok á hríð (acc.) veðrs, 281; féll veðrit ok gerði logn (acc.), and became calm, 372; görði þá stórt á firðinum, the sea rose high, 600; til þess er veðr lægði ok ljóst gerði, and till it cleared up, 129; um nóttina gerði á æði-veðr ok útsynning, 195; görir á fyrir þeim hafvillur, they lost their course (of sailors), Finnb. 242; mér gerir svefnhöfugt, I grow sleepy, Nj. 264; þá görði vetr mikinn þar eptir hinn næsta, Rd. 248.
    E. REFLEX, to become, grow, arise, and the like; þá görðisk hlátr, then arose laughter, Nj. 15; görðisk bardagi, it came to a fight, 62, 108; sá atburðr görðisk, it came to pass, Fms. x. 279; þau tíðendi er þar höfðu görzt, Ld. 152; gerðisk með þeim félagskapr, they entered into fellowship, Eg. 29; gerðisk svá fallit kaup, Dipl. ii. 10; Sigurðr konungr gerðisk ( grew up to be) ofstopa-maðr …, görðisk mikill maðr ok sterkr, Fms. vii. 238; hann görðisk brátt ríkr maðr ok stjórnsamr, xi. 223; Unnr görðisk þá mjök elli-móð, U. became worn with age, Ld. 12; sár þat er at ben görðisk, a law term, a wound which amounted to a bleeding wound, Nj. passim:—to be made, to become, görask konungr, to become king, Eg. 12; ok görðisk skáld hans, and became his skáld, 13; görðisk konungs hirðmaðr, 27; görask hans eigin-kona, to become his wedded wife, Fms. i. 3; at hann skyldi görask hálf-konungr yfir Dana-veldi, 83; vill Hrútr görask mágr þinn, Nj. 3; hann gerðisk síðan óvarari, he became less cautious, Fms. x. 414.
    2. with the prep. svá, to happen, come to pass so and so; svá görðisk, at …, it so happened, that …, Nj. 167; görðisk svá til, at …, Fms. x. 391; þá görðisk svá til um síðir, at…, at last it came to pass. that …, 392; enda vissi hann eigi, at þingför mundi af görask, in case he knew not that it would entail a journey to parliament, Grág. i. 46: with at added, to increase, þá görðisk þat mjök at um jarl ( it grew even worse with the earl) at hann var úsiðugr um kvenna-far, görðisk þat svá mikit, at …, it grew to such a pitch, that …, Hkr. i. 245; hence the mod. phrase, e-ð á-görist, it increases, gains, advances, esp. of illness, bad habits, and the like, never in a good sense.
    3. impers. with dat., honum gerðisk ekki mjök vært, he felt restless, Ld. 152; næsta gerisk mér kynlegt, I feel uneasy, Finnb. 236.
    4. to behave, bear oneself; Páll görðisk hraustliga í nafni Jesu, Post. 656 C. 13.
    5. to set about doing, be about; fám vetrum síðan görðisk hann vestr til Íslands, Fms. x. 415; maðr kom at honum ok spurði, hvat hann gerðisk, what he was about, Ó. H. 244; görðisk jarl til Ribbunga, Fms. ix. 312, v. l.; tveir menn görðusk ferðar sinnar, two men set out for a journey, x. 279; görðusk menn ok eigi til þess at sitja yfir hlut hans, Eg. 512; at þessir menn hafa görzk til svá mikils stórræðis, Fms. xi. 261; eigi treystusk menn at görask til við hann, Bárð. 160.
    6. (mod.) to be; in such phrases as, eins og menn nú gerast, such as people now are; eins og flestir menn gerast.
    F. PART. PASS. görr, geyrr (Fms. ix. 498, x. 75), gjörr, gerr, as adj., compar. görvari, superl. görvastr; [A. S. gearu; gare, Chaucer, Percy’s Ballads; O. H. G. garwe; Germ. gar]:—skilled, accomplished; vaskligr, at sér görr, Ld. 134; vel at sér görr, Ísl. ii. 326, Gísl. 14; gerr at sér um allt, Nj. 51; hraustir ok vel at sér görvir, Eg. 86; at engi maðr hafi gervari at sér verit en Sigurðr, Mork. 221; allra manna snjallastr í máli ok görvastr at sér, Hkr. iii. 360: the phrase, leggja görva hönd á e-t, to set a skilled hand to work, to be an adept, a master in a thing; svá hagr, at hann lagði allt á görva hönd, Fas. i. 391, (á allt görva hönd, iii. 195.)
    2. ready made, at hand; in the saying, gott er til geyrs (i. e. görs, not geirs) at taka, ‘tis good to have a thing at hand, Hkm. 17; ganga til görs, to have it ready made for one, Ld. 96; gör gjöld, prompt punishment, Lex. Poët.:—with infin., gerr at bjóða, ready to offer, Gh. 17; gervir at eiskra, in wild spirits, Hom. 11; görvar at ríða, Vsp. 24: with gen. of the thing, gerr ílls hugar, prone to evil, Hým. 9; gerr galdrs, prone to sorcery, Þd. 3; skulut þess görvir, be ready for that! Am. 55.
    II. [cp. görvi, Engl. gear], done, dressed; svá görvir, so ‘geared,’ so trussed, Am. 40.
    III. adverb. phrases, so-gurt, at soguru, so done; verða menn þat þó so-gurt at hafa, i. e. there is no redress to be had, Hrafn. 9; hafi hann so-gurt, N. G. L. i. 35, Nj. 141; kvað eigi so-gort duga, 123, v. l.; at (með) so-guru, this done, quo facto, Skv. 1. 24, 40; freq. with a notion of being left undone, re infecta. Germ. unverrichteter sache, Eg. 155, Glúm. 332, Ó. H. 202; enda siti um so-gort, and now let it stand, Skálda 166; við so-gurt, id., 655 vii. 4; á so-gurt ofan, into the bargain, Bs. i. 178, Ölk. 36, Fas. i. 85.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > GÖRA

  • 13 tam

    tam, adv. [orig. acc. fem. of the demonstrative root ta-; cf.: tum, tamen], correlative of quam, so, so much, as.
    As comparative adverb, demonstrative with correlative quam, introducing comparative clauses of like intensity.
    As adjunct of adjectives or participles the intensity of which is expressed by a comparative clause, tam... quam = as... as; negatively, non (neque, nihil, etc.) tam... quam = not so... as.
    In comparison between two adjj.:

    tam esse clemens tyrannus quam rex importunus potest,

    a tyrant may be as mild as a king may be harsh, Cic. Rep. 1, 33, 50 (B. and K. bracket rex):

    non tam solido quam splendido nomine,

    id. Fin. 1, 18, 61:

    tam culpae hostium justus existimator quam gloriosus victor,

    Val. Max. 3, 8, 1:

    adjuro, tam me tibi vera referre Quam veri majora fide,

    things as true as they are beyond belief, Ov. M. 3, 659:

    quorum vires quam repentinae tam breves,

    Sen. Q. N. 6, 7, 2.—Negatively:

    non enim tam praeclarum est scire Latine quam turpe nescire,

    Cic. Brut. 37, 140:

    ut illa... non tam mirabilia sunt, quam conjecta belle,

    id. Div. 2, 31, 66; 2, 36, 76: nec tam Turpe fuit vinci [p. 1836] quam contendisse decorum est, Ov. M. 9, 5. —Tam preceded by comp. clause:

    maximeque eam pestilentiam insignem mors quam matura tam acerba M. Furi fecit,

    Liv. 7, 1, 8:

    quam magni nominis bellum est, tam difficilem existimaritis victoriam fore,

    id. 21, 43, 11:

    donec quam felices seditiones, tam honorati seditionum auctores essent,

    id. 4, 2, 4. —
    In a comparison between degrees of intensity, etc., of the same adjective.
    As in relative clauses, the adjective repeated (so esp. in Plaut.;

    not repeated in English): tam liquidus est quam liquida tempestas esse solet,

    as serene as the weather is wont to be, Plaut. Most. 3, 2, 64:

    quam placida'st aqua,

    id. ib. 3, 2, 165:

    tam frictum ego illum reddam quam frictum est cicer,

    id. Bacch. 4, 4, 7.—Negatively:

    nemo orator tam multa scripsit quam multa sunt nostra,

    Cic. Or. 30, 168:

    tametsi non tam multum in istis rebus intellego quam multa vidi,

    id. Verr. 2, 4, 43, § 94.—
    The adjective not repeated.
    The terms of comparison being nouns or pronouns:

    tam ego fui ante liber quam gnatus tuus ( = quam liber gnatus tuus est),

    Plaut. Capt. 2, 2, 60:

    fieret corium tam maculosum quam est nutricis pallium,

    id. Bacch. 3, 3, 30:

    tam mihi mea vita quam tua Tibi cara est,

    id. Cas. 3, 6, 43:

    ni illam mihi tam tranquillam facis quam mare est,

    id. Poen. 1, 2, 145:

    tam crebri ad terram decidebant quam pira,

    id. ib. 2, 38:

    tam excoctam reddam atque atram quam carbo'st,

    Ter. Ad. 5, 3, 63:

    quom fervit maxume, tam placidum (eum) quam ovem reddo,

    id. ib. 4, 1, 18:

    tam sum misericors quam vos, tam mitis quam qui lenissimus,

    Cic. Sull. 31, 87:

    tam gratum mihi id erit quam quod gratissimum,

    id. Fam. 13, 3:

    nulla ingenia tam prona ad invidiam sunt quam eorum qui genus ac fortunam suam animis non aequant,

    Liv. 45, 22:

    nihil est tam violentum quam magna vis aquae,

    Sen. Q. N. 3, 30, 6:

    (cum sit) tam aurum et argentum quam aes Corinthium ( = cum aurum et argentum tam sit Corinthium quam aes),

    Quint. 8, 2, 8:

    (ira) tam inutilis animi minister est quam miles qui signum receptui neglegit,

    Sen. Ira, 1, 9, 2.—

    Negatively: neque opes nostrae tam sunt validae quam tuae,

    Plaut. Cist. 2, 1, 20:

    nihil esse tam detestabile tamque pestiferum quam voluptatem,

    Cic. Sen. 12, 41:

    neque tam condenso corpore nubes esse queunt quam sunt lapides, neque autem tam tenues quam nebulae,

    Lucr. 6, 101.—Virtually negative:

    quod enim tam infidum mare quam blanditiae principum? ( = nullum tam infidum mare, etc.),

    Plin. Pan. 66. — With comp. pregn. (very rare): istam dextram non tam in bellis et proeliis quam in promissis et fide firmiorem, i. e. whose superior trustworthiness is not so much in wars, etc., Cic. Deiot. 3, 8:

    vectigal ex agro eorum capimus, quod nobis non tam fructu jucundius est, quam ultione,

    Liv. 28, 39, 13. —
    With quam in subst.-clause:

    quicquid mali hic Pisistratus non fecerit, tam gratum est quam si alium facere prohibuerit,

    Cic. Att. 8, 16, 2.—Negatively:

    juris interpretatio, quae non tam mihi molesta sit propter laborem quam quod dicendi cogitationem auferat,

    Cic. Leg. 1, 4, 12. —

    Virtually negative: quid autem tam exiguum quam est munus hoc eorum qui consuluntur?

    Cic. Leg. 1, 4, 14.—
    With quam in adverb.-clause:

    cupam facito tam crassam quam modioli postulant,

    Cato, R. R. 21, 1:

    si era mea sciat tam socordem esse quam sum,

    Plaut. Cist. 4, 2, 5:

    tua est imago: tam consimili'st quam potest,

    id. Men. 5, 9, 4:

    sororem tam similem quam lacte lacti est,

    id. Mil. 2, 2, 87.—
    Tam with advv.: tam... quam = as ( so)... as; negatively = not so... as.
    Comparing an adv. with another adv. or adverb. clause: satin' istuc mihi exquisitum est...? Ar. Tam satis quam numquam hoc invenies secus, with as full certainty as that you will never find this otherwise, Plaut. Capt. 3, 4, 106.—Virtually negative:

    quis umquam obeundi negotii studio tam brevi tempore tot loca adire potuit, quam celeriter Cn. Pompejo duce tanti belli impetus navigavit?

    Cic. Imp. Pomp. 12, 34. —After quam:

    nam dictaturam quam pertinaciter ei deferebat populus, tam constanter repulit,

    Vell. 2, 89, 5 (the repetition of the adverb is especially frequent in tam diu... quam diu; v. tamdiu).—
    The adverb understood after quam: sed tu novisti fidicinam? Tr. Tam facile quam me (quam facile me novi), Plaut. Ep. 3, 4, 72:

    tam facile vinces quam pirum volpes comest,

    id. Most. 3, 1, 26:

    tam hercle certe quam ego ted, ac tu me vides,

    id. Merc. 1, 2, 77:

    tam audacter (ibis intro) quam domum ad te,

    id. Truc. 1, 2, 109:

    tam facile quam tu arbitraris,

    Cic. Div. 1, 6, 10:

    tam cito evertetur quam navis, etc.,

    id. Rep. 1, 34, 51:

    nihil tam cito redditur quam a speculo imago,

    Sen. Q. N. 1, 4, 2. —

    Negatively: (ira) quia non tam cito in alium quam vult erumpit,

    Sen. Ira, 1, 19, 4.—Virtually negative (very freq.):

    quasi vero quidquam sit tam valde, quam nihil sapere, vulgare,

    Cic. Div. 2, 39, 81. — With sup. adv.: quam potes tam verba confer maxime ad compendium = as much as you can (hence the idiomatic expression: quam maxime = as much as possible), Plaut. Mil. 3, 1, 184. —
    With verbs: tam... quam = as much... as, as well... as; negatively: non tam... quam, not so much... as.
    One verb compared with another:

    nam quod edit tam duim quam perduim,

    for what he can eat I would give as much as lose, Plaut. Aul. 4, 6, 6:

    vellem tam domestica ferre possem quam ista contemnere,

    Cic. Att. 13, 20, 4:

    utinam tam non pigeat ista facere quam non displicebit,

    Quint. 2, 5, 17:

    Tyrus et ipsa tam movetur quam diluitur,

    Sen. Q. N. 6, 26, 5.—Negatively:

    fit quoque enim interdum ut non tam concurrere nubes frontibus adversis possint quam de latere ire,

    Lucr. 6, 115.—
    The same verb repeated or understood after quam; the compared terms being,
    Nouns or pronouns: tam mihi quam illi libertatem hostilis eripuit manus;

    tam ille apud nos servit quam ego hic apud te servio,

    Plaut. Capt. 2, 2, 61:

    tam hic scit me habere (pecuniam) quam egomet (i. e. scio),

    id. Aul. 3, 6, 12:

    quam tu filium tuum, tam me pater me meus desiderat,

    id. Capt. 2, 2, 6:

    tam huic loqui licere oportet quam isti,

    id. Cas. 2, 6, 58:

    tam tibi istuc credo quam mihi,

    id. Ep. 1, 2, 25:

    haec tibi tam sunt defendenda quam moenia,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 44, 137:

    tam moveor quam tu, Luculle,

    id. ib. 2, 46, 141:

    tamque id... tuendum conservandumque nobis est quam illud, etc.,

    id. Off. 3, 4, 17: amurcam periti agricolae tam in doliis condunt quam oleum aut vinum ( as well as), Varr. R. R. 1, 61:

    tam natura putarem vitam hominis sustentari quam vitis, quam arboris,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 24, 56:

    sicut pueris, qui tam parentibus amissis flebunt quam nucibus,

    Sen. Ira. 1, 12, 4:

    meliorque tam sibi quam aliis faciendus (est),

    id. ib. 1, 15, 1:

    tam solstitium quam aequinoctium suos dies rettulit (i. e. solstitium tam rettulit dies quam rettulit aequinoctium),

    id. Q. N. 3, 16, 3:

    quoniam orationis tam ornatus quam perspicuitas aut in singulis verbis est aut in pluribus positus (i. e. ornatus tam positus est quam perspicuitas),

    Quint. 8, 3, 15. — This construction passes into mere co - ordination: tam vera quam falsa cernimus, as well... as, almost = both... and, Cic. Ac. 2, 34, 111: repentina res, quia quam causam nullam tam ne fidem quidem habebat ( = ut causam nullam, sic ne fidem quidem; cf.


    Liv. 8, 27, 10; so Sall. J. 31, 16; id. H. 1, 41, 24 Dietsch; cf. Liv. 33, 17, 9; Sen. Q. N. 4, 13, 4. —

    Negatively: non tam meapte causa Laetor quam illius,

    Ter. Heaut. 4, 3, 8:

    nihil est quod tam obtundat elevetque aegritudinem... quam meditatio condicionis humanae,

    Cic. Tusc. 3, 16, 34:

    quae compararat non tam suae delectationis causa quam ad invitationes adventusque nostrorum hominum,

    id. Verr. 2, 2, 34, § 83:

    cujus me facti paenituit non tam propter periculum meum quam propter vitia multa quae,

    id. Fam. 7, 3, 2:

    qua nulla in re tam utor quam in hac civili et publica,

    id. Att. 2, 17, 2:

    neque eos tam istius hominis perditi subita laetitia quam hominis amplissimi nova gratulatio movebat,

    id. Verr. 1, 8, 21:

    Iliensibus Rhoeteum addiderunt, non tam ob recentia ulla merita quam originum memoria,

    Liv. 38, 39, 10.—

    qualis est istorum oratio qui omnia non tam esse quam videri volunt,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 14, 44:

    quid enim tam pugnat, quam non modo miserum, sed omnino quidquam esse qui non sit,

    id. Tusc. 1, 7, 13:

    virtute ipsa non tam multi praediti esse quam videri volunt,

    id. Lael. 26, 98.—
    Subject-inff. or dependent clauses:

    ego illud argentum tam paratum filio Scio esse, quam me hunc scipionem contui ( = tam scio, argentum paratum esse, quam scio me, etc.),

    Plaut. As. 1, 1, 109:

    Parmenonis tam scio esse hanc techinam quam me vivere,

    Ter. Eun. 4, 4, 51:

    tam teneor dono quam si dimittar onustus,

    Hor. Ep. 1, 7, 18:

    Acrisium Tam violasse deum quam non agnosse nepotem Paenitet,

    Ov. M. 4, 613:

    tam perdis operam cum illi irasceris, quam cum illum alteri precaris iratum,

    Sen. Ira, 2, 30, 2.—Negatively (so most freq.):

    nihil est quod tam deceat quam in omni re gerenda servare constantiam,

    Cic. Off. 1, 34, 125:

    eundum igitur est, nec tam ut belli quam ut fugae socii simus,

    id. Att. 9, 2, a, 3:

    nec tam quaerendum est, dolor malumne sit, quam firmandus animus ad dolorem ferendum,

    id. Tusc. 2, 12, 28:

    non tam ut prosim causis elaborare soleo, quam ut ne quid obsim,

    id. Or. 2, 72, 295:

    cum ego te non tam vitandi laboris mei causa quam quia tua id interesse arbitrarer, hortatus essem,

    id. Top. 1, 2:

    auxilia convenerant non tam Vejentium gratia concitata, quam quod in spem ventum erat, etc.,

    Liv. 2, 44, 7:

    Boji defecerunt, nec tam ob veteres in populum Romanum iras, quam quod, etc.,

    id. 21, 25, 2. — So with causal clauses, Cic. Div. in Caecil. 7, 24; id. Or. 3, 30, 119; id. Sest. 64, 135; Liv. 8, 19, 3. —
    With quam in adverb.-clause:

    tam confido quam poti'st,

    Plaut. Stich. 3, 2, 1; and in Cicero's epistolary style, tam esse with predicative force (like ita esse, sic esse;

    v. sic): atque ego haec tam esse quam audio non puto ( = tam male esse),

    Cic. Q. Fr. 1, 2, 3, § 9.—
    Tam with a neg. is sometimes followed by sed with an independent clause, instead of a comp. clause:

    quidam autem non tam id reprehendunt, si remissius agatur, sed tantum studium tamque multam operam ponendam in eo non arbitrantur,

    Cic. Fin. 1, 1, 1 Madv. ad loc.; cf.:

    quae (suaviloquentia) quidem non tam est in plerisque... sed est ea laus eloquentiae certe maxima,

    id. Brut. 15, 58.—
    With esse and predic. noun:

    tam ea est quam poti'st nostra erilis concubina,

    Plaut. Mil. 2, 5, 47:

    equidem tam sum servos quam tu,

    id. Capt. 3, 4, 11:

    tam ego homo sum quam tu,

    id. As. 2, 4, 83:

    nam id nobis tam flagitium'st quam illa Non facere,

    Ter. Ad. 3, 3, 68:

    tam es tu judex quam ego senator,

    Cic. Rab. Post. 7, 17:

    tam sum amicus rei publicae quam qui maxime,

    id. Fam. 5, 2, 6.—With prep. and its case as predicate:

    tam hoc quidem tibi in proclivi quam imber quando pluit,

    Plaut. Capt. 2, 2, 86:

    qui non defendit, nec obsistit, si potest, injuriae, tam est in vitio quam si parentes, etc., deserat,

    Cic. Off. 1, 7, 23. —

    Negatively: nihil est tam contra naturam quam turpitudo,

    Cic. Off. 3, 8, 35. —
    With quasi in place of quam:

    tam a me pudica est quasi soror mea sit,

    Plaut. Curc. 1, 1, 51. —
    Quam... tam with compp. = quanto... tanto or quo... eo (ante-class. and poet.): quam magis aerumna urget, tam magis ad malefaciendum viget, Enn. ap. Quint. 9, 3, 15 (Trag. Rel. v. 303 Vahl.):

    quam magis adspecto, tam magis est nimbata,

    Plaut. Poen. 1, 2, 138:

    magis quam id reputo, tam magis uror quae meus filius turbavit,

    id. Bacch. 5, 1, 5:

    quam magis te in altum capessis, tam aestus te in portum refert,

    id. As. 1, 3, 6:

    quo quaeque magis sunt aspera semina eorum, Tam magis in somnis eadem saevire necessust,

    Lucr. 4, 999:

    quae quanto magis inter se perplexa coibant, Tam magis expressa ea quae mare... efficerent,

    id. 5, 453:

    tam magis illa fremens et tristibus effera flammis, Quam magis effuso crudescunt sanguine pugnae,

    Verg. A. 7, 787.—With quanto for quam:

    quanto magis aetheris aestus cogebant terram, Tam magis, etc.,

    Lucr. 5, 484. —With rel. adv. for quam:

    verum ubicumque magis denso sunt agmine nubes, tam magis hinc... fremitus fit,

    Lucr. 6, 99. — Ellips. of tam:

    quam magis specto. minus placet mihi hominis facies,

    Plaut. Trin. 4, 2, 19.—
    Quam... tam with superll. = quanto... tanto or quo... eo (mostly anteclass.; cf.

    the class.: ut quisque maxime... ita maxime): quam citissime conficies, tam maxime expediet,

    Cato, R. R. 64 (65):

    oleum quam diutissime in amurca erit, tam deterrimum erit,

    id. ib. 64 (65):

    quam acerbissima olea oleum facies, tam oleum optumum erit,

    id. ib. 65 (66): quam plurimum [p. 1837] erit, tam citissime canus fiet, id. ib. 157 (158) med.:

    quam ad probos propinquitate proxume te adjunxeris, tam optumum est,

    Plaut. Aul. 2, 2, 59:

    quam maxime huic vana haec suspicio erit, tam facillime patris pacem in leges conficiet suas,

    Ter. Heaut. 5, 2, 44:

    quam vos facillime agitis, quam estis maxume Potentes, dites, fortunati, nobiles: tam maxime vos aequo animo aequa noscere Oportet,

    id. Ad. 3, 4, 56:

    quam paucissimos reliqueris, tam optimi fiunt in alendo,

    Varr. R. R. 2, 9:

    quam quisque pessume fecit, tam maxume tutus est,

    Sall. J. 31, 14. —
    With quam in immediate succession (to be distinguished from the conj. tamquam, as if):

    nam, si a mare abstinuissem, tam quam hoc uterer ( = tam illo uterer quam hoc),

    Plaut. Mil. 4, 7, 26:

    tam quam proserpens bestia (iste) est bilinguis et scelestus ( = tam bilinguis quam, etc.),

    id. Fers. 2, 4, 28: esne tu huic amicus? To. Tam quam di omnes qui caelum colunt, id. ib. 4, 4, 32: vide, homo ut hominem noveris. Sy. Tam quam me, id. Trin. 4, 2, 68: nostine? Da. Tam quam te, Ter. Phorm. 1, 2, 15 (for tam diu, with or without quam, quam diu, etc., v. tamdiu).
    With a comp. clause understood.
    With a comp. clause to be supplied from a preceding sentence:

    quae faciliora sunt philosophis... quia tam graviter cadere non possunt (sc. quam alii),

    Cic. Off. 1, 21, 73:

    cur corporis curandi causa quaesita sit ars, animi autem medicina nec tam desiderata sit..., nec tam culta (i. e. quam corporis medicina),

    id. Tusc. 3, 1, 1:

    nihil umquam tam eleganter explicabunt (i. e. quam Plato),

    id. ib. 1, 23, 55:

    non conturbat me expectatio tua, etsi nihil est eis, qui placere volunt, tam adversarium,

    id. Ac. 2, 4, 10:

    sed ea (plebs) nequaquam tam laeta Quinctium vidit (i. e. quam ejus amici),

    Liv. 3, 26, 12: nec minora consequi potuit (Maecenas);

    sed non tam concupivit (sc. quam Agrippa),

    Vell. 2, 88, 2: nec tibi tam longis opus est ambagibus usquam, nec me tam multam hic operam consumere par est (i. e. quam consumere opus sit, si haec tractare velim), Lucr 6, 1079; so, tam gratia est (colloq.) = non accipio, sed tam gratia est quam esset si acciperem, I thank you just as much; no, thank you:

    bene vocas (ad prandium): tam gratia'st,

    Plaut. Men. 2, 3, 36: cenabis apud me. Ep. Locata'st opera nunc quidem:

    tam gratia'st,

    id. Stich. 3, 2, 18: quin tu, quidquid opus'st, audacter imperas? Ps. Tam gratia'st. Bene est tibi;

    nolo tibi molestos esse nos,

    id. Ps. 2, 4, 23 (in this formula, however, tam is explained by some as a shortened form for tamen; cf. Brix ad Plaut. Men. 386, and v. IV. infra).—
    With a general comp. clause understood ( = sic, ita), so ( so much) as I do, as you do, as he did, as I said before, as he is, as you are, etc.
    With adjj.: ut vos servem sedulo, quos tam grandi sim mercatus pecunia, have bought you at so high a price, i. e. as I have, Plaut. Capt. 2, 2, 8: qui nummi exciderunt quod terram sic obtuere? quid vos maestos tam tristisque conspicor? (sc. as I do, as you are), id. Bacch. 4, 4, 17:

    equidem miror, tam catam, tam doctam te et bene eductam, non scire stulte facere,

    id. Most. 1, 3, 29:

    ordine cum videas tam certo multa creari,

    Lucr. 5, 735:

    deus ille fuit qui ista in tam tranquillo et tam clara luce locavit,

    id. 5, 12:

    quorsum igitur tam multa de voluptate?

    Cic. Sen. 12, 44:

    ut mihi quidem, qui tam magno animo fuerit innocens damnatus esse videatur,

    id. Tusc. 1, 42, 100:

    inter ista tam magnifica verba tamque praeclara,

    id. Fin. 2, 23, 77:

    quis est qui complet aures meas tantus et tam dulcis sonus?

    as I hear, id. Rep. 6, 18, 18:

    tollite hanc: nullam tam pravae sententiae causam reperietis,

    id. Phil. 14, 1, 3: et tamen veremur ut hoc quod a tam multis perferatur natura patiatur? ( as it is, sc. suffered), id. Tusc. 2, 20, 46:

    ut tam in praecipitem locum non debeat se sapiens committere,

    id. Ac. 2, 21, 68:

    tam necessario tempore, tam propinquis hostibus,

    at so urgent a time as this, Caes. B. G. 1, 16, 6:

    supra triginta quinque milia hostium fuerant, ex quibus tam exigua pars pugnae superfuit,

    Liv. 39, 31, 14:

    tam constantem defensionem Scipionis universus senatus comprobavit,

    Val. Max. 3, 7, 1: ceterum... ne tam praeclara lex... oblitteraretur, id. 2, 8, 1:

    qui tam crudelem tyrannum occideret,

    id. 3, 1, 2:

    ne illo quidem tam misero tamque luctuoso tempore civitas nostra virtutis suae oblita est,

    id. 3, 2, 7:

    tam contraria est pestis,

    Plin. 8, 38, 57, § 136:

    tam parvo distat ibi tanta rerum naturae diversitas,

    id. 5, 11, 12, § 65; so, tamne (cf. sicine):

    tamne indignus videar?

    Plaut. Merc. 1, 2, 77.—And with sup.:

    nondum erat vestris tam gravissimis tamque multis judiciis concisus,

    of so great weight, Cic. Phil. 12, 5, 11.—
    With advv.:

    alienus quom ejus incommodum tam aegre feras, quid me patrem par facere est?

    Plaut. Capt. 1, 2, 37:

    quid est negotii quod tu tam subito domo abeas?

    id. Am. 1, 3, 4:

    unde ego nunc tam subito huic argentum inveniam miser?

    Ter. Phorm. 3, 3, 1:

    quia (anima cum corpore) tam conjuncta atque leniter apta'st,

    Lucr. 5, 559:

    jam mallem Cerberum metueres quam ista tam inconsiderata diceres,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 6, 12:

    ista tam aperte et per versa et falsa,

    id. Ac. 2, 18, 60:

    cum ex co quaereretur cur tam diu vellet esse in vita,

    id. Sen. 5, 13:

    me pudet tam cito de sententia esse dejectum,

    id. Tusc. 2, 5, 14:

    etsi hoc quidem est in vitio, dissolutionem naturae tam valde perhorrescere,

    id. Fin. 5, 11, 31:

    an melius fuerit rationem non dari omnino, quam tam munifice et tam largiter,

    as I have shown, id. N. D. 3, 27, 69:

    nam quod jus civile tam vehementer amplexus es,

    id. Or. 1, 55, 274:

    quid tu, inquit, tam mane?

    id. Rep. 1, 9, 14: cur hunc tam temere ( as mentioned before) quisquam ab officio discessurum judicaret? Caes. B. G. 1, 40:

    quod sua victoria tam insolenter gloriarentur,

    id. ib. 1, 14:

    cum tam procul a finibus Macedoniae absint,

    Liv. 39, 27, 6: non digna exempla quae tam breviter ( as I am going to do) nisi majoribus urgerer, referrentur, Val. Max. 2, 7, 5:

    qualis esset quem tam diu tamque valde timuissent,

    Nep. Eum. 11, 2; and with sup.: tam maturrime comparavisse, Cato ap. Charis. p. 184 P.—With adverb. abl.: tam crepusculo fere ut amant, Plaut. Fragm. ap. Varr. L. L. 7, 77; cf.:

    tam vesperi,

    Ter. Heaut. 1, 1, 15; v. III. B. 3. infra.—
    With verbs:

    ut, ni meum gnatum tam amem, tua jam virgis latera lacerentur probe,

    Plaut. Bacch. 4, 5, 10:

    quid, cedo, te, obsecro, tam abhorret hilaritudo?

    id. Cist. 1, 1, 55:

    quid tam properas?

    id. Pers. 4, 6, 11:

    cum te video nostrae familiae Tam ex animo factum velle ( = te tam velle nostrae familiae ex animo factum),

    Ter. Ad. 5, 7, 21:

    age, quaeso, ne tam obfirma te, Chreme,

    id. Heaut. 5, 5, 8:

    non pol temere'st quod tu tam times,

    id. Phorm. 5, 8 (9), 9: Sy. Eamus, namque hic properat in Cyprum. Sa. Ne tam quidem, implying a corresponding gesture, id. Ad. 2, 4, 14:

    quam si explicavisset, non tam haesitaret,

    i. e. as he does, Cic. Fin. 2, 6, 18.—Sometimes with an adv. to be supplied:

    quid ergo hanc, quaeso, tractas tam ( = tam male, or implying a corresponding gesture),

    Plaut. Cas. 4, 4, 31:

    Graecos in eo reprehendit quod mare tam secuti sunt ( = tam vulgo. or tam temere),

    Cic. Att. 6, 2, 3; cf. id. Q. Fr. 1, 2, 3, § 9; v. I. C. 2. d, supra. — With esse and predic. noun:

    numquam ego te tam esse matulam credidi,

    Plaut. Pers. 4, 3, 72.—
    Preceded and strengthened by a demonstrative adjective (order: 1. demonstr., 2. tam, 3. adjective, 4. noun; or, 1. demonstr., 2. noun, 3. tam, 4. adjective).
    After hic:

    etiamne haec tam parva civitas, tam procul a manibus tuis remota, praedae tibi et quaestui fuit?

    Cic. Verr. 2, 3, 37, § 85:

    hunc hominem tam crudelem, tam sceleratum, tam nefarium nolunt judicare,

    id. ib. 2, 2, 31, §

    77: hunc tamen hominem tam audacem, tam nefarium, tam nocentem,

    id. Clu. 14, 42:

    haec mea oratio tam longa aut tam alte repetita,

    id. Sest. 13, 31:

    in hoc tam exiguo vitae curriculo,

    id. Arch. 11, 28:

    hanc tam taetram, tam horribilem tamque infestam rei publicae pestem,

    id. Cat. 1, 5, 11:

    in hac tam clara re publica natus,

    id. Rep. 1, 19, 31:

    hanc rem publicam tam praeclare fundatam,

    id. Par. 1, 2, 10:

    haec tam crebra Etruriae concilia,

    Liv. 5, 5, 8:

    in his tam parvis atque tam nullis,

    Plin. 11, 2, 1, § 2:

    quorsum haec tam putida tendant,

    Hor. S. 2, 7, 21:

    hac tam prospera pugna nuntiata,

    Curt. 3, 11, 16.—
    After ille:

    ille homo tam locuples, tam honestus,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 6, § 11: illud argentum tam praeclarum ac tam nobile, id. ib. 2, 4, 20, §

    44: illud tam grave bellum,

    Val. Max. 5, 6, ext. 1:

    ne illo quidem tam misero tamque luctuoso tempore,

    id. 3, 2, 7.—
    After iste:

    tamenne ista tam absurda defendes?

    Cic. N. D. 1, 29, 81:

    ista admonitio tua tam accurata,

    id. Att. 6, 1, 20:

    quae est ista tam infesta ira?

    Liv. 7, 30, 15:

    iste tam justus hostis, tam misericors victor,

    Curt. 4, 10, 34.—
    After id ipsum:

    id ipsum tam mite ac tam moderatum imperium,

    Liv. 1, 48, 9.—
    After tot:

    jacere necesse sit tot tam nobiles disciplinas,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 48, 147:

    tot tam valida oppida,

    Liv. 5, 54, 5:

    tot tam opulenti tyranni regesque,

    id. 25, 24, 13:

    inter tot tam effrenatarum gentium arma,

    id. 21, 9, 3:

    tot tam praeclaris imperatoribus uno bello absumptis,

    id. 28, 28, 12; 25, 27, 13; 26, 13, 17; cf.:

    cum tot ac tam validae eluctandae manus essent,

    id. 24, 26, 13; 8, 12, 4.—
    After hic talis:

    da operam ut hunc talem, tam jucundum, tam excellentem virum videas,

    Cic. Fam. 16, 21, 3.
    As demonstr. adv. of intensity, correlative with ut, that, and its equivalents (qui, quin); so only with adjj. and advv. (not with verbs).
    Without a negation ( = ita, adeo;

    rare before the Aug. period): ni erit tam sincerum (tergum), ut quivis dicat ampullarius Optumum esse operi faciundo corium et sincerissimum,

    Plaut. Rud. 3, 4, 51:

    quae (maturitas) mihi tam jucunda est ut, quo propius ad mortem accedam, quasi terram videre videar,

    Cic. Sen. 19, 71. de qua tam variae sunt doctissimorum hominum sententiae, ut magno argumento esse debeat, etc., id. N. D. 1, 1, 1:

    ad eum pervenit tam opportuno tempore, ut simul Domitiani exercitus pulvis cerneretur, et primi antecursores Scipionis viderentur,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 36:

    tam parandus ad dimicandum animus, ut, etc.,

    id. B. G. 2, 21:

    tamen tam evidens numen rebus adfuit Romanis, ut putem, etc.,

    Liv. 5, 51, 4: infimam plebem natura ipsa tam abjecto tamque imo loco collocavit ut nulla ratione erigi aut sublevari possit, Ps.-Cic. Cons. 6, 22:

    tam multa sunt, tamque misera quae perferunt ut nemo sit quin mori saepissime cupiat,

    id. ib. 16, 59:

    quem constat tam certa acie luminum usum esse ut a Lilybaeo portu Carthaginienses egredientes classes intueretur,

    Val. Max. 1, 8, ext. 14:

    tam alacri animo suos ad id proelium cohortatus est ut diceret: Sic prandete, etc.,

    id. 3, 2, ext. 3:

    in Theophrasto tam est loquendi nitor ille divinus ( = tam divinus est) ut ex eo nomen quoque traxisse videatur,

    Quint. 10, 1, 83:

    (Scipio) bellum in Africam transtulit, tam lentus ut opinionem luxuriae segnitiaeque malignis daret,

    Sen. Ira, 1, 11, 6; id. Q. N. 1, 15, 5:

    3, 21, 1: tam parvulis in faucibus... ut non sit dubium, etc.,

    Plin. 10, 29, 43, § 82:

    ipsum Macedonem tam graviter palma percussit ut paene concideret,

    Plin. Ep. 3, 14, 7.—
    With a negation, or in a question implying a negation.
    Before ut (very freq. in the class. period; cf. adeo, poet., e.g. Hor. Ep. 1, 1, 39):

    numquam tam dices commode ut tergum meum Tuam in fidem committam,

    Ter. Hec. 1, 2, 33:

    non tam viva tamen, calidus queat ut fieri fons,

    Lucr. 6, 887:

    quis umquam praedo fuit tam nefarius, quis pirata tam barbarus ut, etc.,

    Cic. Rosc. Am. 50, 146:

    non sum tam stultus, ut te usura falsi gaudii frui velim,

    id. Fam. 6, 12, 1:

    nec, cum id faciebamus tam eramus amentes ut explorata nobis esset victoria,

    id. ib. 6, 1, 3:

    non essem tam inurbanus ac paene inhumanus uti in eo gravarer quod vos cupere sentirem,

    id. Or. 2, 90, 365:

    non puto tam expeditum negotium futurum ut non habeat aliquid morae,

    id. Att. 13, 31, 1:

    nec vero eram tam indoctus ignarusque rerum ut frangerer animo propter, etc.,

    id. Phil. 2, 15, 37:

    quis tam demens ut sua voluntate maereat?

    id. Tusc. 3, 29, 71; so id. Off. 3, 20, 82; id. Tusc. 1, 1, 2; id. Phil. 3, 4, 10:

    non enim proferremus vino oppressos... tam absurde, ut tum diceremus, etc.,

    id. Ac. 2, 17, 53:

    non se tam barbarum ut non sciret, etc.,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 44, 17:

    nulli sunt tam feri et sui juris affectus ut non disciplina perdomentur,

    Sen. Ira, 2, 12, 3:

    nemo tam divos habuit faventes, crastinum ut posset sibi polliceri,

    id. Thyest. 619.—
    With a negation (esp. nemo), followed by qui ( = ut is; class. and freq.); nec quisquam sit tam opulentus qui mihi obsistat in via, [p. 1838] Plaut. Curc. 2, 3, 5:

    generi lenonio Numquam deus ullus tam benignus fuit, qui fuerit propitius,

    id. Pers. 4, 4, 34:

    an ille tam esset stultus qui mihi mille nummum crederet?

    id. Trin. 4, 2, 42:

    nemo inventus est tam amens, qui illud argentum tam praeclarum ac tam nobile eriperet, nemo tam audax qui posceret, nemo tam impudens qui postularet ut venderet,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 20, § 44:

    nemo Agrigenti neque aetate tam affecta neque viribus tam infirmis fuit, qui non illa nocte surrexerit,

    id. ib. 2, 4, 43, §

    95: nemo est tam senex qui se annum non putet posse vivere,

    id. Sen. 7, 24:

    nihil tam absurde dici potest, quod non dicatur ab aliquo philosophorum,

    id. Div. 2, 58, 119:

    nulla gens tam immanis umquam fuit in qua tam crudelis hostis patriae sit inventus,

    id. Sull. 27, 76:

    quae est anus tam delira quae timeat ista?

    id. Tusc. 1, 21, 48:

    ecquem tam amentem esse putas qui illud quo vescatur deum esse credat?

    id. N. D. 3, 16, 41:

    sed neque tam docti tum erant, ad quorum judicium elaboraret, et sunt, etc.,

    id. Fin. 1, 3, 7; so id. Sen. 19, 67; id. Lael. 7, 23; id. Tusc. 1, 6, 11; 1, 15, 33; 2, 17, 41; id. Sest. 14, 32; id. Fin. 2, 20, 63; id. Fam. 9, 2, 2; id. Off. 2, 5, 16:

    neque tam remisso animo quisquam fuit qui ea nocte conquierit,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 21:

    in bello nihil tam leve est quod non magnae interdum rei momentum faciat,

    Liv. 25, 18, 3:

    ut nemo tam humilis esset cui non aditus ad eum pateret,

    Nep. Milt. 8, 4:

    ecquid esse tam saevum potest quod superet illum?

    Sen. Thyest. 196. —
    With a negation, followed by quin ( = ut is non;

    class. and freq.): nec sacrum nec tam profanum quidquam est quin ibi ilico adsit,

    Plaut. Merc. 2, 3, 27:

    nihil mihi tam parvi est quin me id pigeat perdere,

    id. Pers. 4, 6, 8:

    nec quisquam est tam ingenio duro, neque tam firmo pectore quin sibi faciat bene,

    id. As. 5, 2, 94:

    numquam tam mane egredior, neque tam vesperi Domum revortor, quin te... conspicer Fodere,

    Ter. Heaut. 1, 1, 15:

    nil tam difficile'st quin quaerendo investigari possiet,

    id. ib. 4, 2, 8:

    ut nullus umquam dies tam magna tempestate fuerit, quin... solem homines viderint,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 10, § 26:

    numquam tam male est Siculis quin aliquid facete et commode dicant,

    id. ib. 2, 4, 43, §

    95: nemo est tam afflictus quin possit navare aliquid et efficere,

    id. Fam. 6, 1, 7:

    ut nemo tam ferus fuerit, quin ejus causam lacrimarit,

    Nep. Alcib. 6, 4.
    Tam, ante-class., sometimes = tamen:

    antiqui tam etiam pro tamen usi sunt,

    Fest. p. 360: bene cum facimus, tam male cupimus...; quamquam estis nihili, tam ecastor simul vobis consului, Titin. ap. Fest. l. l.; so,

    etsi illi aliter nos faciant quam aequom sit, tam pol noxiae nequid magis sit... nostrum officium meminisse decet,

    Plaut. Stich. 1, 1, 44 Fleck., Ritschl:

    tam si nihil usus esset, jam non dicerem,

    id. Merc. 4, 3, 32 Ritschl; v. Prol. Trin. p. 14 ib.; Brix ad Plaut. Men. 2, 3, 36; Curt. in Rhein. Mus. 6, 84; 6, 93; but cf. contra, Corss. Beitr. p. 272 sqq.
    In the dialect of Praeneste: tam modo, just now ( = modo): ilico hic ante ostium;

    Tam modo, inquit Praenestinus,

    Plaut. Trin. 3, 1, 8 Brix ad loc.; cf. Fest. s. v. tammodo, p. 359; Ritschl, opusc. 2, 372.

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > tam

  • 14 dociąg|nąć

    pf — dociąg|ać impf vt 1. (zacisnąć) to tighten (up) [paski, sznurki, śruby]
    - dociągnąć hamulec to pull hard on a brake
    2. (dowlec) to drag up, to pull up
    - koń dociągnął wóz do zagrody the horse pulled the cart up to the farm
    3. (doprowadzić) to run [linię kolejową, autobusową]; to lay [kabel, gaz, prąd] (do czegoś to sth)
    - dociągnąć budowę do końcaprzen. to finish off the building work
    - ostatni tom kronik, dociągnięty do roku 1455przen. the last volume of the chronicles, ending in 1455
    vi 1. (dotrzeć) to drag (oneself) (do czegoś to sth)
    - po wielu trudach dociągnęli do domu after many hardships, they finally managed to drag themselves home
    2. pot. (dożyć) to live (do czegoś to sth)
    - chory nie dociągnie do rana the patient won’t make it through the night a. wont last the night
    - jego matka dociąga osiemdziesiątki his mother is almost eighty
    3. pot. (poradzić sobie) to get by
    - z trudem dociągają do pierwszego they have difficulty getting by till a. to the end of the month
    - martwił się, jak dociągnąć do pierwszego he was worried about how to make his money last till the end of the month
    dociągnąć siędociągać się (dotrzeć) to drag oneself (do czegoś to sth)

    The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > dociąg|nąć

  • 15 Science

       It is a common notion, or at least it is implied in many common modes of speech, that the thoughts, feelings, and actions of sentient beings are not a subject of science.... This notion seems to involve some confusion of ideas, which it is necessary to begin by clearing up. Any facts are fitted, in themselves, to be a subject of science, which follow one another according to constant laws; although those laws may not have been discovered, nor even to be discoverable by our existing resources. (Mill, 1900, B. VI, Chap. 3, Sec. 1)
       One class of natural philosophers has always a tendency to combine the phenomena and to discover their analogies; another class, on the contrary, employs all its efforts in showing the disparities of things. Both tendencies are necessary for the perfection of science, the one for its progress, the other for its correctness. The philosophers of the first of these classes are guided by the sense of unity throughout nature; the philosophers of the second have their minds more directed towards the certainty of our knowledge. The one are absorbed in search of principles, and neglect often the peculiarities, and not seldom the strictness of demonstration; the other consider the science only as the investigation of facts, but in their laudable zeal they often lose sight of the harmony of the whole, which is the character of truth. Those who look for the stamp of divinity on every thing around them, consider the opposite pursuits as ignoble and even as irreligious; while those who are engaged in the search after truth, look upon the other as unphilosophical enthusiasts, and perhaps as phantastical contemners of truth.... This conflict of opinions keeps science alive, and promotes it by an oscillatory progress. (Oersted, 1920, p. 352)
       Most of the fundamental ideas of science are essentially simple, and may, as a rule, be expressed in a language comprehensible to everyone. (Einstein & Infeld, 1938, p. 27)
       A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it. (Planck, 1949, pp. 33-34)
       [Original quotation: "Eine neue wissenschaftliche Wahrheit pflegt sich nicht in der Weise durchzusetzen, dass ihre Gegner ueberzeugt werden und sich as belehrt erklaeren, sondern vielmehr dadurch, dass die Gegner allmaehlich aussterben und dass die heranwachsende Generation von vornherein mit der Wahrheit vertraut gemacht ist." (Planck, 1990, p. 15)]
       I had always looked upon the search for the absolute as the noblest and most worth while task of science. (Planck, 1949, p. 46)
       If you cannot-in the long run-tell everyone what you have been doing, your doing has been worthless. (SchroЁdinger, 1951, pp. 7-8)
       Even for the physicist the description in plain language will be a criterion of the degree of understanding that has been reached. (Heisenberg, 1958, p. 168)
       The old scientific ideal of episteґmeґ-of absolutely certain, demonstrable knowledge-has proved to be an idol. The demand for scientific objectivity makes it inevitable that every scientific statement must remain tentative forever. It may indeed be corroborated, but every corroboration is relative to other statements which, again, are tentative. Only in our subjective experiences of conviction, in our subjective faith, can we be "absolutely certain." (Popper, 1959, p. 280)
       The layman, taught to revere scientists for their absolute respect for the observed facts, and for the judiciously detached and purely provisional manner in which they hold scientific theories (always ready to abandon a theory at the sight of any contradictory evidence) might well have thought that, at Miller's announcement of this overwhelming evidence of a "positive effect" [indicating that the speed of light is not independent from the motion of the observer, as Einstein's theory of relativity demands] in his presidential address to the American Physical Society on December 29th, 1925, his audience would have instantly abandoned the theory of relativity. Or, at the very least, that scientists-wont to look down from the pinnacle of their intellectual humility upon the rest of dogmatic mankind-might suspend judgment in this matter until Miller's results could be accounted for without impairing the theory of relativity. But no: by that time they had so well closed their minds to any suggestion which threatened the new rationality achieved by Einstein's world-picture, that it was almost impossible for them to think again in different terms. Little attention was paid to the experiments, the evidence being set aside in the hope that it would one day turn out to be wrong. (Polanyi, 1958, pp. 12-13)
       The practice of normal science depends on the ability, acquired from examplars, to group objects and situations into similarity sets which are primitive in the sense that the grouping is done without an answer to the question, "Similar with respect to what?" (Kuhn, 1970, p. 200)
       Science in general... does not consist in collecting what we already know and arranging it in this or that kind of pattern. It consists in fastening upon something we do not know, and trying to discover it. (Collingwood, 1972, p. 9)
       Scientific fields emerge as the concerns of scientists congeal around various phenomena. Sciences are not defined, they are recognized. (Newell, 1973a, p. 1)
       This is often the way it is in physics-our mistake is not that we take our theories too seriously, but that we do not take them seriously enough. I do not think it is possible really to understand the successes of science without understanding how hard it is-how easy it is to be led astray, how difficult it is to know at any time what is the next thing to be done. (Weinberg, 1977, p. 49)
       Science is wonderful at destroying metaphysical answers, but incapable of providing substitute ones. Science takes away foundations without providing a replacement. Whether we want to be there or not, science has put us in a position of having to live without foundations. It was shocking when Nietzsche said this, but today it is commonplace; our historical position-and no end to it is in sight-is that of having to philosophize without "foundations." (Putnam, 1987, p. 29)

    Historical dictionary of quotations in cognitive science > Science

  • 16 ER

    I) (older form es), rel. part. in old poems and in law phrases ‘es’ is suffixed to a demonstrative or interrogative word, pron. or adv., as s: sás, sús, þats, þeims, þærs; þars, þás, þegars, síðans, hveims, hvars, &c., = sá es, sú es, þar es, þá es, &c.
    I. used as a rel. pron., indecl., who, which, that;
    1) Mörðr hét maðr, er (nom.) kallaðr var gígja;
    grös fögr, er (acc.) hón hafði í hendi;
    aðra hluti þá, er (gen.) menn vildu visir verða;
    þann einn son, er (dat.) hann ann lítit;
    2) with a prep. placed at the end of the sentence;
    land, er hann kom frá, the land he came from;
    jötunn, er ór steini var höfuðit á (viz. honum), whose head was of stone;
    3) ellipt., the prep. being understood;
    ór þeim ættum, er mér þóttu fuglarnir fljúga (viz. ór), from the quarter that I thought the birds flew from;
    þeir hafa nú látit líf sitt, er mér þykkir eigi vert at lifa (viz. eptir), whom I think it is not worth while to outlive;
    4) a personal or demonstr. pron. may be added to the rel. part., er þú, er þik; er hann, er hón, er hana, er hans, er hennar, er þeim, er þeiri, er þeira, etc.;
    œrr ertu, Loki, er þú (who) yðra telr ljóta leiðstafi;
    sá maðr, er hann vill, that man who wishes;
    nema ein Goðrún, er hón æva grét, who never wept;
    ekkja heitir sú, er búandi hennar (whose husband) varð sóttdauðr;
    þann konung, er undir honum eru skatt-konungar, that king under whom are tributary kings;
    5) in the fourteenth century added to the int. pron., hverr;
    þat herbergi, í hverju er hann ( in which = er hann í því) hefir sitt ráð ok ræðr;
    II. as a conj. and adv.
    1) local, er, þar er, there where;
    hann sá á eldinum fölskann, er netit hafði brunnit, where the net had been burnt;
    Ó. gekk þar til, er H. lá, to the spot where H. lay;
    2) of time, er, þá er, when;
    ok er, and when;
    en er, but when;
    þar til er, until;
    í því er, just when;
    eptir (þat) er, when;
    þegar er, as soon as (þegar er lýsti, stóð konungr upp);
    síðan er, since;
    meðan er, while;
    næst er vér kómum, next when we came;
    þá lét í hamrinum, sem er reið gengr, as when it thunders;
    3) = at, that;
    ok fannst þat á öllu, er hón þóttist vargefin, that she thought she was thrown away;
    ek em þess sæll, er okkart félag sleit, I am happy that;
    skyldi fara fyrst leyniliga, en þó kom þar, er allir vissu, but it came to this, that every one knew of it.
    II) from vera.
    * * *
    old form es, mod. sometimes eð, but usually ‘er;’ indecl. Particle used as relat. pron. or as relat. adv.; in very old MSS. always es, and rhymed so by old poets; in the 12th century it changed into er. In poems and in law phrases the particle ‘es’ is suffixed to the pronoun or adverb, as s or z, e. g. thus: as pron., sá’s = sá es (so in ‘people’s Engl.he as, him as, for he who, etc.), Hkr. iii. 11 (Sighvat); dat. þeim’s = þeim es, illi qui, Hm. 3, Fms. vi. 38 (Sighvat); acc. masc. þann’z or þann’s = þann es, illum qui, Vsp. 45 (MS.), Od. i, Hm. 44, 120, Hým. 39, Am. 90; neut. þatz = þat es, illud quod, Hm. 39, Am. 37, Hkv. Hjörv. 3, Fms. iii. 9 (Hallfred): as conj. or adv., hvárt’z … eða = hvárt es … eða, utrum … an, Grág. (Ed. 1853); hvárt’z hann vill at reiða eða …, i. 25, 145, 152, 155, 156, 161, 233, ii. 50: as adv., þegar’s = þegar es, as soon as, Grág. (Ed. 1853) i. 94, Am. 30; síðan’s = síðan es, since (Old Engl. sithens, sithence), 78; even sem’s = sem es, Am. 103; hvar’s = hvar es, wherever, 47, Mork. 138, Hm. 138; hve’s = hve es, however, 140 (MS. hvers), Skálda 190 (in a verse); þar’s = þar es, there where, i. e. where, Grág. i. 46, 153, Hm. 66, Hbl. 60, Gm. 8, Ls. 50, Mork. 18, 34, 37, 62, 170, Skálda 189 (Bragi), Edda (Ht.) 124, where this anastrophe is called bragar-mál, poetical diction; hvarge’s = hvarge es, wherever, Grág. ii. 44. The Icel. has no relat. pron. but only the relat. particles er and sem, both of them indecl. in gender, case, and number; in simple sentences the sense (gender etc.) is clear from the context; and the language has certain expedients to meet the deficiency.
    A. Used as relat. pron. which, who, that:
    I. used alone, where there is perhaps an ellipse of the demonstrative, er = er hann (þeir, þær, þeim, etc.);
    α. nom., á þeim bæ, er Abia heitir, 625. 83; Mörðr hét maðr, er kallaðr var Gigja, Nj. 1; hann átti dóttur eina, er Unnr hét, id.; þá skulu þeir, er fær eru ( who are) saman, Grág. i. 9; maðr, er þessa þurfi, id.; at þeim svörum, er verða, 19; lið þat, er þeim hafðI þangat fylgt, Fms. i. 62; konur þær, er völfur vóru kallaðar, iii. 212; þeim unga manni, er þar sitr hjá þér, id.
    β. acc., þingfesti manna þeirra, er ( quos) menn vilja sækja, Grág. i. 19; sakar þeirrar, er ( quam) ek hefi höfðað, id.
    γ. gen., aðra hluti þá, er ( quorum) menn viidu vísir verða, Fms. iii. 212.
    δ. dat., þann einn, er ( cui) hann ann lítið, Fms. i. 86.
    ε. joined to a demonstrative; allir Þrændir, þeir er …, all the Th., who …, Fms. i. 62.
    II. with a prep., which, as often in Engl., is placed at the end of the sentence; er hann kom til, whom he came to; land, er hann kom frá, the land he came from; so Lat. quocum venit = er hann kom með sub quibus = er … undir; in quibus = er … í, etc.: the prep. may also be a penultimate, e. g. the phrase, er mér er á ván, wlich I have a hope of; or, er hann var yfir settr, whom he was set over, etc.; this use of the pronoun is undoubtedly elliptical, the corresponding demonstrative pronoun being left out, although the ellipse is not felt; þvengrinn sá er muðrinn Loka var saman rifjaðr með (Kb. omits the prep.), the lace that the mouth of Loki was stitched with, Edda 71; öðrum höfðingjum, þeim er honum þótti liðs at ván (that is to say, þeim, er honum þótti liðs van at þeim), at whose hands, i. e. from whom he thought help likely to come, Fms. i; þeir er ek mæli þetta til (= er ek mæli þetta til þeirra), those to whom I speak, xi. 12; er engi hefir áðr til orðit, Nj. 190; in stórúðgi jötunn, er ór steini var höfuðit á (= er ór steini var höfuðit á honum), whose head was of stone. Hbl. 15; því er vér urðum á sáttir, Fms. xi. 34; við glugg þann í loptinu, er fuglinn hafðI áðr við setið. the window close to which the bird sat. Eg.: nokkurum þeim höfðingja, er mér sé eigandi vinátta við (viz. þá). Ó. H. 78: þá sjón, er mér þykir mikils um vert (viz. hana), 74; er mér þat at sýn orðit, er ek hefi opt heyrt frá sagt (= frá því sagt), 57; til vatns þess, er Á en Helga fellr ór, 163: til kirkju þeirra, es bein eru færð til, Grág. i. 13 new Ed.
    2. ellipt. the prep. being understood, esp. to avoid the repetition of it; ekirinn sá er brendr vár Ásgarðr (viz. með), Edda (pref.); hann gékk til herbergis þess, er konungr var inni (viz. í), he went to the house that the king was in, Ó. H. 160, Fb. iii. 251; dyrr þær, er ganga mátti upp á húsit (viz. gegnum, through), the doors through which one could walk up to the house, Eg. 421; ór þeim ættum er mér þóttu fuglarnir fljúga (viz. ór), the airt ( quarter) that I thought the birds flew from, Ísl. ii. 196; yfir þeim manni, er Mörðr hafði sök sína fram sagt (viz. yfir), the man over whose head ( to whom) Mord had pleaded his suit, Nj. 242; þrjú þing, þau er menn ætluðu (viz. á), three parliaments, in ( during) which men thought …, 71; nær borg þeirri, er konungr sat (viz. í), near the town the king resided in, Eg. 287; Montakassin, er dyrkast Benedictus, Monte Cassino, where B. is worshipped, Fms. xi. 415; þeir hafa nú látið lif sitt fyrir skömmu, er mér þykir eigi vert at lifa (viz. eptir), they, whom methinks it is not worth while to outlive, 150; fara eptir með hunda, er þeir vóru vanir at spyrja þá upp (viz. með), er undan hljópusk, they pursued with hounds, that they were wont to pick up fugitives with, i. e. with bloodbounds, v. 145; þat er í þrem stöðum, er dauðum má sök gefa (viz. í), it is in three places that a man can be slain with impunity, N. G. L. i. 62; þat er í einum stað, er maðr hittir (viz. í), it is in one place that …, id.
    III. a demonstrative pron. may be added to the relat. particle, e. g. er þeirra = quorum, er þeim = quibus, er hans, er hennar = cujus; but this is chiefly used in old translations from Lat., being rarely found in original writings; þann konung, er undir honum eru skatt-konungar, that king under whom vassals serve, Edda 93; ekkja heitir sú, er búandi hennar ( whose husband) varð sótt-dauðr; hæll er sú kona kölluð er búandi hennar er veginn, 108; sú sam-stafa, er raddar-stafr hennar er náttúrlega skammr, that syllable, the vowel of which is naturally short, Skálda 179; sá maðr, er hann vill, that man who wishes, Grág. i. 19; sá maðr, er hann skal fasta, 36; nema ein Guðrún, er hón æva grét, G. that never wailed, Gh. 40; þess manns, er hann girnisk, Hom. 54; sæl er sú bygghlaða … er ór þeirri …, felix est illud horreum … unde …, Hom. 15; engi er hærri speki en sú, er í þeirri …, nulla melior est sapientia quam ea, qua …, 28; varðveita boðorð hans, fyrir þann er vér erum skapaðir, ejusque mandata custodire, per quem creati sumus, 28; harða göfugr er háttr hófsemi, fyrir þá er saman stendr …, nobilis virtus est valde temperantia, per quam …, id.; elskendum Guð þann er svá mælti, Deum diligentibus qui ait, id.; skírn Græðara várs, er í þeirri, 56; er á þeim = in quibus, 52: rare in mod. writers, enginn kann að játa eðr iðrast réttilega þeirrar syndar, er hann þekkir ekki stærð hennar og ílsku, Vídal. i. 226.
    IV. in the 14th century, the relat. pron. hverr was admitted, but by adding the particle er; yet it has never prevailed, and no relative pronoun is used in Icel. (except that this pronoun occurs in the N. T. and sermons, e. g. Luke xi. 1, whose blood Pilate had mingled, is rendered hverra blóði Pilatus hafði blandað; an old translator would have said, er P. hafði blandað blóði þeirra): hvern er þeir erfðu, M. K. 156; hverjar er hón lauk mér, id.; af hverju er hann megi marka, Stj. 114; hvat er tákna mundi, Fms. xi. 12.
    V. the few following instances are rare and curious, er þú, er ek, er mér, er hón; and are analogous to the Germ. der ich, der du, I that, thou that; in Hm. l. c. ‘er’ is almost a superfluous enclitic, eyvitar fyrna er maðr annan skal, Hm. 93; sáttir þínar er ek vil snemma hafa, Alm. 7; ójafnt skipta er þú mundir, Hbl. 25; þrár hafðar er ek hefi, Fsm. 50; auði frá er mér ætluð var, sandi orpin sæng, Sl. 49; lauga-vatn er mér leiðast var eitt allra hluta, 50; ærr ertu Loki, er þú yðra telr, Ls. 29, cp. 21, Og. 12, Hkv. 2. 32; tröll, er þik bíta eigi járn, Ísl. ii. 364. ☞ This want of a proper relat. pron. has probably preserved Icel. prose from foreign influences; in rendering Lat. or mod. Germ. into Icel. almost every sentence must be altered and broken up in order to make it vernacular.
    B. Conj. and adv. joined with a demonstrative particle, where, when:
    1. loc., þar er, there where = ubi; þar er hvárki sé akr né eng, Grág. i. 123; hvervetna þess, er, N. G. L. passim.
    2. temp. when; ok er, and when; en er, but when: þá er, then when; þar til er, until, etc., passim; annan dag, er menn gengu, Nj. 3; brá þeim mjök við, er þan sá hann, 68; sjaldan fór þá svá, er vel vildi, Ld. 290; ok í því er Þórgils, and in the nick of time when Th., id.: þá lét í hamrinum sem er ( as when) reið gengr, Ísl. ii. 434; næst er vér kómum, next when we came, Eg. 287; þá er vér, when we, id.
    II. conj. that (vide ‘at’ II, p. 29); þat er (is) mitt ráð er ( that) þú kallir til tals, Eg. 540; ok þat, er hann ætlar, Nj. 7: ok fansk þat á öllu, er ( that) hon þóttisk vargefin, 17; en þessi er (is) frásögn til þess, er ( that) þeir vóru Heljar-skinn kallaðir, Sturl. i. 1; ok finna honum þá sök, er (en MS.) hann hafði verit, that he had been, Fms. vii. 331; af hverju er hann megi marka, from which he may infer, Stj. 135; hvárt er (en MS.) er (is) ungr eða gamall, either that he is young or old, N. G. L. i. 349; spurði hann at, hvárt er, asked him whether, Barl. 92; mikill skaði, er slíkr maðr, that such a man, Fms. vi. 15; hlægligt mér þat þykkir, er ( that) þú þinn harm tínir, Am. 53; er þér gengsk illa, that it goes ill with thee, 53, 89; hins viltú geta, er ( that) vit Hrungnir deildum, Hbl. 15.
    2. denoting cause; er dóttir mín er hörð í skapi, for that my daughter is hard of heart, Nj. 17.
    β. er þó, although, Skálda 164.
    3. þegar er, as soon as, when, Fms. iv. 95, cp. þegar’s above: alls er þú ert, for that thou art, i. 305; síðan er, since, after that, Grág. i. 135; en siðan er Freyr hafði heygðr verít, Hkr. (pref.); but without ‘er,’ N. G. L. i. 342. In the earliest and best MSS. distinction is made between eptir er ( postquam), þegar er ( quum), meðan er ( dum), síðan er ( postquam), and on the other hand eptir ( post), þegar ( jam), meðan ( interdum), síðan (post, deinde); cp. meðan’s, síðan’s, þegar’s, above; but in most old MSS. and writers the particle is left out, often, no doubt, merely from inaccuracy in the MSS., or even in the editions, (in MSS. ‘er’ is almost always spelt  and easily overlooked): again, in mod. usage the particle ‘at, að,’ is often used as equivalent to ‘er,’ meðan að, whilst; síðan að, since that; þegar að, postquam, (vide ‘at’ V, p. 29.)
    3rd pers. pres. is, vide vera.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > ER

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